by admin on Aug.03, 2010, under Spanking

There will be three girls making their spanking video debut when we shoot Exclusive Education this Sunday. All three are from The Domion, which means if you are in the West Los Angeles area, you can schedule a session with any of these three. All I know about Sandy and Marie is that Lana, who also works at the Dominion now (as Mistress Naomi), recommended them, so they must be good.
I have witnessed first hand, however, Alicia (who will play one of the teachers) spank Lindsay, who is very cute, with a spankable bottom. Lindsay looks very young – she even has braces – and boy she can take a sound spanking. There is not much I can say about these three yet, but be sure to check back in after the shoot as next week I will spend many blogs on the behind the scenes of this massive shoot.
Pictured above from left to right are Lindsay, Sandy, and Marie.
:school girl spanking