by admin on Jan.03, 2011, under spanked girlfriends

So the latest episode on My Spanking Roommate features Kay Richards teaching her maid to speak English – while spanking her like crazy. So I came up with the word “spanklish” to cover this. Pretty hilarioius, huh?
If you like a little comedy, with a very solid spanking – hand and a nasty hairbrush – then you should check this one out. Rosario Stone plays the maid and her English could use some work in real life, so this episode has a real ring of truth.
If you can speak Spanish (that is spoken really, really fast) then this episode can be an added bonus because Rosario goes on and on in Spanish – I assume talking about how she does not want to be spanked any more.
By the way, does anyone know the word for “spanking” in Spanish?
:Spanking the Maid, Spanklish