by admin on Feb.18, 2012, under spanking soap opera

Episode 100 of My Spanking Roommate is up now and it stars Missy Rhodes (who made her debut on the site January 1) and Lilia Spinoza, who is making her debut in this episode.
Lilia and Missy will be joining the original talents Kay Richards and Madison Martin as the four main stars of the site. There are, of course, many supporting stars, many with huge roles in this spanking soap opera.
Missy was picked to be one of the main stars because of her willingness to push her limits when it comes to spanking, and because she is wildy hot and an amazing performer with great energy and very real reactions. She has a cute bottom that will get red and speckled often for the site.
Missy has a blog in which she talks about all of her fetish work, and occasionally posts about spanking. She said she will blog more about spanking as her role on this site grows. Missy is an awesome person and I feel confident fans of the Roommates site will love her.
Lilia is a rising spanking star and we were thrilled when she agreed to be one of the stars of the site. She has shot with a number of spanking sites, and her high threshold for a heavy spanking is becoming well documented. She is pretty good at giving a spanking as well. Lilia will be starting a blog soon.
In Episode 100, Lilia spanks Missy, first over a tight, black mini-dress. Then on Missy’s bare bottom. And then she convinces Missy (through spanking) to work as a waitress at Cleopatras.
Missy’s character is a bratty aspiring actress. After Missy is humiliated and made to put on the Egyptian uniform, Lilia spanks her with a wooden hairbrush.
Lilia’s lovely round bottom will be on the recieving end in future episodes as well. For now, I hope you guys enjoy our landmark 100th episode of My Spanking Roommate.
:Lilia Spinoza, Missy Rhodes, My Spanking Roommate
February 18th, 2012 on 7:46 pm
Wow, already Spanking Roommates has reached Episode 100! What a milestone.
Missy has proven herself adorable in every Clare Fonda production in which she appears.
Wasn’t Lilia the “guest star cheerleader” in the most recent Exclusive Education? She seems charming.
My only concern is that Lilia does not project her voice. Consequently her volume level is so low compared to Missy that understanding Lilia is difficult. This has to be a challenge to the on-set production sound recordist and boom operator.
February 19th, 2012 on 6:55 am
missy rhodes is cute and beautiful i already knew about her blog she answer one of my question on there i ask she said she tiny lol but iam wodner how tiny is she? and she even talked to me on her twitter account too. she told me she love spanking girls if they are into it and spanks the boys harder.
may i ask why you dont blog about clare spanks men site to where female who spanks the men or is this blog just for female spanking females and all clare female spanking site
February 19th, 2012 on 9:52 am
Mike – since it is my blog and I can write about whatever I choose, I just blog about female models because that is my preference. And since I use the angle of behind the scenes of shoots (for the most part) that is why I talk mostly about Clare Fonda sites, because that’s mostly what I shoot. But I am fine answering any questions I can about f/m or m/f spanking. Missy is on the smaller side — she is a few inches over 5ft tall – and while she is thin, she does have a little bubble butt. But despite her size, she can deliver a pretty good spanking. I have filmed her spanking females and males and I didn’t notice that she spanked one harder than the other – I’ll have to look at that closer next time.
February 20th, 2012 on 7:26 am
Congrats on the great achievement of 100 insalments of My Spanking Roommate a great favourite of mine and many others ,i have been a member from the beginning ,best wishes i shall look at lovely Missys blog she ia cute little spanko girl,best wishes from ,Tim..
February 20th, 2012 on 7:28 am
February 20th, 2012 on 10:43 am
Angela – I haven’t noticed Lilia creating any sound issues, but I will keep an eye out (or should I say ear out) – as always thanks for the tip.
February 20th, 2012 on 10:44 am
Thanks for being a supportive fan, Tim. I am biased, but I love the roommates site as well. Be on the lookout for a new spanking soap opera site starring Veronica Ricci as a sorority girl – it will debut on April 2.
February 20th, 2012 on 11:28 pm
This episode was so much fun to shoot! Missy is not only cute as a button, she is sweet and smart as well (I enjoyed chatting with her in the dressing room). The skit was also so fun and amusing to act out. I’m smiling and chuckling just thinking (and typing) about it 🙂
I will be starting up my blog very soon too – just working out some minor details.
February 21st, 2012 on 3:50 am
Thanks for checking in on Episode 100, Lilia!!! We all look forward to seeing your blog when it is up and running.
February 22nd, 2012 on 7:32 am
that ok and kool i was just wondering why u blog about what you do and i sort of already figure out i just curious why nobody blog about the clare spanks men site or about f/m from clare and those model that all i wasnt saying what you doing isnt a good thing it is a good thing we still get cool video and pics of the model them self but if we follow the blog and site we would see some of these girls model do cross over to all the sites that is clare fonda
February 22nd, 2012 on 6:57 pm
Wow, 100 episodes for a very good site, but I must say something was a bit wrong with the 100th episode not featuring Madison and Kay. Really, the only fitting 100th episode would have been Madison and Kay switching.
February 23rd, 2012 on 12:30 am
Omar you are correct that Kay and Madison should’ve been in the 100th episode. Kay has been busy in New Jersey for quite some time and then off to Hawaii to shoot for I think she said Playboy or Penthouse. Since she was unavailable, we shot a few other scenes with Madison and decided to debut Lilia as one of the new stars along with Missy Rhodes as our 100th episode. Kay will be back and shooting with us again soon, she assures us, and hopefully we can team Madison and Kay together for Episode 200.
February 26th, 2012 on 2:15 am
….and it’s up! My blog entry about episode 100 is now on my website 🙂 Hurray!
February 26th, 2012 on 2:48 am
Lilia’s blog is up – yay – there is a link in this blog post – great job Lilia – your blog looks very promising! And it was a great pleasure working with you and Missy on Episode 100!!
February 27th, 2012 on 12:43 pm
yes and very nice too,best,Tim.