by admin on Dec.14, 2010, under Spanking Interviews

It is important to show as much as possible in an interesting fashion when filming a spanking scene. But the 2 most important body parts to show are the BOTTOM and the FACE. Fans love to see the curved bottom getting what it derves and then seeing the facial reactions.
In the photo above, at the top we see the entire view (necessary to establish the geography of the scene). This is Lindsay getting spanked on Spanked Sweeties. What we learned about Lindsay on this shoot is that due to an old back injury, she can’t lift her head up entirely when over the knee, which makes it challenging to caputre her facial reactions. In future shoots with Lindsay, expect to see more bent over spankings as opposed to over the knee.
On the shots below that photo, we see a close up of the lovely Madison Martin – her bottom and her face, which appears on the latest Spanked Call Girls. Edit these different shots together and we are delivering the goods. Oddly enough, some sites don’t shoot all 3 of these views – but intead just two different shots that are not even edited together – but editing is another blog for another day.
:Spanking Shots
December 14th, 2010 on 8:56 pm
Cameraman, as always your work is marvelous.
As a huge fan of lovely Lindsay, I am glad for the explanation. During her spankings in EE5 I noticed she was not shown throwing back her head. With all the action of two simultaneous spankings I just assumed that was a series of editing decisions.
Of course I am so sorry about Lindsay’s back injury. If her only residual after effect is not being able to throw back her head while over a lap, in most circumstances that would hardly be an issue. Perhaps it is a bigger deal for a professional submissive spanking actress.
As you say, in the future Lindsay can be bent over for spanking. I suppose it would not be practical to cut a hole in the floor so the face camera could be lower. Or the spanking chair could be placed on risers, apple boxes or a stage. As Sam Goldwyn said, “Where there’s a will, there’s a relative.”
Speaking of Lindsay, her voice is soft, yet you managed to record all her Sweeties Talk, which I find fascinating. Lindsay has to be the first Bottom to argue with her Master, who had already assigned her punishment lines, over the placement of a semi-colon joining a run-on sentence.
Does this mean innocent-looking Lindsay is a thinking man’s Bottom. And now she is a Switch-in-Training. Sort of a younger and smaller Stephanie Locke!
December 14th, 2010 on 9:16 pm
Lindsay indeed appears to be very quiet and shy, but from what she says on and off camera, she has a sassy side and can certainly bottom from the top as they say. Having met Stephanie Locke on a number of occasions, I would have to say that Lindsay is not quite Stephanie’s match when it comes to filling up a scene verbally.