by admin on Apr.07, 2012, under mother/daughter spanking

One of our brand new models appears on Girl Spanks Girl presently. Only she was supposed to appear on Spanked Sweeties. As you can see from the photo above, Celia cried real tears while Clare Fonda (playing her mother) spanked her.
I will confess as to why Celia and her red bottom and real tears is on Girl Spanks Girl instead of Sweeties, but first I will give you a long lecture about some technical things that may stop you from reading, thus you’ll never know what happened. You see, we are in the process of changing over from tapes to recording on data cards. The nice thing about tape is, you keep the tape.
So long after I have loaded all of the footage onto my hard drive, into my editing software, I can use the tape as a backup in the event that something happens to the data on the computer. Well, when you use data cards, you must wipe them some point so you can use the cards for another shoot. Thus, a new, much larger margin of error. So if you are still reading, you probably figured correctly, some of the data from Celia’s shoot was lost.
Fortunately, it was only the bulk of her interview. There is still the final part, in which she talks about her work at the Dominion. So that is an extra available on Girl Spanks Girl. Why use the data cards at all? Well, aside from the fact that most new video cameras give you only that option, they do have less compression than tape. They are quicker to transfer to the computer.
But one has to be EXTRA careful. Otherwise their Sweeties scene turns into a Girl Spanks Girl scene. Sorry about that, Celia. But don’t cry for us. Your excellent scene is still out there for all to see.