by admin on Sep.30, 2014, under Spanking in movies and TV, spanking in the news
Okay my blog headline may be a bit of an over-reaction, but seriously, I have been reading a lot about people protesting the yet to be released movie 50 SHADES OF GREY.
Here is the trailer so you can judge the buzz for yourself.

What it shows is mostly talking, lots of arty looking shots, a couple of quick shots of the female lead tied up, and the closest it comes to depicting any actual “violence against women” is when the male leads rubs a little leather flogger against her back. It looks consensual in ever regard.
Now contrast this with the new Angelina Jolie directed film about to come out called UNBROKEN.
Here is the trailer for that film.

Maybe Angelina prepped for “Unbroken” by spanking herself?
In the 2 min. trailer it shows a guy spanking his son. As an adult, he ends up in a war prison where he is beaten repeatedly, shown graphically in this short trailer.
Why is this violence socially acceptable, available to anyone who has a computer and internet service, when 50 SHADES can’t seem to even depict one single bit of contact and still causes protests and outcries? Is it because the violence in one of these movies is probably leading to a sexual relationship?
Even though it is implied to be consensual? Is it because the implied violence is from man to woman? While the other is the more acceptable male/male violence (though clearly not consensual)?
Come on, world, what’s a little spanking among consenting adults? Isn’t that better than watching a bunch of guys whacking one guy over and over with their fists and sticks?
My advice? Skip both movies, stay home and watch some scenes from my sites.
October 1st, 2014 on 9:25 am
Great post.
October 1st, 2014 on 10:43 am
Thanks. I got a little more serious than I normally do. But justified in this case.
October 2nd, 2014 on 6:21 pm
I get what you are saying, but you picked the wrong movie to compare to. . .
The film Unbroken is a story of resilience, courage and strength, and is that something you are not comfortable with ??
It’s about one of our soldiers, who also was Olympic athlete, fighting for our country, who was taken prisoner by the Japanese and fights back against horrific odds….
October 2nd, 2014 on 10:40 pm
Cherry Dave, I understand that UNBROKEN may be critically acclaimed and you may enjoy seeing it. That’s my point. It shows violence and is embraced. 50 SHADES can’t even show any violence in the trailer and it is protested. It’s a double standard. I think BOTH should be acceptable. Still, personally, I am not that interested in seeing either one of these films. 50 looks watered down and pretentious based on its preview and UNBROKEN looks to be unrelentingly violent – not in a popcorn entertaining way I prefer. Not judging your opinion or decision to view it.
October 3rd, 2014 on 8:04 pm
I’m not interested in either film. My wife enjoyed the 50 Shades books which led to some fun role playing and some marathon sex but the movie looks like sanitized nonsense for the masses…I’ll take your advise and catch up on Spanked Sweeties and Hot Girls Spanked this weekend!
October 3rd, 2014 on 8:08 pm
I’m with you on this, Ken. Maybe I’ll watch 50 when it is on Netflix so I can get work done during the boring parts. Which hopefully for the sake of promoting kink to the world (albeit a watered down version) – it isn’t the entire film.
October 4th, 2014 on 12:14 pm
Cameraman agreed id much rather anytime watch your vids with the beautiful spankees ,best,Tim.