by admin on Jan.22, 2011, under Spanking

The other day I was editing the photos from a shoot when I happened upon Clare Fonda making a funny face. I never really thought about this (don’t ask me why) but Clare makes A LOT of interesting (okay funny) faces during a shoot. Well they are not just funny.
She’s an excellent actress and is very expressive – so most fit the scene she is in perfectly. I think that’s what makes her one of the best tops out there. She also mixes up her look.
The other day I was watching a clip from a site that I have never shot for, but do enjoy watching. They were featuring the top they use for a large percentage of their shoots. She was making pretty much the same expression she always makes.
So now I feel lucky that I get to shoot the very expressive Clare. So without spending too much effort tracking down the funniest faces Clare has made, I dug up some random face shots from recent shoots and put them all in the montage above. Hope you enjoy!
:Clare Fonda, faces of spanking