by admin on Aug.27, 2012, under Spanking

I am heading to Vegas tomorrow and will be attending the Shadow Lane convention. Veronica Ricci will be working with me promoting all of our sites. If you’re going, please stop by and visit us at our Vendor’s booth on Friday night.
If you are not attending, please note that some of the sites have been updated already through the weekend. I won’t be able to manage the sites while I’m away, so I needed to do some updates in advance. Anyway, hope to see some of you there!

In the meantime, enjoy these photos from the latest entry on Spanked Call Girls. The shot on the stairs was suggested by one of the models. Does it remind anyone of an old TV show?
And be sure to check in on Veronica’s blog to read all about the shoot. She conceived and directed this epic!
August 30th, 2012 on 1:12 pm
Very nice all the girls are playing naughty minxes and have big spanks ,young Veronica has done a good job here ,their botties are rosy pink from the pics.,and the vids with the girls preparing looks very promising ,love and spanks ,Veronica and best ,Cameraman when you return ,Tim.
September 4th, 2012 on 8:51 am
Look forward to your next post when back from the spanking party ,best,Tim.very nice vids .