by admin on Nov.20, 2012, under Spanking
As Veronica Ricci, the web consultant and I get deeper into prepping for Veronica’s new site, which will be called Spanking Veronica Works, we have an interesting dilemma and would love to have you guys give us your opinion in the comments of this blog.
I started converting the scenes we have shot so far into Window Media Files (WMV) because that is what I do for all the sites and all spanking sites that I am aware of also use this format. Veronica protested that these files are not mac friendly, which of course is true. And she said “not everyone wants to download some fucking software to make it work.” This is also true.
As you can see from this photo below, Veronica likes to clown around behind the scenes (here with Ashley Rose).

But when it comes to putting out high quality scenes, she is dead serious. So offering the best possible file format is important to her!
She also wants to be ahead of the curve and offer files that work easily on i-phones, which WMV files do not.
So I told her about Mpeg4 files, which work on macs and PCs and i-phones actually look a little better than WMV files in my opinion. In my experience so far, I have not encountered any problems playing these files.
But I am reaching out to all of you reading who might join this site – are you up for a new file format? It should play on your Windows Media player or your mac.
As a side note, I believe that Veronica is the mac girl of the year or something like that. And only a high tech girl such as Veronica would come up with such a sophisticated sci-fi-ey costumes such as the one below (clowning behind scenes with Daphne Sugar Rose).

Anyway, we really want to hear what you guys have to say about this. Are you good with MP4 files?? To start with, I will probably offer both, but would eventually like to settle into one format.
Your opinions mean a lot to us!
:Ashley Rose, Daphne Sugar Rose, spanking Veronica Ricci, Spanking Veronica Works
November 22nd, 2012 on 12:34 pm
Cameraman and Veronica personally i prefer what you use now it is clear in H.D. for others using mac perhaps you could offer them the other format ,best,Tim.
November 22nd, 2012 on 12:37 pm
Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends ,Tim.
November 22nd, 2012 on 1:27 pm
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Tim!
November 24th, 2012 on 8:21 am
doesnt matter to me long i can get the video to play and i haveo right thing to use to get video to play but i like idea of being able buy more dva and these vdieo you use for file can be added and aviable on dvd for purchase to buy. i love fact you offer dvd of some of these scene mean we can watch them even when we not on computer but albe watch them on our tv in dvd player
November 24th, 2012 on 9:53 am
wel i find the windows media files work well here ,best,Tim.
November 26th, 2012 on 11:15 am
Cameraman the last part of the latest Spanked sorority girls is not working with Christy and the other girl ,best,Tim.
November 26th, 2012 on 11:46 am
Tim, I just checked and the sorority clips are definitely working. Trying hitting your refresh button. In what way are they not working for you? Video not playing? You can’t connect the link?
November 27th, 2012 on 9:28 am
oos this link appears to be broken when i click the last part of Chrissys sorority girls spanked it Google says ,best,Tim.
November 27th, 2012 on 12:06 pm
Oh you mean clip 12 of that scene, Tim. Strangely, someone renamed that file on the server. I changed it back so the link will work now
November 28th, 2012 on 10:02 am
Righto ,thanks ,nice new one with Veronica and the other 2 girls ,are they drop seat pjs for spankings ?very good indeed ,best,Tim.
November 28th, 2012 on 12:41 pm
In the second part DAY TWO there will be drop seat PJs.
November 29th, 2012 on 8:54 am
very nice indeed ,lok forward to their spankings ,bestfrom ,Tim.look.
November 29th, 2012 on 10:53 am
The new site will be terrific and I think very popular! Just thinking it won’t be ready by January – more like February. Stay tuned for that.
November 30th, 2012 on 11:16 am
Yes i believe there is a lot to do to start a new site but young Veronica is getting it ready with yourself ,best,Tim.
November 30th, 2012 on 12:16 pm
Yes, Tim, Veronica has been a driving force behind this new site – and really pulling out all the stops. I really think it will be popular. Lots of hard spankings or scenes with great erotic spankings. Lots of beauties with booties. It will have it all.
December 4th, 2012 on 7:02 pm
6 of one or a half dozen of the other dennis is all i can say i guess….both certainly run fine and are of good quality…
as for you and your new site you might as well stick with windows media as that is what all of your other sites are….
all the best
December 4th, 2012 on 7:07 pm
dennis and tim….you guys need a chat room, LOL
in any event i am very much looking forward to new site asss well with more and hard spankings……
December 4th, 2012 on 7:16 pm
weird….my comment on mp4’s vs wmv did not post i will try again….
6 of one or a half dozen of the other for me dennis….i like both…both play on my pc just fine with either windows media player or VLC Media player just fine….so many spanking sites do both….or one or the other…some porn sites do both butt only offer HD Quality in MP4 and the windos are of lower quality their butt dont know why they do that….maybe it is something to do with MAC’s so you certainly want to try and help all who want spanking videos watch them 🙂 butt again….all beans to me man both work fine…just ass long as the spankings get has hard ass yours….absofuckinglutley love Syren de Mer and her spanking style…please bring her back to give more 🙂
happy holidays to you and veronica and clare and everyone involved….looking forward to another clare fonda site…will it still be called clare fonda pass going forward??
December 5th, 2012 on 3:18 am
Thanks for the feedback, William!! I have been making the 2 min clips as wmv files so far but will offer the full clips in wmv and mp4. Not sure if I should flip that and offer the mp4 files as the 2 min. clips – but as long as both are offered in the full size clips I think I will be covered. That’s where I’m at with that. Glad you like Syren De Mer! She is definitely coming back for Spanked Sweeties – it is in the works. And she loves this and is great to work with. Thanks re happy holidays – same to you and I will pass on your wished to Veronica, or better yet do it yourself on her blog – she loves to get feedback. The Pass will continue to be called clarefondapass – I love Clare and she is a super duper great friend and I just could never bring myself to changing the name. She still does some consulting for me and will appear on a couple of the sites from stuff she has previously shot this month and next.
December 5th, 2012 on 3:20 am
Btw William,funny comment re Tim and the chat room. Tim is probably the most loyal and kind fan of the sites – he comments often on this blog and Veronica’s blog – so he is our bro and his comments are always welcome and appreciated. Still, funny line William!