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Spanking Interviews

Amazing Grace

by on Jan.08, 2011, under Spanking Interviews

Sometimes it is all about the expectations.  Clare Fonda usually sends me a photo of a model we will be shooting a month ahead of time or so – just to give me a heads up and/or solicit my opinion on her looks.  I’m sure she sent me a picture of Alexis Grace some time in November, but for whatever reason, the photo didn’t register or make a strong or lasting opinion. 
So when Alexis showed up one day in December to film her Spanked Sweeties (which is presently up on the site), I was BLOWN AWAY.  She was tall (nearly 6 feet) and stunning.  With a curvey bottom and a fantastic personality.  Check out Clare’s blog to see how much (a top 10 list) Alexis wowed us.  We filmed Alexis on her 22nd birthday – she even invited us to give her a birthday spanking. 
I look forward to the next time we shoot Alexis and if you love to see amazing looking young ladies getting spanked hard, and talking about her many spanking experiences, you should check out Alexis on Spanked Sweeties.
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What to Show in a Spanking Video

by on Dec.14, 2010, under Spanking Interviews

Spanking bottoms
It is important to show as much as possible in an interesting fashion when filming a spanking scene.  But the 2 most important body parts to show are the BOTTOM and the FACE.  Fans love to see the curved bottom getting what it derves and then seeing the facial reactions. 
In the photo above, at the top we see the entire view (necessary to establish the geography of the scene).  This is Lindsay getting spanked on Spanked Sweeties.  What we learned about Lindsay on this shoot is that due to an old back injury, she can’t lift her head up entirely when over the knee, which makes it challenging to caputre her facial reactions.  In future shoots with Lindsay, expect to see more bent over spankings as opposed to over the knee. 
On the shots below that photo, we see a close up of the lovely Madison Martin – her bottom and her face, which appears on the latest Spanked Call Girls.  Edit these different shots together and we are delivering the goods.  Oddly enough, some sites don’t shoot all 3 of these views – but intead just two different shots that are not even edited together – but editing is another blog for another day.
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Testing My Memory

by on Nov.22, 2010, under Spanking Interviews

Spanked Sweeties
So Dave over at Cherry Red Report contacted me about showing me some photos that I have taken for Clare Fonda shoots.  They ranged from sort of recently to many years ago.  It was a bit like one of those psychology tests where they show you a strange image and ask to give your first impression. 
So since I’m a little crazy, I found it theraputic – and sort of a kick.  Check it out at Cherry Red to see if I passed the test.
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Smokin’ Hotties

by on Oct.24, 2010, under Spanking Interviews

Spanked Sweeties
This may or may not be a buzz kill for some of you out there, but many of the hottest chicks smoke.  I grabbed this photo behind the scenes of Mary Jane’s recent Spanked Sweeties shoot, which featured Kay Richards. 
The girls were grabbing a smoke while Clare Fonda looks on disapprovingly.  I think the two hotties were at least a little bit into each other, as these photos suggest.  Maybe some day we’ll shoot an erotic scene with them. 
Needless to say, both ladies were spanked hard on this shoot.  And while the spankings had nothing to do with their smoking, I hope as they drove home on their sore bottoms, that maybe they would at least consider dropping the deadly habit.  However, as much as I hate to admit it, they look pretty smokin’ hot sharing that cig.  I highly recomend checking out Mary Jane’s Spanked Sweeties!!
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Marvelous Mary Jane

by on Sep.27, 2010, under Spanking Interviews

Spanking big bootie
We shot with Mary Jane this past Saturday.  She is currently up on Spanked Call Girls, but her interview was so amazing that we will be doing a part 2 to this Sweeties shoot before posting her on Spanked Sweeties. 
As promised here are some photos of this beauty.  I numbered them so I could refer to the positions, which is what I’d like to blog about today.  Sometimes when a photographer wants to accentuate the curves of the bottom, angles must be considered. 
But Mary Jane’s behind looks great from every angle.  Typically, girls look flat when shot from above and they are over-the-knee, as Mary Jane was in Photo #2 (her ass does not look flat of course).   Shooting from below, such as Photo #5 is usually flattering for most models (MJ is no exception). 
But look at Photo #4 (this photo was snapped by Clare Fonda) – a photo taken from above like this is another angle that will often make the mode’s bottom look flatter than it is.  No problem for MJ. 
Photo #1 shows off her nice, long legs.  Photo #3 shows that MJ can take it hard, as evidenced by those sweet red marks.  She said that after Saturday’s shoot, she expects some welts and bruises to show.  And she was going to drive to Northern California right after the shoot and said “I know it will be painful sitting on the entire drive.”
But of all these shots, it is Photo #6 that is most impressive.  Again, when the model is otk, gravity will often lessen her curves.  But Mary Jane stands tall in all her glory and invites one to just long to “spank it good.” 
The shot I missed, that I didn’t realize would be a great shot until I hugged Mary Jane when she was leaving, was a shot looking straight down at her juicy target (from the hugger’s point of view).  I asked her if people didn’t look at her behind and just want to give it a nice smack.  She said “it happens all the time.”  Take a look and ask yourself, could you resist giving that bootie a smack?
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Dangerous Curves

by on Sep.20, 2010, under Spanking Interviews

Spanked Sweeties
Attactive women come in all shapes, sizes and ages.  Clare Fonda recognizes this and casts models accordingly.  The stunning beauty Natasha did a recent shoot with CF, bringing with her those glorious curves many spanking fans love. 
What was shocking to hear, though (and this was not during her filmed interview for Spanked Sweeties but just when she was talking on the set), was that Natasha was recently employed by another spanking site that would not use her again because she was too curvy for them.  Guess some spanking sites only like stick figures. 
Their loss is Clare Fonda’s gain.  That site attempts to get all their models to work for them exclusively, so if they enjoyed Natasha’s curves, you wouldn’t be seeing her interviewed about her childhood spankings – which were fascinating, then having those hard spanking re-enacted.  Behind the scenes, Natasha was confident, fiesty and has an electric smile.  She is proud of her curves. 
She was in Exlusive Education 5, in which she has a scene spanking Clare Fonda, and she also works at the Dominon in West Los Angeles.
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Interview on Cherry Red Report

by on Sep.07, 2010, under Spanking Interviews

Cherry Red Report
If you look over at the right side of this blog, you will see a list of sites and blogs that I truly check out.  One of these excellent blogs, The Cherry Red Report, just interviewed of all people — me.  So check out the site and the interview (which amounts to a week’s worth of blogging for me).  
Dave of Cherry Red made or had made a couple of cartoons for the interview (see above – compliments of Cherry Red).  It covers many topics, but the gist of the interview is about Exclusive Education 5 on Girl Spanks Girl, and our “no boyfriend on the set” rule.  Clare Fonda likes to add “no husbands either.”  Please check out the interview here.
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