by admin on Jun.30, 2014, under Spanking
Recently a member emailed me about not being able to view videos on his Android phone. After doing some research on this issue, I discovered that Android users would need to download some software to play clips, and some clips were too long for viewing on the Android phone.
So I found some software that coverts my larger files to a more compressed, Android friendly file format that needs no added software to view. Well, converting all of my old files to this new format, on all of the sites, is an overwhelming task.

EE7 was the first scene to get converted to Android format
I decided to begin with Girl Spanks Girl, updating old files one scene at a time, hopefully with one conversion offered as a BONUS update each day on the site. Once I have completed doing this for GSG, I will start on another site.
And all new scenes will include a new update for the full version of each scene once all the clips for that scene are fully updated.
Technology changes so rapidly. I remember 14 years ago when Clare and I started all this, low end RM (real media) files were the industry standard. Yuck they don’t look so hot now.
Making mp4 files so that scenes could be Mac friendly was the next big change. And now this, viewing spankings scene on a phone.
Who knows what’s next? Maybe some day there will be a format the goes onto a brain chip and you can dream about all of our lovely ladies spanking each other. If you don’t already.
:viewing spanking on Android phones
June 30th, 2014 on 11:53 am
Cameraman will you keep Windows media player clips please as well?,best,Tim.
June 30th, 2014 on 1:13 pm
Yes, Tim, I will keep wmv (still the most popular file format) as well as the higher resolution mp4 files friendly to Mac users. This new format is for guys who like to watch clips on Android phones (a growing number of members, but still a small percentage).
July 2nd, 2014 on 6:02 am
Very good ,nice to have Snow back being spanked by Ashley Rose the little cutie ,best,Tim.
July 2nd, 2014 on 9:59 am
i will admit i dream about some of them few celebrity to yes has spanking in them
you have good idea doing right thing too hope some day figure something out where all clips or file work on everything too