by admin on Dec.31, 2013, under Spanking
Happy New Year – no strings attached – I wish all the best for my blog readers and site members!! However, I would like to offer bonus clips on each site if I can reach 6,000 followers on my Twitter account.
Why do I care about getting more followers?
Well I would love it if members would follow because I can post instant notes about the sites, whether it is photos and notes from shoots, content being updated or even the occasional trouble shooting taking place. It’s the best instant way for me to drop a quick note to members. If I see the follower numbers going up, I will know that I am reaching members and I want the best content available in the spanking world as well as good lines of communication.
Don’t worry about privacy on Twitter, if you need to create an account to follow me as it is well protected and completely anonymous. I rarely send emails to members, but I am in the process of dropping all members a quick email to explain this pledge (so check your spam folder if you don’t see the email). I figure about 3 emails from me per year isn’t too intrusive (some sites send one every month at least). Click here to see my Twitter.

New Years spanking with Missy Rhodes on Roommate site last year
Happy New Year from CF Worldwide (whether you follow me on Twitter or not).
:Twitter spanking