Archive for July, 2010
Madison Martin – Co-Star My Spanking Roommate
by admin on Jul.29, 2010, under Spanking
This will be my last blog for about 5 days – won’t be around a computer for that long believe it or not – so I decided to post about Madison Martin, one of the co-stars of My Spanking Roommate. You all may have your opinion about what constitutes a spankable bottom, but it would be hard to argue that there existed in this world a more spankable bottom than the one Madison sits on.
Madison can take a very hard spanking. She enjoys a moderate spanking a great deal, but she has pushed her limits many times for her art – sometimes even being spanked to the point of tears (more about that in future blogs). Madison was a top in the latest episode of My Spanking Roommate, giving (along with Chloe Elise) a sound spanking to Ashli Orion. In the top photo, Madison is seen spanking Ashli, the bottom photos are all shots of Madison’s spankable bottom.
Fun facts about Madison (besides that she enjoys being spanked) include – she is an AMAZING dancer (no one can shake a booty like Madison), she can belch (loudly) on demand and she has a spectacular singing voice (R & B style). Please check back in next Tuesday night as I begin to plow through the remaining cast for the rapidly approaching school girl shoot – Exclusive Education 5 for the Girl Spanks Girl site.
Chloe Elise – Spanking Superstar
by admin on Jul.26, 2010, under Spanking

Take it from someone who has worked with hundreds (working toward 1,000) of spanking models, Chloe Elise is one of the superstars of the spanking biz. She is beautiful, can give and take a hard spanking, has a fantastic personality, offers versatility as an actress, excells at being bratty, and of course has a very spankable bottom.
Clare Fonda is thrilled to have Chloe as one of the stars on My Spanking Roommate, where her latest episode begins running today. On the site, which is a spanking soap opera, Chloe plays an accountant. In this episode she is doing taxes for one of her neighbors in the apartment complex Nicole (played by Ashli Orion). Nicole is a major bratty screw up and gives Chloe a VERY difficult time, which of course results in Chloe spanking her – with hand and a paddle. Madison Martin also spanks Nicole in this episode.
As far as behind the scenes, it was difficult to hold Chloe back from spanking Ashli. Something about Ashli’s personality cries “spank me – NOW bitch.” So it was all I could do to keep up with Chloe’s desire to spank Ashli – since I believe that no spank should go unfilmed.
While Chloe has appeared on many of the best spanking sites, she brings her entire bag of tricks to this site as one of the stars of My Spanking Roommate. So if you love spankings, you should definitely check out Chloe on all her spanking sites and on her blog.

Spanked Secretaries
by admin on Jul.25, 2010, under Spanking
Spanking secretaries has been a long time fantasy for many. On the My Spanking Roommate site, there are many episodes didicated to secretaries getting spanked. Madison Martin, one of the main characters of this spanking soap opera, plays one such secretary (though her character insists she is an administrative assistant whever she is called a “secretary.”) She is spanked often by her boss Harmony. Sinn Sage also plays a secretary on the site – and in future episodes she will be giving and receiving many spankings.
And Chloe Elise, another main character of the site, plays an accountant – so while not appearing as a secretary getting spanked, she has an office inside her apartment and is part of many clerical style spankings. Either over-the-knee on an office chair, or bent over a desk. The next episode on My Spanking Roommate is an episode in which Chloe spanks Nicole (played by Ashli Orion) for failing to supply all of her tax information. Madison also appears in the episode, which begins running tomorrow.
There are several news stories about secretaries actually getting spanked, though when it happens these days it usually results in bad news for the spanker. However on My Spanking Roommate, the results are quickly forgotten and often repeated. More on Chloe Elise tomorrow.
Casting Exclusive Education 5 – Hollie Stevens
by admin on Jul.23, 2010, under Spanking
Hollie Stevens has always been on my radar as a spanking model with a great booty, terrific reations, and – well there is something about her I have always liked even though I have never met her or seen her in person. So I went about recruiting her for Exclusive Education 5, the big school girl video to be shot in early August for Girl Spanks Girl.
Even though she lives in San Francisco, Hollie agreed to be in the cast. In fact I will be picking her up at the airport on the way to the shoot, so I will get a chance to talk to her for a while. She shared this photo of her in a pirate outfit. She makes a very sexy pirate. I’ll check back in after the shoot on how she fares as a school girl. My expectations are high.
A Miley Cyrus Spanking Might Look Like This
by admin on Jul.22, 2010, under Spanking
For those of you who have seen how badly Miley Cyrus wants to look like the hot chick (some would say slut), the next best thing to seeing her get spanked for this is to check out Brynn Tyler getting spanked on Spanked Sweeties. During Brynn’s interview for the site, she talks about how she often received swats for misbehaving. And Clare Fonda, who really looks like she could be Brynn’s hot mom, delivered one of the short, true reenactment spankings.
But knowing that viewers would want to watch a longer, harder spanking, Clare (looking a little like Miley’s sexy mom Tish Cyrus) gave Brynn a fantasy spanking – which was very real – and this could EASILY have been what it might be like if Miley Cyrus got spanked. Brynn was dressed is very short shorts and a loose top (much like the above photos of Miley) – and she was spanked to tears. Not sobbing, but soft, genuine tears.
And according to her own bio book, Miley was spanked growing up – and even recently by her mom Tish (maybe it went down something like the scene on Spanked Sweeties). Watch Miley’s interview with Tyra Banks through to the end to hear Miley admit her mom spanks her, while her mom says “I don’t care how old you are.” Hey, maybe when Miley’s a little older she’ll shoot a Spanked Sweeties for Clare.
Spanking With Mirrors
by admin on Jul.21, 2010, under Spanking
If any of you have checked out the photos on the last blog post, you will see a shot of Brooke Lee Adams spanking Mia Lelani in front of a mirror, which appears presently on Girl Spanks Girl. The beauty of shooting with a mirror is that in the same shot, you can see the spankee’s bottom and the reactions on her face when she is in the popular over-the-knee and bent over spanking positions.
You can achieve this somewhat from the side view, but shooting the bum straight on and seeing the entire face are really the best, in my opinion. Of course there are many challenges shooting with mirrors – number one being how easy it is to catch the reflection of the cameraman or to reflect the lights used on the shoot. It is not something you would find in a typical scene, except for a bathroom shoot – as referenced in these two photos from older Girl Spanks Girl scenes, featuring Kay Richards and Lauren Legends on the first shot and Sophie and Ashley Fires in the second.
Spanking Improv
by admin on Jul.20, 2010, under Spanking
Brooke Lee Adams and Mia Lelani are appearing again on Girl Spanks Girl. The first scene they shot had the girls playing cheerleaders, and Mia spanked Brooke for missing practice. This scene has the two playing the same characters, getting ready to go to a costume party. When Mia decides she won’t go, Brooke uses spanking as a tool to change her mind.
Now an interesting note about this shoot is all that Brooke and Mia were told about the scene is what you just read in the first paragraph. All of their lines and actions were improvised off that one direction. That plus at some point they needed to make out a little bit. And from the time “action” was spoken, they finished the scene 17 minutes later, without cutting once. So essentially, they improvised a 17 minute spanking scene. When something like this happens, with little direction given, you really get to see the personalities of the girls – or at least a character that they have created.
Brooke created a slightly bratty girl who relishes her chance for a revenge spanking. Mia created a kooky character (she even makes fun of her own heritage when picking out costumes). In most shoots, Clare Fonda will give a moderate amount of direction. In some rare cases, such as a custom video, or when Alicia Panitterre did a fantasy spanking, the entire shoot is scripted and lines must be memorized.
It is also rare when Clare gives a steady stream of direction, cutting often and steering the shoot in a very specific way (this usually only happens when there is a guest female top on Clare Spanks Men or a custom that was not scripted). But from my perspective, the shoots that encourage total improv on the part of the models are the most entertaining – to watch, to shoot, and to draw out skills not found in the typical model. Brooke and Mia accomplished this.
And while the spanking is not hard, it definitely was the hardest level these girls could go – meaning it is a real spanking – just not one that produces bruises or welts. Wouldn’t it be nice if some day to compete with a comedy improv club someone opened a spanking improv club? They could recruit Brooke and Mia (to go along with some of the all time great spanking improv artists like Clare Fonda, Kay Richards, Chelsea Pfeiffer, Amber Pixie Wells, Lily Anna and Audrey Knight).
Casting Exclusive Education 5 – Kat St. James
by admin on Jul.19, 2010, under Spanking
Kat St. James shot with Clare Fonda for the site Spanked Call Girls. She is known as someone who can take a very hard spanking, and she proved that she could. In fact, it looked like she really wasn’t tested on the Call Girls shoot, that she could take more – which she definitely will do in the upcoming Exclusive Education 5 shoot.
On the Spanked Call Girls shoot, she also spanked Alice Wonder (who was in the first Exclusive Education five years ago). Kat didn’t spank Alice very hard, but it was a very sensual scene and then Clare came in as the madam and spanked them both rather hard. Kat is very soft spoken, so it appears she will be one of the quiet, well behaved school girls who gets it really hard. Or perhaps a hidden bratty side will emerge when she is surrounded by nine school girls. We’ll find out in August.
Jenni Mack vs. Sarah Gregory
by admin on Jul.18, 2010, under Spanking
What you learn about working with Clare Fonda, is that she rewards the best girls with more shoots. By best I mean those who bring it all – give and/or take hard spankings, bring real reactions, great work ethic, and true love and respect for what we do. You can figure out who those ladies are – because they pop up often on Clare Fonda sites. Jenni Mack and Sarah Gregory are two of these models, and they can be seen together right now in an episode of My Spanking Roommate.
This scene is the first time the beautiful Jenni was filmed spanking someone. And the first time she was filmed being spanked by someone other than Miss Chris or Clare Fonda. So it was a great honor as Jenni is an amazing talent. Sarah (who is one of the top spanking models) has shot with Clare many, many times, so it was appropriate that she be the one to break Jenni in on camera. And the two girls were up to the task – making it somewhat of a competition to see who could spank harder.
If you want to decide who the winner is, check out this episode, then check back in on My Spanking Roommate in October to see Jenni spank Sarah (who goes by the character name of Louise in this spanking soap opera since someone already had the character name of Sarah when she was cast). Be sure to check out Sarah’s blog and Jenni’s blog. And weigh in after October on who spanked harder.
Casting Exclusive Education 5 – Lana
by admin on Jul.17, 2010, under Spanking