by admin on Oct.12, 2012, under Spanking

There are two new DVDs available. ANGRY SPANKINGS consists of scenes that only were available on HOT GIRLS SPANKED. So if you are not the guy to buy clips4sale then this will all be new to you and lots of hard, angry spanking action. See the full list of DVDs HERE.

A scene that was mostly on Girl Spanks Girl, with Clare playing mother to Elise Graves is also available now on DVD. Elise has a nice bubble butt and got spanked for a really, really long time this day – as the entire thing was all shot continuously, with her getting spanked hard scene after scene.

Please note there is one slight change to the ordering address. Above is Odette getting spanked as Elise’s friend in A Mother’s Concern. Below, Elise is walking up the stairs, rubbing her red bubble butt.

October 13th, 2012 on 9:53 am
Cameraman i tried to get on members area of Girl spanks girl and Spanked call girls but cc bill would not let me wanting details of credit card ,please can you help it only started today ,Best ,Tim.
October 13th, 2012 on 9:18 pm
Tim, let me know if you still can’t get in. Email me at and let me know your username using that email address and I will help you resolve this issue.
October 14th, 2012 on 6:09 am
Cameraman i seem to be able to get on Girl spanks girl today ,many thanks ill let you know if theres any further trouble ,Tim.
October 14th, 2012 on 10:38 am
Okay, glad to hear that, Tim. Every once in a while there is a login issue – it usually clears up within 24 hours – but if you ever have any issues email me and I will make sure it is taken care of!
October 15th, 2012 on 7:52 am
i seem to like all these new pics and new model who spank and into spanking. sometime i see pic of a female and think to myself never thought somebody like that be into spanking. and willing to get spanked or dish out a spanking
iam talking about the first pic above the girl doing the spankingi look at her and i seen people who look like her out in public never thought somebody like her be into spankings
October 15th, 2012 on 9:46 am
You can see the girl doing the spanking, Traci, on Spanked Sweeties, also,where she talks about getting spanked growing up – and the spankings were re-enacted. So you could say she was getting spanked since she was little – and she is still spanking and getting spanked. In the near future, she will also appear on spanking sorority girls site (in November).
October 15th, 2012 on 1:46 pm
Cameraman who are the 2 cute girls in the first photo on this post please? girl otks ,best,Tim.
October 15th, 2012 on 2:04 pm
The spanker in the first photo is Traci Carr. She is on the Sweeties site (along with Clips4sale from this scene and on the new DVD release). She will appear on the sorority site next month. The girl getting spanked is Dylan Rose. She is also on Sweeties.
October 16th, 2012 on 11:40 am
Mr Ford thank you they are cuties ,that is the name Audrey Knight called you ,great to see her again being spanked ,will she spank other girls now she has returnedhope so? best from ,Tim.