Archive for December 10th, 2019
Kymberly Jane Behind the Scenes
by admin on Dec.10, 2019, under Spanking, spanking soap opera
Kymberly Jane first appeared to us when she answered an ad on Craig’s List for Female Spanking Models Wanted. We were stunned when this 21 year old beauty showed up and thought we hit the jackpot with Craig’s List.

Kymberly Jane answered an ad and arrived on her 21st birthday to shoot her first ever spanking scene which can be found on Spanked Sweeties
Fun fact – we only had 2 other models respond to the ad, and one was actually a man wearing a wig. It was Kym’s 21st birthday when she arrived for the shoot and she said she had never been spanked before but was all in for trying it out. We used her for Spanked Sweeties, creating a new category called “Never Been Spanked” with the idea of showing members the reaction to a model being spanked for the first time. Kymberly had very amazing are real reactions and her bottom speckled quite quickly – all of which she was good with. Clare decided to give Kym and spanking model name that day – and Kay Richards was born. On her 21st birthday. We did give her a birthday spanking, too, which is included on her Sweeties page.
Kym let us know that she would shoot spanking with us any time. And also that she loved making out with other girls, so that is something she could add to scenes if we wanted. We had Kym kick off our erotic section of Girl Spanks Girl. You can check out the early erotic scenes on that site that stars Kym with many other spanking models such as Lilith, Lauren Legends, Alyssa Dior, Veronica Ricci and many others. Kym quickly proved that she could show love for the ladies, but also bring incredibly high energy to scenes, and was good at giving and receiving a sound spanking.

Photo above is from our first shoot with Madison & Kay for My Spanking Roommate 12 years ago – Episode 1 finds Madison spanking Kay – in Episode 2 Kay gets her revenge
Kym was so great that of course we wanted to feature her prominently. So we created a site for her to star in called My Spanking Roommate. She has been starring in that site since it kicked off 12 years ago. She was very into helping create the direction of the site. We shot at her apartment in what became the spanking apartment complex where only hot women lived and any time their was a squabble or someone didn’t pay rent on time it would be settled with a spanking.
Kym even contributed many of the spanking implements such as her hair brushes, wooded spoons and an Attitude Adjustment paddle that her mom gave her as a joke. Kym recommended shooting with a friend of hers who had a “great ass” and that recommendation was so spectacular (it was Madison Martin) that her friend became her roommate and also is still a star on the site.
They played new roommates in the first ever scene that appears on the site and they worked together for quite a few years. Originally the idea was to star them together in every third episode. Then it evolved to they star in their own episodes, roughly 2 out of every 3 episodes. And now that Madison shoots much less, Kym (Kay) still appears in every third episode but Madison is spread out a little more. They reunited for Episode 200 – spanking each other with a dreaded hairbrush. They both are in Episode 300, but getting spanked by other ladies while on the phone with each other. Maybe we will need to get them together when we make it to Episode 400.

Here Kym aka Kay Richards is in her latest scene (spanking Adriana Evans) up on My Spanking Roommate – expect to see her continue this starring role for as long as possible