by admin on Jan.27, 2012, under spanking soap opera

Someone passed along a very nice, fair and favorable review of My Spanking Roommate. I agree with much of what the reviewer said and even updated the links to episodes on the Members Star page as he suggested. Check out his review Here. He has a very good blog, by the way.
Pictured above is Madison Martin (one of the main stars of the site) and Madison Young, who plays Tawny. One of the things I enjoy about the site is that we get to shoot a wide variety of locations. Madison was worknig in a classroom.
Also pictured in the post is the current episode on the sight, which includes the other original star, Kay Richards, working here with Sierra Salem.
We’re getting close to our 100th episode. Which is another blog post for another day.
:spanked roommates. schoolgirls spanked, spanking soap opera
January 28th, 2012 on 10:12 am
My Spanking Roommate is a great favourite of mine with the lovely girls there being spanked,best ,tim.
February 2nd, 2012 on 9:35 am
Great to have lovely Sierra back ,best,Tim.