by admin on Aug.13, 2010, under Spanked school girls

The run down on each of the school girls in the recent Exclusive Education 5 shoot will begin with Maire Elle. Having never met her before, I didn’t know what to expect. First thing she said was “when is the shoot over?” followed by “can my boyfriend stay?” Not a great beginning. Can you imagine at least 13 boyfriends lurking around our compact classroom set – all trying to get a free view?
Thankfully there was a no boyfriend on set rule. This way – no peep shows, no guys wandering around getting in the shots, no extra drama. Things got better of course. Marie was outstanding verbally (she was born in France and broke out the accent near the end of the shoot). She says she is a life style player – though she was the only model to call “mercy.” But all in all she was very game and brought a lot of spark to the shoot.
And many of the girls were actually writing something when they were supposed to – and Marie had the funniest “assignment.” This is exactly what she wrote (spelling as is from her paper – and she drew a heart over ithe “i” in her name.
Dear Daddy,
America is not as fun as you said. This is NOT normal. We have to take our panties off when we get spanked. I want to come back to France. I miss Paris. I don’t want to get spanked anymore. Please send me a plane tickit home.
I love you,
Marie Elle.
:school girl spanking