by admin on Jul.11, 2011, under Spanking, Spanking Interviews

As a teenager, I had this idea that porn stars were somehow different than “normal” people. They probably never spoke to guys like me. If they did, they would sound different. Talk in some oddly strange sexual voice and only talk about sex. Maybe they walked differntly, only ate long, weird vegetables or bananas. I don’t know. I’m not really sure what I thought.
When I started shooting spanking scenes in the late 1990s, I was told by many spankos that you don’t use “porn” models for spanking shoots. They don’t mix. Well I have been shooting many adult models lately for spanking scenes, and I am here to tell you a “behind the curtain” revelation.
Porn stars are just normal people who talk about normal stuff. Where they like to buy clothes. Some guy they have been dating. What movies they like. They sound normal. Their laughs are normal. They can eat hamburgers and walk like everyone else.
Shay Golden, who was shot recently for Spanked Sweeties, is very much like the cute girl next door. She even has this shy giggle that you’d hear in some mainstream romantic comedy. No tatoos. Athletic build. If you sat next to her in an airport, you’d think “cute girl.” Without some cheesey bam chicka bawm bawm music playing, you’d never know she was an adult actress.
Part of the misconception, in my opinion, is seeing these girls on “porn” sites, with too much make up on, photos touched up so much that the features of their faces are lost and then all models look the same.
The great thing about the Sweeties site, is that when you hear someone like Shay interviewed, you get to hear how she is so earthy, sweet, funny. Maybe just like the cute girl who lives next store to you. Only this one is capable of taking a mega-hard spanking (see photos above – with facial features intact). So the advice I got so long ago about not shooting adult models for spanking scenes was bad. Porn stars often are fantastic for spanking shoots. Shay Golden is on par with any spanking model I have ever filmed.
:Shay Golden, Spanking Interviews
July 11th, 2011 on 8:02 pm
You raise some great points about adult film stars being normal people like you and me, and also it’s wonderful to see Shay on your site, as the vid and the pix are simply *exquisite*.
I really like how you don’t, I call it “pornify,” you don’t “pornify” these adult film stars with all the make-up and outfits–as you said, they appear on your site like the girls next door, albeit quite attractive. 🙂 And highly cherry reddeliciously spankable.
keep up the great work,
July 12th, 2011 on 12:47 am
Thanks, Dave. My complaint with how adult stars are often made up and Photoshopped to look is that it takes away their indiduality. What some “porn” producers see as “touching up” a model’s face is what I see as removing her facial features that define who she is – it is removing her beauty and unique features.
July 15th, 2011 on 9:23 am
i think that can be so true the girls like the porn star could be spanking star i mean half of them has done spanking in there movie either where they got spanked or did a spanking but it wasnt the main point in the movies.that they done there is few female porn movies i have seen there was spanking in the movies which main reason i rent the movies and watch it.
i alway when go out in public and see certain females and wonder if they do spankings or into spanking. like if they like to be spanked or like to dish out spankings. iam talking about female working in stores or any other female that happen to be in the bar or store i go into.. main point is almost any body you see male or female could be into spankings. but you never will know or ever find out. i look at their butts then softly say to myself i want spank that butt or i want her to spank me lol
July 15th, 2011 on 9:56 am
That is an age old question to spankos – how do you tell you is into spanking. You can’t from looking at someone of course. But I have found (in a very unofficial personal observation study) that women with some serious tatoos tend to be more open to spanking – at a higher percetage. That is not to say all women with tats like spanking, or that all women without tats don’t like spanking – I’m just saying that if you are around a woman who has some tats, you’re less likely to get your face slapped if you ask her “do you like spanking?”
July 17th, 2011 on 8:30 am
true i know you cant really tell if female is into spanking. and i agree about the one with tats may be into spanking. i agree you might slap in face or kick in balls or be call sick and pervert if you ask a female with tats she into spanking.
also u may get one of the other thing kick and call sick and pervert to any female even a female with out tats when u ask them if they into spankings
some may acutally be into it or like to only get spanked rather then handing one out but may turn you down casue dont know you/
July 17th, 2011 on 10:45 am
Yeah – not a good idea to ask a stranger if she is into spanking – but there are spanking social network groups liked Shadow Lane, where everyone in them is into spanking.
July 19th, 2011 on 2:29 pm
Clare’s girls all seem to work at the club in LA called The Dominion so maybe we need a blog post about it as I really would like to know who does what as far as spanking in those clubs, not just on video.
July 19th, 2011 on 6:00 pm
Every lady at the Dominion will do spanking. As far as the particulars of what you want, they work that out in a meeting before you session with them – their dos and don’ts. A lot of the ladies have worked for Clare – before and after they worked at the Dominon. There is also a new spanking club – used to be Passive Arts, but now it has opened as Sanctuary LAX. It is near the airport. I plan to blog about it in the next few weeks.
July 26th, 2011 on 6:39 am
you should also interview these girls the one who switches and hand outr spankings and ask them what they get out of spankings the mens and female. and do they see themselfswitching more and see them self doing more video where they do the spankings instead of getting spanked
also asked them if they do spanking in private life like as if boyfriend ask them to spank them or if they ask bf to spank them you get the picture iam sure