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spanking soap opera

Halloween Spankings

by on Oct.24, 2012, under mother/daughter spanking, Spanking, spanking soap opera, spanking sorority girls

Halloween, with its sexy costumes and playful atmosphere, seems like a great marriage for spanking scenes.  We have Halloween scenes for two of our sites.  The Spanking Sorority Girls Halloween scene started running today.

In this scene, Karina, Riley, Kat and Amaya all begin spanking each other because they get in a fight about who should’ve arranged the party that no one showed up to.


Veronica went home to have a secret party and her mom catches her.  I really believe that Crystal (who plays Veronica’s mom) and Veronica make the most realistic and amazing mother/daughter team I have ever filmed for spanking.


The sorority Halloween scene will end with Sarah Gregory spanking Christy Cutie in some excellent costumes that the models brought to the shoot themselves.  Veronica brought hers (she has tons) and the rest were provided by the house where I often shoot (they are loaded with sexy costumes that come with the rental of the house).


The girls had a blast shooting this Halloween scene.


On Friday, My Spanking Roommate will begin a Halloween scene with Madison Martin and Chloe Elise.  This is noteworthy in that as far as I can tell, this will be the last ever new spanking scene released with Chloe Elise in it – as she retired from spanking at the end of last year.  Chloe was a fantastic spanking model and will be missed – but with her own authentic cheerleader costume and her desire to make a great scene – this is an excellent way to go out!


She and Madison went at each other hard on this scene.

Happy Halloween!!





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Some Interesting Niches on My Spanking Roommate

by on Jun.03, 2012, under spanking soap opera

The last couple of episodes on My Spanking Roommate included a few niches.  Some have come via viewers suggestions, some come from what the models just happen to wear or improv about during a scene.


Episode 107 included one girl (the new Miss Claw) going over the laps of two others (a popular request).  In this case, it is Madison Martin and Missy Rhodes.  In the scene, they are both getting revenge on Miss Claw for either spanking her (in Missy’s case) or being responsible for Madison getting a spanked.  Both girls had to sit on their sore bottoms (another popular request) to spank Miss Claw otk (which has consistently been the favorite fan spanking position).

Miss Claw wore a tight, short leather skirt (her winning choice) and Madison and Missy were both wearing short skirts so that we could see their legs as well.  They used the word “spanking” often during the scene (a wildly popular choice).  Lots of long hair, hard spanking, good reactions.  Hope to use Miss Claw a lot more.  She is young (only 19) but is very experienced (she works at Sanctuary LAX) and mature for her age.  They spanking Miss Claw with their hands and with the always classic hair brush.


Another popular scenario is for a drunken girl to get overpowered by a smaller girl, only to have her drag her over her knee for a spanking.  In the current Episode 108, Mary Jane plays the drunken girl (so convincingly you would think she must have some experience at this).

Mary Jane even risked her ass by literally falling off Lilia’s lap and landing so hard on her curvy bottom that the second camera (which was on a tripod) shook.   Mary Jane wore a skin tight short dress that she almost needed help getting into (her excellent choice).


And a last popular niche was having Mary Jane forced to sign a lease while she is getting spanked.  Hey we listen to fans when possible for suggestions we can incorporate into scenes.  These two episodes included some fan input.  Scenes being shot presently (that will appear in the future on various CF sites) will  also include the occasional fan suggestion.

I hear you guy who likes to have a girl embarrassed while a friend watches her get spanked….

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Models Prep For Shoots

by on Mar.30, 2012, under spanking soap opera


Every model we work with seems beautiful to me.  Depending on your taste, our models range in beauty.  I have been hearing lots of feedback on how stunning Missy looks in the current episode running on My Spanking Roommate.

Now Missy is a natural beauty.  She is an out of town model and one I don’t mind giving a ride to when we shoot her.  So I pick her up and she looks great.  But she has a process, like many models, to jazz up her appearance a bit.

So enjoy the photos above, which I snapped to reveal her process.  In the top photo, she is doing something strange to her eye.  I couldn’t tell you what, but if you have ever seen A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, it can’t be a good thing, right?

Also note the shameless tease of butt crack, perhaps Missy’s way of taunting me for taking a behind the scenes photo of her.  She mocked me slightly when I told her I got a photo of her butt crack.  She said something like “they’ll never even know it’s my butt crack.”  Sorry about that Missy.  I think they’ll know now.  Bwahhhaaa.

So in the photo below that, you can see Missy petting Clare’s pussy (geez that was fun to type).  Clare has many cats and she is always teasing me for not being able to keep their names straight.  To me this is the fat black hairy pussy.  Missy is a sweet lover of pets and stopped her prepping to show a little love to this visitor.

So if you enjoy the look of a certain model, such as the stunning Missy Rhodes, know that there is a complicated process to achieve it that involves eye torture, butt crack and petting big black hairy pussies.

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Best Phone Call Ever

by on Mar.24, 2012, under spanking soap opera


Here is an interesting behind-the-scenes tidbit.  If you check out the latest episode (103) now up on My Spanking Roommate, you will see Veronica Ricci getting spanked by Alexis Grace.  Which is cool.

And she is calling her roommate Missy Rhodes while getting spanked.  Which is even more cool.

And after the call, Missy gets spanked by a new character named Miss Claw, who is playing her acting coach.  All this is, as I say, cool.

But what is crazy interesting in my opinion, is that Veronica actually called a friend while she is getting full on spanked hard with a hair brush by Alexis.  Veronica was yelping and moaning and trying to explain (in character) how she has to kick Missy out of the apartment so that Alexis can move in.  And she explains how she is getting spanked hard.

This phone conversation goes on and on, and her friend that she really called had no idea what was going on and was worried something crazy was happening in real life to Veronica.  I think it took Veronica a long time the next few days to explain what that call was all about.

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Wrestling & Spanking on My Spanking Roommate

by on Mar.14, 2012, under spanked girlfriends, Spanking, spanking soap opera


The last 2 episodes of My Spanking Roommate included wrestling and spanking.

Episode 101 found Kay Richards and her friend Ashley (played by Ariel X) wrestling each other, then spanking each other in Kay’s bedroom.

Episode 102, now running, finds Madison Martin and Tawny (played by Madison Young) wrestling and spanking each other in an alley.

In both scenes, this animated spanking clip of wrestling and spanking was used as an example for the girls. Check it out and see if you can find any similarities.

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Episode 100 Introduces New Roommate Stars Lilia Spinoza and Missy Rhodes

by on Feb.18, 2012, under spanking soap opera


Episode 100 of My Spanking Roommate is up now and it stars Missy Rhodes (who made her debut on the site January 1) and Lilia Spinoza, who is making her debut in this episode. 

Lilia and Missy will be joining the original talents Kay Richards and Madison Martin as the four main stars of the site.  There are, of course, many supporting stars, many with huge roles in this spanking soap opera. 

Missy was picked to be one of the main stars because of her willingness to push her limits when it comes to spanking, and because she is wildy hot and an amazing performer with great energy and very real reactions.  She has a cute bottom that will get red and speckled often for the site. 

Missy has a blog in which she talks about all of her fetish work, and occasionally posts about spanking.  She said she will blog more about spanking as her role on this site grows.  Missy is an awesome person and I feel confident fans of the Roommates site will love her. 

Lilia is a rising spanking star and we were thrilled when she agreed to be one of the stars of the site.  She has shot with a number of spanking sites, and her high threshold for a heavy spanking is becoming well documented.  She is pretty good at giving a spanking as well.  Lilia will be starting a blog soon. 

In Episode 100, Lilia spanks Missy, first over a tight, black mini-dress.  Then on Missy’s bare bottom.  And then she convinces Missy (through spanking) to work as a waitress at Cleopatras. 

Missy’s character is a bratty aspiring actress.  After Missy is humiliated and made to put on the Egyptian uniform, Lilia spanks her with a wooden hairbrush. 

Lilia’s lovely round bottom will be on the recieving end in future episodes as well.  For now, I hope you guys enjoy our landmark 100th episode of My Spanking Roommate

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My Spanking Roommate Gets Nice Review

by on Jan.27, 2012, under spanking soap opera


Someone passed along a very nice, fair and favorable review of My Spanking Roommate.  I agree with much of what the reviewer said and even updated the links to episodes on the Members Star page as he suggested.  Check out his review Here.  He has a very good blog, by the way. 

Pictured above is Madison Martin (one of the main stars of the site) and Madison Young, who plays Tawny.  One of the things I enjoy about the site is that we get to shoot a wide variety of locations.  Madison was worknig in a classroom. 

r98e05l.JPGAlso pictured in the post is the current episode on the sight, which includes the other original star, Kay Richards, working here with Sierra Salem. 

We’re getting close to our 100th episode.  Which is another blog post for another day.

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New Year Spanking Scene

by on Jan.01, 2012, under spanking soap opera


The top photo above is a behind the scenes shot of Missy Rhodes, Veronica Ricci and Clare Fonda, who were posing during a shoot for our New Year’s My Spanking Roommate episode. 

It introduces Veronica and Missy’s characters on that site.  In the scene, Veronica spanked Missy for not remembering to get New Year’s decorations for their party.  Instead Missy brought little girl birthday decorations because that was all she could find. 

This was based on a real life experience, when two roommates had a New Year’s party but one of the girls waited too late to get the decorations.  Not positive a full on spanking took place, but I did witness a few swats to one of the girl’s behinds from her slightly drunken roommate. 

The scene continues with Missy spanking Veronica for breaking one of her new year’s vows.  Missy and Veronica had great chemsitry and loved shooting with each other.  They especially  had fun spanking each other with a paddle while the spankee was made to blow on a nosie maker. 

From Clare, Veronica, Missy and me, we wish you all a Happy New Year and thanks for following our blogs and supporting our sites!! 

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Spanking Over Jeans

by on Nov.21, 2011, under spanking soap opera


There seems to be a fair number of spankos who enjoy watching a nice looking girl get spanked while wearing tight jeans.  Personally, I can take it or leave it. 

The current episode running on My Spanking Roommate finds Clare Fonda spanking Kay Richards, who is wearing very tight jeans that she had to shove her buns into.  For me, the falls under the category of “take it.” 

It’s really a great scene.  Clare bends her over a bed and spanks Kay on her tight jeans, then puts her over her knee for more.  And maybe just to satisfy everyone, she eventually pulls those jeans down and spanks Kay’s bare bottom (I don’t know, maybe Jeans purists won’t like this). 

For good measure, she bends her over the bed again and gives Kay some whacks with a leather paddle. 

One of the arguments for spanking over jeans is that the spanker can go longer and harder, which was the case here.  Okay, maybe a few more scenes like this one and I’ll be a convert. 

What do you guys say?  Fans of jeans spankings or not?

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Halloween Spanking Delay

by on Oct.31, 2011, under spanking soap opera


Okay, so taking you behind the scenes for editing and scene length, I’m sorry to report that because the scene with Madison Martin and Mary Jane ran so long on My Spanking Roommates, that the Halloween episode that was supposed to air today, on Halloween, will actually not appear for another week or so. 

Apparently, Madison and Mary Jane found each other’s curvy backsides so tempting, that they couldn’t stop spanking each other and their scene ended up around 30 minutes long.  That happens sometimes, even though producers tend to shoot for a certain length to a spanking scene – in this case around 20 minutes. 

But sometimes the models get tired or run out of things to say and the scene ends up short.  Or in this case, they get into it so much that they run all red lights (and end up with red bottoms).  Enjoy and check in next week for the My Spanking Roommate Halloween episode featuring Kailee and Chloe Elise.

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