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Flawed Call Girls Spanked

by on May.05, 2023, under spanked call girls, Spanking

Sometimes it is challenging to come up with new scenarios that lead to someone getting spanked. There are some classic ideas that get repeated in some form or another with different models bringing their own flavor to the scene.

For the Spanked Call Girls site, one idea that has been used 3 times (that I can remember) is the idea that the experienced call girl gets frustrated trying to teach the new call girl how to be sexy. The models usually embrace the fun in playing out this scenario.

When Irene Silver can’t teach Paula Diamond to dance sexy she instead spanks her

The latest scene on the site stars Paula Diamond, who fails miserably at learning how to “sexy dance” and ends up over Irene Silver’s knee for a sound spanking. Paula and Irene threw themselves into these roles full throttle!

When Yasmine Sinclair can’t master the art of the sexy walk Cheyenne spanks her hard

Going back a few years, Cheyenne Jewel lost her patience trying to teach Yasmine Sinclair how to do a sexy walk. Yasmine struggled until Cheyenne decided to give Yasmine a motivational spanking.

Bettie Bondage doesn’t have the patience for Lydia’s inability to learn her sexy showmanship

The first time this idea popped up was about 7 years ago when Bettie Bondage got frustrated while teaching Lydia how to talk and walk “sexy.” Of course after failing miserably, Lydia feels the wrath of Bettie with a spanking.

Hope you all enjoy this premise and the variations each model provides. Highly likely you will be seeing this idea return in a few years or so with a new take.

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Broken Paddles

by on Jul.13, 2022, under spanked call girls

On a rare occasion a paddle will break over a model’s bottom during a shoot. It’s usually pretty exciting to the models and the reactions range from laughter to shock. Or both.

Snow Mercy broke a paddle on Reyna St Clair in a recent shoot. Yikes and ouch.

It happened very recently when Snow Mercy was paddling Reyna St Clair for an upcoming scene on Spanked Call Girls.

Frame grab of impact at moment the paddle breaks on Iris’s bottom. Thanks Mistress Gloria

It actually happened at the same location (different room) where we shot a scene that was also for Spanked Call Girls about 3 years ago. In that shoot, Mistress Gloria was paddling Iris.  Iris is just under 6 feet tall, but Gloria is well over 6 feet tall, so she can really deliver a whack.

A frame grab of Mistress Gloria’s real reaction right after the paddle broke

She actually broke one of my all time favorite paddles (a gift from Emily Parker) that was in the shape of a shoe (you’re gonna get a boot up your ass) and had rubber on one side (for good girls) and wood on the other side (for bad girls).

We shall see if it’s another 3 years before the next paddle breaks.

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Clare Fonda Vs. Kyla Keys

by on May.05, 2022, under spanked call girls, spanking soap opera, spanking sorority girls

A short while back, Clare Fonda introduced me to her friend Kyla Keys, who got into porn a bit later than usual, but was all in on any kind of kink imaginable.

Episode 301 of Sorority site Kyla spanked Clare for spanking sorority girls without permission

So we did a couple of shoots as Kyla basically learned how to take and give a very solid spanking from one of the greats –  Clare frickin Fonda. Kyla is on the shorter side, but has an excellent booty for spanking as you may note in the photo below.

In Episode 231 on Spanking Veronica Works Kyla gets spanked by her former babysitter Clare

Kyla and Clare have great chemistry together and their scenes are electric, sometimes very realistic and sometimes quite comedic. And while the spankings are not severe, they are very real and very firm.  Kyla drives home with a bottom that is very painful to sit on. And Kyla has shot for all 7 of our sites. So that is a very sore bottom.

In Episode 428 of Roommates Kyla plays a Mormon mom who spanks pervy Clare

In the last week or so, four of her scenes with Clare have been released on My Spanking Roommate, Spanking Veronica Works, Spanking Sorority Girls and Girl Spanks Girl.  The Girl Spanks Girl scene was an ambitious reboot (we called it “rebooty” on set) of the classic “Soccer Moms.”

Clare and Chelsea Pfeiffer spanked each other in the original classic “Soccer Moms”

The original, on Girl Spanks Girl, starred Clare with Chelsea Pfeiffer, who gets a shout out in the reboot.

In the reboot of “Soccer Moms” Kyla Keys and Clare Fonda spank each other with vigor

In the rebooty, there are two very long spankings as Clare and Kyla go at each other’s bums with vigor. And of course it involves a hairbrush and a reference to future spankings.

Clare says she will spank her daughter, who started this feud.  And that is a scene we plan to shoot with Clare and a new model playing her daughter in the next few weeks. In the meantime enjoy a large dose of Clare Vs. Kyla.

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Model 500 Is Here

by on Jan.01, 2022, under Interviews, spanked call girls, Spanking

Before declaring our monumental 500th model, a little history is needed to explain the choice.  The first shoot our company ever did was on January 5, 2000 and it starred Clare Fonda (of course) who was our company’s co-founder, and Penny.

We did only frame grabs when we started — here’s one from the first scene we ever shot

It was shot in a dungeon and we didn’t feel like we were doing anything historical at the time.  It was a decent scene, but not amazing, so we held releasing it for a while.

A frame grab of Clare spanking Lilith from our first scene ever released (from the year 2000)

Our next shoot was with Clare Fonda, Lilith and Lori (fetish models weren’t big on last names back then). That became the first scene that we ever released, on VHS no less, since spanking web sites weren’t a thing yet.  The Penny scene wasn’t released until the next year, after many titles were released before it.

Lori appears later in the first scene released (to spank Clare), making Lori model #3

So when it came to listing models, Clare Fonda is 1a and Lilith is 1b.  Lori doesn’t appear until later in that scene, which is called “The English Lesson.” It can be found streaming on Girl Spanks Girl. The order of the model has been always based on when her scene is released.

Lexi Holland appears in her first ever scene with Snow Mercy making her model  #501

This is relevant because we shot Lexi Holland recently, but her Spanked Sweeties scene won’t be released until Monday.

Our official 500th model had to appear with company co-founder and superstar Clare Fonda

We shot Numi Zarah a few days later, but her first scene was released yesterday on Spanked Call Girls.

Numi’s first scene appeared yesterday on Spanked Call Girls, making her our 500th model

So a shout out to both Lexi and Numi, but Numi Zarah is our 500th model!!  Both Lexi and Numi are fantastic models and will no doubt both be beloved.

Lexi’s Spanked Sweeties includes 3 spankings; this is a shot from her 2nd scene with Snow

We are excited to be the company that shot both of their first ever spanking scenes. 500 models in the books, and 500 to go.

Let’s see, it took 21 years to shoot 500 (well 501) models, so check back in the year 2042 for model 1000.

Click here for a  list with photos of all 501 models.

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Actually – more Christmas

by on Dec.26, 2021, under spanked call girls, Spanking

Well, in my last post I said there would be just one Christmas scene on the sites this year.  Then a location was changed at the last minute recently (after my last blog post) and we moved the shoot to somewhere that provided Christmas outfits and some decorations and, well it was nearly Christmas time, so we shot a Christmas spanking scene for My Spanking Roommate and it’s up now and features our newest model, Sky Terrapin (in her debut scene), and Madison Martin.

In her debut scene tall beauty Sky Terrapin gives Madison Martin a sound Christmas spanking

Sky is an enthusiastic spanker and I expect her to be well received for all that she adds to her scenes.

Technically this is a Holiday spanking as Dria messed up her decoration duties with a coffin

Also, our latest scene on Spanked Call Girls could technically be considered a Christmas scene as Dria was supposed to decorate the Cat House for the “Holiday” party but does so by renting a coffin. She (of course) gets spanked by Tiana Irie for this bad choice.

Hope you all had a very, very Merry Christmas!!

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Looking for 500th Model

by on Aug.31, 2021, under spanked call girls, Spanking

We recently shot with Carmen, a switch from The Dominion dungeon, and she was our model number 496. Check out our list of models.

Carmen brings high energy to her scenes whether she is doing the spanking or getting spanked

Carmen’s first scene will come out this Thursday on Spanked Call Girls, in which she gets spanked by Dria in a pool.

This was Carmen’s first ever spanking shoot as she checks in as our 496th model

Madison Swan is scheduled for an upcoming shoot that will bring the new model list to 497.  That leaves just 2 new models before we reach our landmark 500th model.  Seems like I should be looking for the perfect model to fill that slot.

It has to be a model that is new to our sites.  Any suggestions?

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Outdoor Spanking

by on May.23, 2021, under spanked call girls, Spanking, spanking soap opera

Shooting spanking scenes outside has always been a challenge because the sound of a hand smacking a bottom tends to draw a lot of attention. Also, once the bottom is bare, the risk is amplified.  But we have done some exciting outdoor spankings in the past that have been examined in this blog.

Apricot Pitts spanks Wolfie in one of our first scenes shot poolside at our new location

We have been filming at a new location the past year in which shooting in their very large backyard has become an option.  One of the first scenes shot in this location, near their pool, featured new model Wolfie playing a pool cleaner for rich girl Apricot Pitts, who of course ended up spanking her poolside for Girl Spanks Girl.

Veronica Ricci dominates Yasmine Sinclair outside on the lawn

Veronica Ricci then spanked Yasmine Sinclair in their lawn section for Spanking Veronica Works.  It was very windy that day so we just shot the opening outside, then the rest inside so the sound wouldn’t be too bad.

Apricot gets a very hard spanking with the wooden bath brush from Yasmine Sinclair

In an upcoming scene for Spanked Call Girls, Apricot Pitts gets a spanking in the garden from Yasmine Sinclair. We (or mostly Apricot) learned how very hard Yasmine can spank with this scene.

You can witness Madison Martin spanking Stevie Rose outside in the next month or so

And in an upcoming scene for My Spanking Roommate Madison Martin spanks Stevie Rose on the patio.  This scene testing how loud we can go and not have the neighbors call the cops.

In most cases, the neighbors may have heard the sounds, but thankfully ignored them.  So please enjoy the daring outside spanking scenes!

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Welcome G-girls Gizelle and Gwen

by on Jan.12, 2021, under Interviews, mother/daughter spanking, spanked call girls, spanked girlfriends

It has been a while since we shot with agency models, but we shot with 2 this past week, Gwen Vicious, who shot with Clare Fonda, and Gizelle Blanco, who shot with Maddy Marks. Both were excellent. Beautiful with curvy booties. And both made their spanking scene debut.

Gwen Vicious makes her spanking scene debut with legend Clare Fonda

We shot with Gwen first, and her first scene is already up on Spanked Call Girls. She wore the sparkly short-shorts that Clare and I bought at a second-hand shop for a few dollars about 5 years ago as finally found the perfect fit for them. She plays an up-tight chef for the call-girl house that gets a sound spanking for using inappropriate terms to describe the house ladies.

Look for Gwen Vicious to make her debut on Spanked Sweeties next month with Clare as Mom

In a month, Gwen will appear on Spanked Sweeties.

Gizelle Blanco gets spanked by Maddy Marks in a scene up now on Spanked Sweeties

Gizelle Blanco made her debut on Spanked Sweeties on Monday.  She gives an excellent interview about being spanked growing up and then we do a role play scene in which Maddy spanks Gizelle as her roommate.  Gizelle has a very spankable bottom and nice, long legs. She’s 5’10”

Tall beauty Gizelle Blanco gives a pretty sound spanking — as Maddy Marks discovers

Gizelle will be appearing on Girl Spanks Girl next month, spanking Maddy.

Hope you enjoy the spanking scene debuts of these 2 lovely ladies!

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Delilah Day New Spanked Sweeties

by on Nov.19, 2020, under Interviews, mother/daughter spanking, spanked call girls, Spanking

When Clare Fonda and I shot with Delilah Day recently, we were not sure what to expect.

Delilah Day has a very detailed and insightful conversation with Clare about spanking

Delilah is a relatively new adult star who looks beautiful. That is about all we knew.

Clare was stunned to discover how hard Delilah can spank (Clare dis say “give it your all”)

But she vastly exceeded any expectations we had when she proved to be amazing verbally and could give a very hard spanking (which she did to Clare on Spanked Call Girls).

Delilah takes a sound spanking from Clare that speckles her bottom (ouch)

She has a new scene (as a bottom) that appeared on Spanked Sweeties this week. It was excellent because Delilah gave such a great interview and took a sound spanking from Clare, who plays her mom.  Delilah is incredibly smart in addition to being gorgeous, which comes across in her detailed interview.

Even though Delilah is quite thin, she does have a nice bubble butt that got quite speckled

And while Delilah is very thin, she has a very nice bubble butt. It got quite speckled during this spanking.

If you enjoy mother/daughter spankings, you should definitely check this one.

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Porn Star Delilah Day Delivers Hard Spanking!

by on Sep.17, 2020, under spanked call girls, Spanking

Recently, Clare Fonda and I shot with a couple of relatively new porn stars. One, Delilah Day, is very beautiful, with a bubble butt on her very thin frame. She is very sweet and somewhat soft spoken, but also quite obviously very intelligent.

Delilah Day’s cute  bubble butt gets it from Clare Fonda in Delilah’s first ever spanking shoot

We shot a scene for Spanked Call Girls in which Delilah starts getting spanked by Clare. Since she had already shot a longer scene in which she was spanked pretty hard by Clare, we kept Delilah’s receiving time short in this scene and then asked her to switch, putting Clare over her knee for a longer spanking with her hand, and a wooden bath brush.

Beautiful young porn star Delilah Day can dish out a strict & painful spanking – just ask Clare

We were stunned how strict and dominant Delilah proved she could be. Afterwards, she said she was acting. Delilah is VERY convincing. And when she started using the wooden bath brush, Clare’s yelps are REAL!!  It is an incredible debut as a top for young Delilah!

Hope you enjoy. You can look forward to the scene in which she took a hard spanking for Spanked Sweeties in a few weeks. I’ll probably blog about that scene as well.

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