As most of you probably have heard by now, the last Shadow Lane party will be held this Labor Day weekend. When Clare Fonda and I started our company 19 years ago, we started attending the Shadow Lane party in Palm Springs as a way to get our name out there.
Clare became fast friends with Tony and Eve and we started attending all the parties, which some years were held twice. The party moved to Los Vegas and bounced around a few different hotels before being held at the Sun Coast every year. The first few years (at Palm Springs), Clare and I just went to sell VHS tapes (we sold a LOT the first year as we were brand spanking new to party guests). Then of course we transitioned to DVDs. And now it’s all online.

Here are just some of the many shoots we did at the Shadow Lane Party these past 19 years.
Then we started to focus more on shooting at the parties. What better place to shoot then in a hotel where no one will question the sounds of spanking coming from your room? A couple of years we rented an outside place so that all of our scenes wouldn’t look the same. The Sun Coast has very distinctive drapes.
We usually brought a model with us. Genesis (who is now co-owner of Sanctuary LAX) was one of the first. We also brought Paris Kennedy, Nikki 666 and Veronica Ricci in other years. And we often shot with many of the same models each year, so you will see a lot of our scenes from SL feature Sarah Gregory, Miss Chris, Katherine St. James and Leia-Ann Woods, in addition to Clare and Veronica.

Jenna Rose spanks Veronica at an abandoned house on the way to Vegas
Our shoots there included the first ever scene with Alex Reynolds as a top, several spankings on the roads heading to Vegas – in cars, abandoned houses and even a few Landmarks.

A landmark on way to Vegas features outdoor spanking with Veronica Ricci and Jenna Rose
One of the times we shoot at a hotel that wasn’t the Sun Coast, someone called security on us because of the spanking sounds. The security guy knocked on our door and told us to stop making “strange noises.” Someone was complaining. We waited about 20 minutes then began shooting again. So there have been lots of fond and crazy memories associated with the Shadow Lane Party.

Security knocked on our door and told us we needed to stop making “strange noises”
Tony and Eve have always been amazing hosts, and they have maintained an aura of being cool and mysterious, and always approachable. As far as I know, they are the creators of the first big spanking party and have influenced many of the others that have since popped up.
Clare and I will be attending this year, and we are shooting very little, choosing to focus more on taking it all in. And unlike past years of shooting the regulars, we will be focusing on a few new models. If you are attending, be sure to say “hi” to Clare and I.
And to Shadow Lane, spanks for the memories!!