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spanking soap opera

Spanking Theft Sucks!

by on Oct.15, 2011, under spanking soap opera


Check out the photo above to see two of the best (if not THE best) bums in the biz.  Mary Jane and Madison have amazing booties and are now up in their first scene together for My Spanking Roommate

Look closer at the photo and you will see an url on the bottom right.  The “url” is the lettering that identifies the site.  Previously, I have not added urls to photos that I have taken for My Spanking Roommate or Girl Spanks Girl.  There is something pure about having a photo with no writing on it. 

However, due to unrelenting stealing of Clare Fonda photos and videos, I have been forced to add the urls so at least when people watch the stolen scenes, they can see what site they came from and hopefully some day pay to join the site. 

I realize many people who join sites think they are not stealing when they share videos and photos to supposedly “free” sites.  What they may or may not realize, is that some asshole is making money off that “free” site, and he has no cost in paying models, producing, shooting, editing etc. of the content.  It is stealing. 

I’m not talking about showing your buddies some of the clips from a site you joined.  I’m talking about posting them on file sharing sites. It is illegal and it is causing major hits to companies producing this content.  Some of those companies may eventually go out of business as they are taking hits from this serious and growing problem. 

Anyway, sorry for those of you who are distracted by seeing the urls on the photos from now on.  But at least you know now why they are there. 

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Sierra Salem on Spanking Soap Opera

by on Sep.17, 2011, under spanking soap opera

Sierra Salem spanked

We shot Sierra Salem a while ago and her episode is currently running on My Spanking Roommate.  I am surprised about the buzz around Sierra.  She was a very good spanking model who hasn’t been shooting in quite some time, and I have recently learned that she has quite a following. 

It didn’t seem like a big event when we shot her, but now as her scenes are running, it kind of does.  If I had only known, maybe I would’ve asked her to say something profound for a behind the scenes comment. 

The thing with My Spanking Roommate is, that since it is a soap opera with running story lines, sometimes what we shoot goes up quickly to fill a story line, but sometimes a few scenes are shot in advance and they fit in down the road.  This was the case with Sierra, who was shot a while ago. 

Many have informed me that she has retired from shooting spanking scenes, but I have not heard that officially.  Or, well, from her.  So if you are a Sierra Salem fan, be sure to check her out on My Spanking Roommate.  

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