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Melt Her Spanksicle

by on Feb.08, 2015, under spanking in the news

For those who saw the Super Bowl halftime show, you witnessed firsthand Katy Perry dancing with sharks.  If you didn’t see it, in short, there was a right shark and a left shark dancing next to her and the left shark was way off book, went a little crazy and has been a bit of an internet sensation (fading fast however).

Don't try to make money off those shark images!

Don’t try to make money off those shark images!

Where things get interesting, some guy tried to capitalize on the Left Shark by trying to sell some 3D print images etc. Well, Katy’s lawyers jumped all over this and are threatening this guy big time.  READ STORY.  So instead he’s giving his “shark” merchandise away.

Is Katy ready for her punishment?

Is Katy ready for her punishment?

Was he going to get rich quick?  Doubt it.  Was this guy exploiting Katy Perry?  No, just someone in a shark costume, if that’s possible. Was Katy Perry on board with this herself or just something she lets her lawyers handle?  Hard to say.  But if she is, of course she needs a spanking for picking on the little guy.

Rhianna says Katy can spank her, but who really deserves a spanking?

Rhianna says Katy can spank her, but who really deserves a spanking?

Rhianna tweeted last year that she was game for a spanking from Katy Perry for not inviting her to some party.  Well I am here to nominate Rhianna to give Katy the spanking she deserves for trying to take ownership of the image of someone in a shark costume.  Someone needs to melt Katy’s Popsicle.

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