by admin on Nov.08, 2011, under Spanking Interviews

Clare Fonda has interviewed many for the Spanked Sweeties site. Some day I imagine a psychologist could use the site for research. I suspect that occasional a model embelishes a story, but in most cases they ring very true.
Missy Rhodes is presently running on Spanked Sweeties and she instantly became one of my all time favorite models. Missy is outstanding in every way. Behind the scenes she is professional beyond belief, mature, sweet and an excellent peformer who excels at improv. She is very funny in a quiet and unsuspecting way.
Check out a brief interview with her about shooting for Sweeties on Cherry Red. And Missy has her own blog as well.
Perhaps the most fascinating portion of Missy’s interview was the fact she says that her parents don’t remember spanking her when she was growing up. Missy called it “spanking denial.” She says that while her parents seem to have forgotten spanking her and her sister, she remembers the spankings very well and a couple of the mom spankings are re-enacted superbly by Missy and Clare Fonda (who looks A LOT like Missy’s mom).
And Tegan Summers (also pictured above) does a cameo scene as Missy’s sister getting spanked. They look a lot like sisters, too. Pretty cool family, huh?
:spanking interview
November 9th, 2011 on 7:35 am
You are absolutely correct, Missy Gold Rhodes and Tegan Summers are adorable additions to the Clare Fonda Galaxy of Stars! Having, up to now, only seen them separately I had not noticed that Tegan and Missy do look like sisters.
Within hours of seeing Clare Fonda on video I realized how much she resembles my own mother, Alice, when she was Clare’s age. My youngest sister by coincidence is named Missy. She is about Clare’s age and looks like an even taller version of her, as well as of our Mom. Several years ago at a Studio City event more than one participant thought my sis Missy was Clare. Small World.
The Spanked Sweeties interview with Ms Rhodes is fascinating. I am now tingling in anticipation of seeing Ms Summers introduced as her sister.
Yes, Missy Rhodes and Tegan Summers are also cute as all get out on another of Clare’s sites. Fortunately for us my sis Missy and I are way into all of this.
November 9th, 2011 on 12:09 pm
Glad you are enjoying the Missy Sweeties, Angela. And that is a coincidence for sure with you own sister.
November 9th, 2011 on 8:59 pm
Besides all of Clare’s outstanding adult spanking sites, she has Naughty Diaper Girls. This works out because of my own interests.
So, how do you and the actresses feel about making diaper videos? I must say you folks do those very well.
November 9th, 2011 on 10:30 pm
I live the Missy videos. I really wish clare did more spanking scenes where the “mom” has the girl stand at her lap with her hands on her head while she pulls her panties down slowely.
It’s done more on girlspanksgirl but still not a lot. It’s definitely my favorite part of her movies.
Seems like everyone is just yanking them down otk these days without any formality. 🙁
November 9th, 2011 on 10:30 pm
I love the Missy videos. I really wish clare did more spanking scenes where the “mom” has the girl stand at her lap with her hands on her head while she pulls her panties down slowely.
It’s done more on girlspanksgirl but still not a lot. It’s definitely my favorite part of her movies.
Seems like everyone is just yanking them down otk these days without any formality. 🙁
November 10th, 2011 on 9:47 pm
Most of the models are fine with shooting diaper videos. There are a few who prefer not to, and those of course are not up on the site. I am of course fine with shooting the scenes for the diaper site.
November 10th, 2011 on 9:51 pm
Clare tries to reflect the actual childhood spankings, at least in tone. She will give a much longer spanking than most of the models received as children. But not too many of them speak of having to hold their arms above the head. Maybe that is more British? Not sure. But I know it does pop up in some of the Sweeties. Check out Ash Hollywood, I know she had to do it for one of her spankings.
November 11th, 2011 on 10:39 am
missy rhode is cute she another one of my favorite model she so she is short but iam sure she not one to mess with. i alway notice theydo get spanked alot longer and more hard then when they were kids by parents wonder if tyhey re learn the lesson then lol even so some of the model male or female may not actually been spanked at time for something they did as kid but do end up getting the spanking as an adult they should of when they do shoot the scene with clare or anyone else
November 12th, 2011 on 1:09 am
Sometimes a model says after shooting for Spankedsweeties that it made her really remember what the original experince was like.
November 12th, 2011 on 12:08 pm
The hands above the head bit may not always fit in with a spankedsweeties reenactment but it would be nice to see more girls standing when the panties are lowered. I don’t think it’s necssarily a British thing (I’m not british).
I think it’s something that goes hand in hand with barebottom spanking but often get’s lost in translation when an adult spanking video is made because most producers like to start off on the panties and then work their way up to bare bottom for entertainment value.
Only problem with that is that the girl is already otk when the panties come down and we miss out on the theatrics of the whole process.
I’d be curious to know what other peoples preferences are.
For my money it doesn’t get any better then Strict Cousin or Call Me First (both on girlspanksgirl). Hands on head or not I think the special attention paid in that area made the movies.
There are some commercial sites that almost NEVER do it in a standing position (punishedbrats, bad tushy etc).
I’m certainly glad Clare hasn’t overlooked this seemingly small detail. I’d like to see it more though especially on spankedsweeties.
November 15th, 2011 on 1:33 pm
Excellent videos of Clares she does the mummy discipline themes so brilliantlt and your filming of itthem is brilliant toowith the beautiful girls ,love the current vids with Mary Jane and Veronica ,young Mary Jane is giving her big spanks excellent what a grand team ,very best from tim.
November 15th, 2011 on 2:28 pm
Thanks for the compliment, Tim. And yes, I agree that Mary Jane can really give a spanking!