by admin on Feb.13, 2011, under spanked girlfriends

The headline to this blog makes me imagine Amber “Pixie” Wells (who of course is one of the all time great spanking models) fighting off tons of other spanking models in some big spankfest to see who comes out on top. But that is not exactly what happens on the current My Spanking Roommate episode. But it comes close.
The episode begins with Ashley (played by Ariel X) showing up to a school girl party where all the girls spank her because it’s her birthday. In what is a pretty unusual spanking, all the girls sit on chairs in a line and pass Ariel from lap to lap getting in several whacks (way more than one for each year). For purposes of the story, Amber set this up.
So Ariel pays Amber a visit and gives her a long, hard spanking to make things (more than) even.
I always love shooting with Pixie. She is so kind and sweet and genuine. And of course she is known for her enthusiasm, great acting skills and how hard she can take a spanking. And she plays a recurring character on the Roommates site that is a lot of fun to watch. Her character is VERY naughty, which Pixie seems to relish playing.
So if you’re a fan of lots of girls spanking one assembly line fashion and/or a fan of Pixie check it out.
:Amber "Pixie" Wells, My Spanking Roommate
February 28th, 2011 on 10:51 am
very nice vid with lovely Pixie hope you are feeling better lovey,and Ariel,best ,tim