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Spanking Interviews

My First Spanking Interview: With Snow Mercy

by on Jun.19, 2012, under Spanking Interviews

Hey so this is my first ever interview on this blog and it’s a great one with Snow Mercy.  I know it’s long, but Snow is so fascinating I hope you can find the time to give it a read.  And let me know if you want more like this.

CAMERAMAN:  Snow, I remember what a strong impression you made the first time we met, which was at a Shadow Lane convention a few years ago.  Clare Fonda and I shot you for a Spanked Sweeties and I was impressed with your beauty, intelligence and how forthright you were in your interview. 

SNOW:  Thank you!! :blush:

1.  CAMERAMAN: Do you remember your thoughts leading up to shooting with Clare and any thoughts on that first shoot?

SNOW: I was worried with thoughts like “I hope they like me,” “I hope I’m not too tall,” and “I hope they aren’t assholes.”   Both you and Clare were very nice and professional, and I was impressed with how efficient shooting went along.  Cameraman, you delivered quite the hard spanking!  I wasn’t expecting that level of impact….ouch!


2.  CAMERAMAN:  Ha, Snow.  I don’t often get to be the one doing the spanking as I am usually behind the camera.  But while you are tall, I am taller so it made sense for me to play  your dad.  I must say I enjoyed that moment and remember it fondly.   Maybe I will get another opportunity some day…. oh, I am digressing.  So anyway, during your Sweeties interview, you discussed many spankings you received growing up.  Do you believe that being spanked growing up has any correlation to being a spanko later in life? 

SNOW: I sometimes wonder if I equate spanking with affection.  My parents weren’t affectionate, so normally they’d only touch me when spanking me.  I’m sure I’m a spanko at least a little because of them.

3.  You are a very caring and sweet person, so I am glad to report that your parents lack of affection did not seem to have a lasting impact on your life.   Was it at all strange to re-enact childhood spankings – and did they bring back any memories?

SNOW: It was different, but not strange.  Clare doesn’t resemble my mom—my mom isn’t hot like Clare.  Had an actress portray my mom AND look like my mom, then that may have been a bit freaky.


4.  CAMERAMAN: You haven’t been to the Shadow Lane convention since then because it conflicts with Burning Man.  Please share you love for Burning Man and maybe let readers know what it is if you can describe it.

SNOW: I’ve been attending Burning Man since 2003.  BM is an annual festival in the desert that draws about 50,000 for a week.  It’s unique in that no money is exchanged and the community only exists for a week.  It’s a highly complicated system that requires cooperation and radical self-reliance with that many people coexisting in the desert with zero commerce.  People spend the week expressing themselves through art, music, dance, costumes, performance art, whatever.  It culminates with the burning of a gigantic man effigy, hence the name Burning Man.  It was my introduction to “alternative culture” and the concept of “let your freak flag wave.”  It was incredibly liberating to meet like-minded people.

5.  CAMERAMAN: Shooting Spanking scenes typically involves lots of improv.  Do you have any thoughts you can share on your improv process, how your prepare for doing spanking shoots, and any anecdotes about some of the crazier characters you were asked to create for spanking scenes?

SNOW: Improv comes naturally to me.  I pretend I’m a little kid playing and imagine all the possibilities the scene can hold.  I try to throw in unexpected ideas…like the time I wore bunny slippers for a scene, to make light of things.  I think one of my crazier characters got very sloppy drunk.  I tried to pretend I was a freshman sorority girl to tap into that character.



6.  CAMERAMAN:  I loved it when you introduced bunny slippers with your very atypical character for My Spanking Roommate.  That character really taps into your comedic gifts which can  be very different than some of your stern characters, such as moms and teacher roles.  Speaking of teacher’s role, you have been featured as the teacher for the Exclusive Education series on Girl Spanks Girl twice now (EE3 and EE6 – and soon to include EE7).  What are your thoughts about playing that character and spanking up to ten schoolgirls all day long? 

SNOW: I’m a teacher in real life so I know exactly how to interact with students.  Art imitating life—this is what happens when we shoot where I am the teacher.  So I take on that role naturally.  However, I never spank my real life students so this is where acting has to take over.  I look forward to the variety of personalities, bottoms, and challenges 10 schoolgirls offer.    It should be good fun!

7.  CAMERAMAN:  You will be shooting as the teacher again this year for Exclusive Education 7.  Do you do anything physically to prepare for that much continuous spanking? 

SNOW: I keep my spanking arm strong by working out 3-5 times a week.  I also do a lot of spanking at the dungeon to keep my arm muscles fit.  I notice if I fail to work out nor do sessions at the dungeon, I can’t keep up with spanking.

8. CAMERAMAN:  Is it a challenge physically and/or mentally? 

SNOW: No, it all seems like play.



9.  CAMERAMAN:  Are there any ladies you spanked for that series that stand out – or do the butts just begin to run together? 

SNOW: I loved spanking Sophia Locke (EE6).  That was a treat.  I guess I’m biased, though, because she’s my friend.  I was nervous about spanking Mandee Miller (EE6)….I didn’t want Lana to kick my ass if I did it wrong. 


SNOW CONTINUED: Julie Night (EE6) was so stoic, so quiet, her tan line so reminiscent of easier days when we didn’t worry about skin cancer and global warming….I wanted to take her home and keep her as a pet. Ashli Orion (EE3) is so funny that it’s hard to keep a straight face around her.  She’s a riot!


10.  CAMERAMAN:  You are a pro domme at the Dominion.  Has a female ever come in for a session? 

SNOW: I’ve never had a single female come in, but I’ve had a few male-female couples.

11. CAMERAMAN:  How many times have you heard the word “mercy” (and I don’t mean someone using your name) in your line of work? 

SNOW: I don’t hear it often.  I try to gauge things so the safe word doesn’t get used.

12. CAMERAMAN:  When you do hear “mercy” does that mean you are doing a good job or getting a little carried away?

SNOW: I usually hear “mercy” when the person wasn’t truthful about their tolerance or there was miscommunication.  I hear “mercy” more from people I’m just getting to know. I don’t push people so far that they use their safe word…I prefer to keep it at the edge.

13.  CAMERAMAN:  You have worked with Clare Fonda more than most.  Can you share any thoughts on what it was like working with her?

SNOW:  I love working with Clare.  She’s so down-to-earth, friendly, funny, beautiful, kind…it’s hardly working.  We’re also friends in real life so working with her is like hanging out.


14.  CAMERAMAN You are taking over for Clare as the main madam on Spanked Call Girls.  What do you think of this role?  Fun?  Crazy?  What do you tap into to create this character?

SNOW: Taking over Clare’s main madam role is a huge honor that I don’t take lightly.  I’m sure her fans will miss her and I won’t attempt to be another Clare Fonda…there’s only one!  Instead I will bring to the table my own interpretation of the madam role.  As a madam I will be composed, strict, and even tempered.  For some reason the old TV show “Facts of Life” comes to mind where I take on the role of Mrs. Garrett (nurturing caretaker) mixed in with Betty Paige and Silvano Mangano elements.


15.  CAMERAMAN:  Finally, I have listened to your music and have seen you perform live.  I am a fan.  But I enjoy your live performances more because you are so interactive with the audience, even moving throughout the crowd and working the audience into your performance.  Can you comment on your performances, who you perform with the most and how and where fans can see you perform live?

SNOW:  I’ve been doing live performance since I was a kid, and I love being on stage.  I don’t get stage fright.  Instead, it energizes me.  I see how the audience responds and I react to them, and they do the same back.  It’s rather fun!

In the past I’ve done mostly skits, BDSM performances, runway modeling.  I just started getting into performing live music as a vocalist.  “I make noise,” is how I describe what I do.

I’ve been performing a lot lately with legendary music producer Kim Fowley.  He has an impressive list of music accomplishments, and he is beyond gifted.  We have a backing band at our performances, a loose structure, and the rest is improv.  We sing about the venue, the city we are in, the audience members, whatever comes to mind.  It’s very low-brow and silly, and we sing about sex, violence, offensive topics.  We just returned from a two-week European tour in April 2012 which was a success.  We have been be seen in Los Angeles at various venues, and we have been invited to tour Europe again this November.  They seemed to have loved us in Europe I would say most of my music fans are in France and Germany. 


You can check my Facebook page or my site at for my performance schedule.  Also you can hear my music as a solo artist at, and with Kim at  Please support my cross-over music of fetish with rock!

CAMERAMAN:  Thank you, Snow, for an outstanding interview.  As always, you are very honest and willing to discuss all aspects of the scene!

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All in the Family

by on Jun.12, 2012, under Spanking Interviews


I have discovered over the years that actual relatives spanking each other is a hot item.  Do you guys agree with this?  For Sweeties some time ago, Clare and I shot two real sisters, Carmen and Bridgette, spanking each other and it was wildly popular.

Needless to say, it’s not easy to find family members who are willing to spank each other – on camera for all to see that is.  But we have a home run with the Miller ladies.  Lana is Michelle’s half sister in real life (though she plays her mom on Spanked Sweeties because Michelle’s mom really spanked her growing up).  And Michelle once spanked her sister. So Lana’s real life niece Mandee (who can be found in Exclusive Education 6 on Girl Spanks Girl) played Michelle’s sister, who also was spanked regularly by mom.


So there is lots of family spanking going on in this Sweeties.  I think Michelle felt a little strange about it before we started shooting, but the pain of Lana (who did NOT hold back in any way) spanking her soon gave her something to focus her attention on and she let all of her inhibitions go.  I am always on the lookout for more family members willing to spank on camera – so give me a holler if you know of any.

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New Sweetie Riley Fresh Reactions to Being Spanked

by on May.01, 2012, under Spanking Interviews


There is a model new to spanking scenes currently up on  Spanked Sweeties and her name is Riley.  I met Riley on a bikini shoot and she was talking about how she was spanked a lot growing up and also mentioned that she was interested in doing more shoots.  Hmmm.

So here she is being interviewed about her childhood spanking experiences and getting spanked by Clare Fonda, who plays here mom and also her nanny, who spanked her, too.  Riley has many fascinating stories and an amazing bubble butt.

What I found most interesting about her shoot, though, was how she reacted to being spanked.  She has a very low pain tolerance, so the spankings hurt her A LOT!  She has this rare reaction to being spanked that I’m sure a few of you reading have come across from time to time.  She has a nervous giggle.

When you hear this nervous giggle, you should know that this is the moment she is feeling the most pain, and she is fearing what it coming next.  In Sweeties, this causes her to break her young character mode a bit, but it something rare and worth seeing.  I recruited Riley for the new Spanking Sorority Girls site and just turn her loose as herself, so that these reactions make perfect sense.

Riley is very tall and strong and she can be found spanking Clare Fonda, who plays her anger management therapist, on Hot Girls Spanked.  Hope you guys enjoy Riley’s scenes and very natural (and unusual) reactions as much as I do.

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“Sound” Spanking

by on Feb.08, 2012, under mother/daughter spanking, Spanking Interviews


Tracie is a new spanking model presently running on the Spanked Sweeties site.  Clare interviewed Tracie and then 3 spanking scenes were re-enacted.

Now normally when we shoot at Clare’s house, sound is never an issue.  We can be as loud as necessary, and there has never been any concern about neighbors hearing what’s going on.  Well, that is until the Tracie shoot. 

Tracie mentioned that she was once spanked by her mother in the kitchen.  So we shot a scene in Clare’s kitchen.  I think Clare was testing Tracie’s limits for spanking (and then some) and Tracie was whailing and carrying on and for one of the first times ever, Clare had to cut because she was worried that the sounds of Tracie yelping could cause the neighbors to think someone was being tortured or something and call the police. 

I think Tracie was quieter for a few minutes, but then kicked into the loud yelping again.  Maybe that got her a shorter spanking.  Maybe not.  But I think that was Tracie’s goal. 

She got another spanking after that one, in the bedroom, so it didn’t really save her.  And the police never showed up.  So it was all good.  We will be shooting with the lovely Tracie again very soon.

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PJ Spankings and a Sweeties Record

by on Dec.27, 2011, under Spanking Interviews


Although pajama spankings seem to be very popular, I’ve never been a big fan.  I prefer to see legs and rears rather than leg-covering PJs.  But recently a brand new model shot with us, Dylan Rose, and she brought a onesy (for those who don’t know what that is – look at the above photos – it is basically PJs that cover top, bottom, and even feet).  After one scene in which Clare (as Dylan’s mom) spanked Dylan in this onesy, I am more open to this niche. 

I met Dylan on a beach shoot – she was a bikini girl – and she mentioned that she would be interested in shooting fetish, so I hooked her up with Clare Fonda.  Dylan has a spectacular Sweeties (currently running). 

She talks about how she was spanked in a onesy a few times growing up.  So she brought one with her.  Comically, she forgot her ID in her car, so she went outside wearing the onesy.  I wonder what Clare’s neighbors think about the comings and goings. 

Also in the above photo, there are a couple of photos of Dylan’s extremely well spanked bottom.  She was sore and marked for over a week, she told us.  In the photo, she is applying cream after the shoot. 

I have filmed every Sweeties interview for these past 10 years or so, and of all of the models, none have talked about being spanked as much as Dylan was growing up.  She said she was spanked about once a week.  So hundreds of spankings for this poor girl.  Which I think must be some kind of record for most spankings.

Dylan hadn’t been spanked at all since turning 18, though.  Until this shoot.  We’ll see if she’ll shoot any more spanking shoots next year.  I think maybe so.  At least I hope so.  She can add to her record for being spanked.

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Missy Rhodes on Spanked Sweeties

by on Nov.08, 2011, under Spanking Interviews


Clare Fonda has interviewed many for the Spanked Sweeties site.  Some day I imagine a psychologist could use the site for research.  I suspect that occasional a model embelishes a story, but in most cases they ring very true. 

Missy Rhodes is presently running on Spanked Sweeties and she instantly became one of my all time favorite models.  Missy is outstanding in every way.  Behind the scenes she is professional beyond belief, mature, sweet and an excellent peformer who excels at improv.  She is very funny in a quiet and unsuspecting way. 

Check out a brief interview with her about shooting for Sweeties on Cherry Red.  And Missy has her own blog as well. 

Perhaps the most fascinating portion of Missy’s interview was the fact she says that her parents don’t remember spanking her when she was growing up.  Missy called it “spanking denial.”  She says that while her parents seem to have forgotten spanking her and her sister, she remembers the spankings very well and a couple of the mom spankings are re-enacted superbly by Missy and Clare Fonda (who looks  A LOT like Missy’s mom). 

And Tegan Summers (also pictured above) does a cameo scene as Missy’s sister getting spanked.  They look a lot like sisters, too.  Pretty cool family, huh?

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The Girl Next Store Could Be a Porn Star

by on Jul.11, 2011, under Spanking, Spanking Interviews

Shay Golden SpankedShay GoldenShay Golden Spanked

As a teenager, I had this idea that porn stars were somehow different than “normal” people.  They probably never spoke to guys like me.  If they did, they would sound different.  Talk in some oddly strange sexual voice and only talk about sex.  Maybe they walked differntly, only ate long, weird vegetables or bananas.  I don’t know.  I’m not really sure what I thought. 

When I started shooting spanking scenes in the late 1990s, I was told by many spankos that you don’t use “porn” models for spanking shoots.  They don’t mix.  Well I have been shooting many adult models lately for spanking scenes, and I am here to tell you a “behind the curtain” revelation. 

Porn stars are just normal people who talk about normal stuff.  Where they like to buy clothes.  Some guy they have been dating.  What movies they like.  They sound normal.  Their laughs are normal.  They can eat hamburgers and walk like everyone else.

Shay Golden, who was shot recently for Spanked Sweeties, is very much like the cute girl next door.  She even has this shy giggle that you’d hear in some mainstream romantic comedy.  No tatoos.  Athletic build.  If you sat next to her in an airport, you’d think “cute girl.”  Without some cheesey bam chicka bawm bawm music playing, you’d never know she was an adult actress. 

Part of the misconception, in my opinion, is seeing these girls on “porn” sites, with too much make up on, photos touched up so much that the features of their faces are lost and then all models look the same.  

The great thing about the Sweeties site, is that when you hear someone like Shay interviewed, you get to hear how she is so earthy, sweet, funny.  Maybe just like the cute girl who lives next store to you.  Only this one is capable of taking a mega-hard spanking (see photos above – with facial features intact).  So the advice I got so long ago about not shooting adult models for spanking scenes was bad.  Porn stars often are fantastic for spanking shoots.  Shay Golden is on par with any spanking model I have ever filmed.

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To Spank or be Spanked

by on Jun.18, 2011, under Spanking Interviews


Many models who sign on for spanking shoots have very specific limitations as to what they will or will not do.  Clare Fonda has a diaper site called naughty diaper girl and not surprisingly, some spanking models won’t shoot for that site. 

Many models will not be spanked by a male (typically because they have a boyfriend).  Some models will spank other females, but not a male.  The great Amber Pixie Wells used to never want to spank anyone, as she was very submissive.  But she has turned into an excellent top. 

Sophia Locke recently turned in her first ever spanking shoot with Clare Fonda.  Currently, she can be seen on Spanked Sweeties.  Sophia did not want to be spanked by a male or spank anyone.  She explained that she is a true submissive and it was not in her nature to spank someone.  But boy can she ever take a spanking.  Snow Mercy plays her mother and spanks Sophia long and hard.  Not many model can match Sophia’s level of taking a spanking. 

So check her out if you enjoy hard otk hand spankings.  And you never know, like Pixie, maybe some day Sophia turns others over her knee and dishes out some hard spankings of her own.

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Do Childhood Spankings Create Interest in Spanking?

by on May.01, 2011, under Spanking Interviews

Veronica Ricci Spanked

This is a question that is often discussed among Spankos – if you were spanked growing up, does that make you more likely to enjoy spanking play as an adult?  Of course it would be difficult to get the government to fund a study like this, though I’d volunteer to document it if they did. 

Some believe that when children are spanked, a spanko is being created.  Some believe there is no correlation.  The interviews on Spanked Sweeties are enlightining and if you watch enough of them, it could appear as if it does – as most of those interviewed were spanked as children and enjoy spanking now.  But of course Clare Fonda doesn’t interview the millions of people who were most likely spanked as children and do not enjoy spanking of any kind as adults. 

Still, it makes for an interesting discussion.  And Veronica Ricci, the current model appearing on Spanked Sweeties says she does enjoy spanking, though she doesn’t get much of it in her daily life.  I’m sure she’d be surprised to find out how many volunteers there would be to spank her.  Her interview was pretty outstanding.  All in the name of science.

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What is the Place for Tears in a Scene?

by on Mar.19, 2011, under Spanking Interviews


How valuable are tears in a spanking video?  No, I don’t mean my tears over another psycho ex-boyfriend stomping around the set.  I mean, of course, how valuable is it when the lady being spanked starts crying? 

The first time a model started crying when I was filming  (which was some time ago), I turned off the camera, thinking that something was wrong.  It was for Clare, who also wanted to cut.  You feel intrusive.  But many models have explained that they are okay with being filmed crying.  That it is part of their package as a model . So after years of filming spanking scenes, I realize that sometimes crying is a part of what a model brings to the table. 

The latest sweeties up on Spanked Sweeties is Lynn Leona.  She could not take a very hard spanking.  In fact, a very mild spanking brought her to tears.  Real, streaming down the face, and in one of her spankings, snot dripping out of the nose crying.  Does it make the scene work?  I don’t know, for some it will, for others crying (real crying like this) may be a turn off. 

At least I have learned to keep rolling when the crying begins.

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