by admin on Sep.14, 2010, under Spanking in movies and TV

I finally watched THE KILLER INSIDE ME on DVD and was surprised to discover that it had THREE spanking scenes, not just the two now famous Kate Hudson and Jessica Alba’s spankings. The one with Jessica Alba is fairly lengthy, Kate Hudson gets about 5 swats on the bare bottom.
And they cut to a young (incredibly) kinky mom (played by Caitlin Turner) who has marks on her bare behind she says are left from her husband. Then she spanks herself with her hand and invites her young son to spank her, too. The movie is not easy to watch because Casey Affleck’s character beats his girlfriends sensely, which no spanko wants to see. But the spanking scenes are pretty good.
They seem very real. And knowing that for each shot, there were many, many takes, and with all the different angles to cover the scene, no doubt these three starlets, all spanked on the bare, were pretty sore after filming their spanking scenes.
:spanking in movies
September 15th, 2010 on 10:42 am
Several months ago my husband and I saw a screening of “The Killer Inside Me” I totally agree with you, Caitlin Turner is fresh to movies and a delight, without being a teenager.
After that screening I asked Amazon to notify me when the BluRay became available. When I woke up today they had sent me a message saying my pre-order would arrive between 4 and 8 October. It is also available in DVD.
Kate Hudson comes from a loving and talented family, yet the first time I saw her in 200 Cigarettes I wanted to spank her character. Later I felt the same way about Kate as “Penny Lane” in Almost Famous. Now I had the chance to see her spanked on-screen bare bottom.
Of course “The Killer Inside Me” would have benefited if they had hired the entire Team Fonda to style, stage and photograph the spanking scenes. It takes experience to place the shadows just right to let the viewers see bottom getting progressively red. Over expose the bottom even slightly and the saturation is lost.
September 16th, 2010 on 1:18 am
Mainstream movies tend to shy away from showing a real spanking – they want to hide what is happening – cutting away quickly, keeping some of the shots in shadows – or sometimes using red gels (like they did in the De Sade film). Some day maybe a maistream movie will show a spanking scene in the light of day – for all to see. Until then, by all means, tune in to Fonda sites!
September 16th, 2010 on 9:12 am
Indeed, in the Hollywood Pre-Code era of @1929 to July 1934 spanking and other forms of corporal punishment was frequently shown in major studio films. Then when Joe Breen really started enforcing the Hays office Production Code he had no problem with spanking so long as the spankee was an adult woman and the scene was for laughs. I mean, even William Powell talked about corporal punishment for a long time in a Thin Man sequel before he did “spank” lovely Myrna Loy playfully.
Blue Hawaii (1961) seems to have been a return to the screwball romantic kind of spanking. John Wayne seals his romance with Elizabeth Allen as a climax to “Donovan’s Reef” (1963) by spanking her over her skirt. As shown the spanks do not appear playful, although her skirt was thick enough she could easily have been wearing a “spanking pad”.
McLintock! (1963) seems to have been the last major studio romantic comedy to use spanking of women. That climax of Wayne spanking Maureen O’Hara shows her only covered by very supple and thin bloomers.
Probably Blue Hawaii got away with the sheer and soaking wet nightie covering Jenny Maxwell’s beautiful backside while Elvis was spanking her only because that up-tight prig Joseph I. Breen had been fired from the Code Administration by the frustrated major studios.
You are right about shadows and typical stunt tricks after 1964. Think of “Places in the Heart” and “Coal Miner’s Daughter”
I am not sure in “The Happy Valley” (1987) is actually mainstream. It was produced on location in Kenya by the BBC with established performers and on a significant budget. The story deals with the 1941 death of the Earl of Erroll. Unfortunately for “The Happy Valley” the major studio movie “White Mischief” not only covers the same event with even better known performers, it was filming in Kenya at the same time.
In “The Happy Valley” a still teen Holly Aird, who starred as a child in “The Flame Trees of Thika” TV series filmed in Kenya, is rather brutally caned and whipped in several scenes. The photography is well done so the viewer believes the violence.
Clearly the BBC expected “The Happy Valley” would make a profit. Bummer that by the time it was shown in the UK the whole anti-caning movement had taken hold. Not only was the TVM only shown once in the UK, the only other market to show it was Western Germany and then just once. No authorized VHS or DVD has ever been issued, although some poor-quality clips were sold in Cinema Spanks.
My how times change, because in “The Flame Trees of Thika” Holly Aird is made to bend over her bed for a hairbrush spanking from her father. That was realized by rather obvious shadows and camera angles suggesting no spanks actually landed.