Someone sent me a graphic of a spanking machine and it got me thinking.

Someone sent me this graphic to perhaps inspire me to do a shoot like this. Hmmm
A number of years ago, we shot with a model named Adele Stevens. She was visiting from England and the hotel she was staying at was on my way home, so I gave her a ride. She asked if we could stop in Hollywood so she could check it out. Why not? We stopped in some shop on Hollywood Blvd. that was selling fetish like outfits.

Tabitha Stevens uses the Robo Spanker on the Howard Stern Show.
In the front of the store, they had some device that had a paddle sticking out of it. You could bend over next to the machine, push a button and the paddle would whack your bottom (or bum as she would say). It even had settings in case you wanted it harder or lighter. Adele had to try it out and everyone in the store watched, of course. It was kind of a rush. And later, I would learn from watching the Howard Stern Show, that this was the early stages of the Robo Spanker. You can find them from $250 to $1,000.

The lady can operate her own machine and get whipped to her own heart’s delight
Not sure if it beats getting paddled or spanked from a real person. But maybe it works in a pinch if you can’t find a willing and able partner.

Maybe if they could make the machines look a little sexier they would be more appealing?
Have any of you tried a spanking machine of any sort? To me it seems like they could dress up the machines a bit so they looked more appealing. Maybe combine Doll and machine technology?
September 2nd, 2019 on 8:04 am
When I was a child there was no internet, and my peers and I had no access to spanko-fantasy / fetish material. Yet, I remember talking, imagining and play-acting with friends about the idea of a spanking machine, for dispensing bare-bottom discipline to naughty kids. Where did the idea come from? It certainly wasn’t part of anyone’s real experience. Was it something some parents used as an empty, perhaps humorous threat — “If you kids don’t start behaving better, we’re going to get a spanking machine”? I’m pretty sure that as a child I thought they at least *could* be real things, even though I never knew anyone claiming to have first-hand (first-bottom) knowledge. Kind of like an urban myth, among kids at a time when getting spanked — or at least living with the possibility — was a given part of being a kid.
I’m guessing the concept has been embedded in the collective spanko unconscious for the better part of a century or so. I suppose it was inevitable that some of the more mechanically inclined of us would grow up and actually build them.
September 4th, 2019 on 11:08 am
Yes, Jeff, I agree – as technology advances, spanking world keeps up. Still, it seems like a lady will always be better then a machine. At least in our life times.