by admin on Aug.23, 2012, under spanking in the news
If you have always dreamed about spanking or getting spanked by Clare Fonda, now is your chance. She will be available weekends, for a month, starting THIS Saturday in Los Angeles, near the airport, at Sanctuary LAX
The above photo is a scene that will appear near the end of this year from one of Clare’s last shoots. She is working out all the time and has a rock hard bottom. Clare wants to make some “sidebucks” (as she puts it) and is working on some projects with the Sanctuary LAX and will be working under the name Submissive Jamie. She will be available for sessions – you can check out the website and/or call (310-910-0525) to schedule a time with her. Anyone who has seen Clare in action will know that she is creative, fun, approachable, hot, and really delivers.
Genesis works there, as well. Genesis has appeared in a number of our videos, and will be playing a young mom in a soon to be released Sweeties. She has become quite the hard spanker.

It was about seven years ago that Clare, Genesis and I all went to the Shadow Lane convention together. This year, no Clare. So if you want to see her, go to the Sanctuary LAX this weekend! Have a great time and support a friend at the same time.
:Clare Fonda
August 24th, 2012 on 12:54 pm
very nice indeed ,best from ,Tim.
August 26th, 2012 on 10:35 am
Sorry to see you have to have gogle account to get on lovely Christys spanky blog ,best from Tim .You spanked the little cutie well .
August 28th, 2012 on 12:57 am
Why would anyone want to spank a rock hard ass?
August 28th, 2012 on 1:28 am
Good point. Well, I haven’t actually felt it lately, but I’m sure it still has some bounce to it – and if it is fit and firm – that gives you a little more of a challenge? I don’t know – anyone else even reading this? Better to spank a big bouncy bum, or one that it is toned? Or both for variety?
August 28th, 2012 on 5:16 pm
Hey everyone- the Cameraman was being nice. My ass still has plenty of cheese on it!
August 29th, 2012 on 9:53 am
Hullo Clare nice to see you here ,the content with the lovely girls is great ,Cameraman have a spanking good time with all the spankos at the party ,best,Tim.