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spanking in the news

What is Wrong With Society?

by on Sep.30, 2014, under Spanking in movies and TV, spanking in the news

Okay my blog headline may be a bit of an over-reaction, but seriously, I have been reading a lot about people protesting the yet to be released movie 50 SHADES OF GREY.

Here is the trailer so you can judge the buzz for yourself.


What it shows is mostly talking, lots of arty looking shots, a couple of quick shots of the female lead tied up, and the closest it comes to depicting any actual “violence against women” is when the male leads rubs a little leather flogger against her back. It looks consensual in ever regard.

Now contrast this with the new Angelina Jolie directed film about to come out called UNBROKEN.

Here is the trailer for that film.

Maybe Angelina prepped for "Unbroken" by spanking herself?

Maybe Angelina prepped for “Unbroken” by spanking herself?

In the 2 min. trailer it shows a guy spanking his son. As an adult, he ends up in a war prison where he is beaten repeatedly, shown graphically in this short trailer.

Why is this violence socially acceptable, available to anyone who has a computer and internet service, when 50 SHADES can’t seem to even depict one single bit of contact and still causes protests and outcries? Is it because the violence in one of these movies is probably leading to a sexual relationship?

Even though it is implied to be consensual? Is  it because the implied violence is from man to woman?  While the other is the more acceptable male/male violence (though clearly not consensual)?

Come on, world, what’s a little spanking among consenting adults?  Isn’t that better than watching a bunch of guys whacking one guy over and over with their fists and sticks?

My advice?  Skip both movies, stay home and watch some scenes from my sites.

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Celebrity Spanking Threats

by on Mar.11, 2014, under Spanking, spanking in the news

Who wouldn’t want to see Katy Perry give Miley Cyrus “the biggest spanking ever?” She probably deserves it.

Heck, who then gives Katy the spanking she also deserves. Volunteers?

It became a big “news” story the other day when Katy said she would spank Miley the next time she sees her, the threat coming via twitter. Read all about it here.

Lady Gaga has been seen with red hand printed ass

Lady Gaga has been seen with red hand printed ass

Lots of celebs over the years have been linked to spanking, including Madonna, Elizabeth Hurly, Carly Simon, Lady Gaga, and well heck, many, many others. Enjoy a few who have actually been photographed in the act of spanking:

Carmen Electra admits to being a switch

Carmen Electra admits to being a switch

Bond girl Barbara Bach - spanked by Ringo?

Bond girl Barbara Bach – spanked by Ringo?


Chelsea Handler often seen getting spanked

Chelsea Handler often seen getting spanked

Sophia Coppola directs others to spank her

Sophia Coppola directs others to spank her




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BREAKING NEWS: Clare Fonda Available for Spanking Sessions in Los Angeles

by on Aug.23, 2012, under spanking in the news

If you have always dreamed about spanking or getting spanked by Clare Fonda, now is your chance.  She will be available weekends, for a month, starting THIS Saturday in Los Angeles, near the airport, at Sanctuary LAX   


The above photo is a scene that will appear near the end of this year from one of Clare’s last shoots.  She is working out all the time and has a rock hard bottom.  Clare wants to make some “sidebucks” (as she puts it) and is working on some projects with the Sanctuary LAX and will be working under the name Submissive Jamie.  She will be available for sessions – you can check out the website and/or call (310-910-0525) to schedule a time with her.  Anyone who has seen Clare in action will know that she is creative, fun, approachable, hot, and really delivers.

Genesis works there, as well.  Genesis has appeared in a number of our videos, and will be playing a young mom in a soon to be released Sweeties.  She has become quite the hard spanker.


It was about seven years ago that Clare, Genesis and I all went to the Shadow Lane convention together.  This year, no Clare.  So if you want to see her, go to the Sanctuary LAX this weekend!   Have a great time and support a friend at the same time.

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Remembering Hollie Stevens

by on Jul.07, 2012, under spanking in the news


Sadly, Hollie Stevens passed away last Tuesday after fighting breast cancer.  I shot with Hollie a few times and what always stood out to me, was how chill she was.  I have never met a more laid back, easy going, go-with-the-flow model.  “Diapers?  Sure, whatever.”  “You want me to say what?  Okay, no problem.”

She came from San Francisco, so I would pick her up at the Burbank airport, drive her to our shoots, then drop her off at a friend’s house where she would stay while in LA.  From our conversations, it struck me that Hollie was incredibly sweet, loved life and had lots and lots of great and close friends.

She was known as the Queen of Clown Porn and we had discussed doing a spanking shoot with her in clown makeup.  Regrettably that will never be, but I appreciate all that Hollie did on our sites – My Spanking Roommate, Spanked Call Girls and Naughty Diaper Girls. The above photo is from a 4th of July shoot that Hollie did just about a year ago for the Roommies site.

She was a great model, always open to shoot any crazy idea we could come up with, but most importantly, she was a sweet and kind lady who will be missed!

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Snow Mercy Sings

by on May.31, 2012, under spanking in the news


If you know who Snow Mercy is, and most of you reading this probably do, then you will know she is amazing at spanking and getting spanked.

She has appeared in most of our sites (soon to be all) and she will be taking an increased role in the upcoming months.  I will blog more about Snow the spanker tomorrow.

But what you probably don’t know is that Snow is also an accomplished singer.  She recently performed in Europe and she performs regularly in Los Angeles.  Check out her latest music video.  You can check her facebook page if you want to catch one of her performances.

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Spanking Fantasy

by on Jul.13, 2010, under spanking in the news

Anna ChapmanAnna Chapmananna3.JPG
Most of you have probably heard of Anna Chapman, the lady who was kicked out of the United States – back to Russia, because she is supposedly a spy.  If you are really into spanking, perhaps you often hear a news story like this, involving a young, attractive woman who is in trouble – not the really big kind of trouble that leaves you shocked – but more like the kind that makes you think of a scenario you might have heard of or seen in a spanking video. 
This Anna Chapman story is a classic – soon to be copied in the adult fantasy industry.  Can’t you hear it now – (since it is my blog – the “punisher” is female)  a stern woman says “Anna, we have proof that you are a spy.”  Anna says “Please, Miss, I won’t do it again.  Please, I’ll do ANYTHING if you let me stay in this country.”  Next thing you know Anna is over the woman’s knee getting a hard spanking.  Maybe she even gets paddled.  The perfect casting would be Annabelle Lee as Anna Chapman, an uncanny look-alike seen in an above photo from Girl Spanks Girl
By the way, if we think this fantasy is way out there, here is a News Story that discusses how kinky Anna Chapman might be – including her being into whipping.
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Spanking In The News

by on Jul.09, 2010, under spanking in the news

Do you ever hear a news story that begs to have the offenders spanked?  Well perhaps there is no story you will hear that begs for a justice spanking more than this story.  Two 19 year old girls were working in a nursing home in Minnesota, when they were caught spanking the senior citizens they were supposed to be taking care of (also they spit on them).  The two girls were charged for their crimes, but no doubt are serving no time – probably community service. 
Can you think of more fitting justice than having someone like Clare Fonda take them over her knee for a sound spanking?  You can click here to see the girls being charged in this news story.  The butts above are compliments of Kay Richards and Madison Martin,  – to help visualize the targets (curtosy of My Spanking Roommate).
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