by admin on Sep.02, 2015, under Spanking
Something new for new members. When you sign up for a new membership for any of the sites, you will be assigned a username and password.
If your membership is recurring, you can keep your same username.
This was spurred by someone who I know DID NOT share his username and password having it sold (without his knowledge) on a pirated site. So not only was it being stolen by someone else, it was being sold by that greedy person – illegally.
I don’t want to see any members having his easy to remember (easy to steal) username shared by pirates only to see the innocent party being blocked by the security software.
So this new username system, which will create complex usernames and passwords, should help in this effort to continue to provide sites that can maintain the expenses of renting locations and hiring models.
All of the spanking producers will tell you, it is an on-going battle to stay in business with all of the pirates stealing and selling our content.