by admin on Sep.03, 2010, under spanked girlfriends

In all of my shoots with Madison Martin, she has cried real tears twice. One of those scenes is now up on My Spanking Roommate. We shot a few scenes the day we did this shoot, and maybe it was a culmination of pain. A wooden paddle was used when the tears came. Or it could’ve been something in the scenario that triggered the tears.
Sometimes models cry from pain, but often it is more about where they are emotionally. This scene was about starting a relationship with a boyfriend, and disappointing him by continuously being late – something that Madison struggles with in real life on occasion.
Whatever the cause, Madison was clear about us going on with the shoot despite the tears. So there you have it – Madison Martin – beautiful, outstanding spanking bottom, and gamer.
:Spanked secretaries
September 14th, 2010 on 10:20 am
Madison Martin is always delightful.
It was just super you told us about her recent MSR set and shared the four adorable stills. Thank you so much.
Bottom line is that I renewed our MSR subscription, at a point when only the first 4 clips of the new Madison set were up. Clearly she was struggling to hold back tears. In the final 2 clips she let her emotions go, and you had your camera in the perfect place to show all that. Now the full scene is up and marvelous.
Speaking of outstanding cinematography, the way you brought the most out of Natasha trying to skulk past Momma Clare in Natasha Spanked Sweeties should earn you a Bettie Award at the next AVN ceremony! Your subtle lighting and camera work during her Sweeties Talk is equally outstanding. Perhaps some forget that it requires a lot of talent and experience to bring out the best when there is hardly any action in a scene. Natasha talking is a fine example. Unfortunately in mainstream talking head scenes rotten lighting and photography is the norm.
September 14th, 2010 on 11:58 pm
Thanks for sharing Angela and I’m glad you enjoy. Madison is defintely one of my all time favorites and I appreciate the kind words about my camera work.