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Spanking Sites Getting Censored

by on Mar.12, 2022, under Spanking, spanking in the news

In my opinion the cancel culture we hear so much about doesn’t come from a specific political party, but rather it is extremists across the spectrum forcing their will onto others in order to get things removed from existence based on their own beliefs.  My secondary billing company has required me to remove yet another clip from the web.

This Governess scene with Syren De Mer and Kay Richards was canceled for mentioning “pot”

The first time they made me remove a scene was on Girl Spanks Girl and it was  because there was a reference to smoking “pot.” Of course now pot is legal, so maybe I’ll explore putting that Episode back up.  Though I suspect they will still have me leave it down because it refers to an altered state of mind, as drinking does.

This scene (#48) with Chloe Elise and Snow Mercy has been canceled by a billing company

This week I was told they would no longer support my billing if I didn’t remove a scene from My Spanking Roommate in which Snow Mercy plays a character who is drunk, and then gets spanked, implying the spanking is not consensual.  My members are all over 18 years old and I have no doubt they won’t be negatively influenced by watching a model pretending to be drunk for a spanking scene.

I have been told by someone who knows more about the cancel culture than I do, that this specific incident is part of a religious movement backed by lots of money pressuring Credit Card companies to heavily regulate the adult business to remove all “undesirable” elements.

Poindexter’s job is to watch great scenes like this and decide you aren’t capable of watching it

So they hire a dude named Poindexter to watch a bunch of porn to make sure it’s “compliant.” I don’t even know what to say about this other then it really seems ludicrous to me and maybe Poindexter could apply his skill set to something more useful to society.  Like maybe he could get all the clips that are stolen and released on pirated sites taken down instead of telling what entertainment adults are able to enjoy or not.

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EE16 Part 2 Up Now

by on Feb.05, 2022, under Spanking

As mentioned in my last post, Exclusive Education 16: Part 2 would be arriving soon and it is up now on Girl Spanks Girl.  In the first part, there were 4 ladies involved in the spanking action.

Clare makes another appearance in the EE series here scoping out Abbie’s naughty bottom

Nearly every of the 16 Exclusive Educations have starred Clare Fonda, and she makes her appearance as the Principal in Part 2. She punishes Abbie Maley for missing the field trip.

Abbie Maley agreed to push her pain limit by accepting paddle whacks

Abbie is an adult star who is very petite but has quite the bubble butt as she is a workout fiend.  Very toned. But she has a very low pain threshold so while her spanking may not seem very hard on first glance, it was as hard as she could take it and it left her cute butt marked for a few days.

Rubbing her sore bottom is something Abbie Maley really had to do after this spanking

Her yelps are very real. Abbie even agreed to take some swats with a paddle.

The goal is to make it to at least EE20 so I’m on the lookout for the next group of spanked bottoms to star in the next episode in the series, to be shot near the end of the year.

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Exclusive Education 16 Is Here

by on Jan.12, 2022, under Spanking

Now on it’s 16th year, Exclusive Education 16: Sleepover is now on Girl Spanks Girl.  It has been a long and winding road for this EE series, which was originally sponsored by someone that allowed us to use a boat load of models.

In Exclusive Education form, two spankings occur at the same time

Since that funding has not been available, the number of models may have decreased but the freedom to vary from the same story each year has been a plus.

Lux Lives and Cheyenne Jewel team up to spank Yasmine Sinclaire hard for tattling

This year’s episode is in two parts and includes 6 models, Veronica Ricci, Yasmine Sinclaire, Cheyenne Jewel and Lux Lives in Part One, and Clare Fonda and Abbie Maley in Part Two.

A nude Abbie Maley gets spanked and paddled by Clare Fonda for missing the sleepover

There is a variety of OTK action that includes hand, hairbrush and bath brush and even some with the paddle to come in Part 2.

The plan is to make it to at least EE20 and if anyone has any suggestions on multi-model spanking scenes for next years EE17 feel free to toss some out.  Until then, please enjoy the energy and spanking action of EE16.

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Model 500 Is Here

by on Jan.01, 2022, under Interviews, spanked call girls, Spanking

Before declaring our monumental 500th model, a little history is needed to explain the choice.  The first shoot our company ever did was on January 5, 2000 and it starred Clare Fonda (of course) who was our company’s co-founder, and Penny.

We did only frame grabs when we started — here’s one from the first scene we ever shot

It was shot in a dungeon and we didn’t feel like we were doing anything historical at the time.  It was a decent scene, but not amazing, so we held releasing it for a while.

A frame grab of Clare spanking Lilith from our first scene ever released (from the year 2000)

Our next shoot was with Clare Fonda, Lilith and Lori (fetish models weren’t big on last names back then). That became the first scene that we ever released, on VHS no less, since spanking web sites weren’t a thing yet.  The Penny scene wasn’t released until the next year, after many titles were released before it.

Lori appears later in the first scene released (to spank Clare), making Lori model #3

So when it came to listing models, Clare Fonda is 1a and Lilith is 1b.  Lori doesn’t appear until later in that scene, which is called “The English Lesson.” It can be found streaming on Girl Spanks Girl. The order of the model has been always based on when her scene is released.

Lexi Holland appears in her first ever scene with Snow Mercy making her model  #501

This is relevant because we shot Lexi Holland recently, but her Spanked Sweeties scene won’t be released until Monday.

Our official 500th model had to appear with company co-founder and superstar Clare Fonda

We shot Numi Zarah a few days later, but her first scene was released yesterday on Spanked Call Girls.

Numi’s first scene appeared yesterday on Spanked Call Girls, making her our 500th model

So a shout out to both Lexi and Numi, but Numi Zarah is our 500th model!!  Both Lexi and Numi are fantastic models and will no doubt both be beloved.

Lexi’s Spanked Sweeties includes 3 spankings; this is a shot from her 2nd scene with Snow

We are excited to be the company that shot both of their first ever spanking scenes. 500 models in the books, and 500 to go.

Let’s see, it took 21 years to shoot 500 (well 501) models, so check back in the year 2042 for model 1000.

Click here for a  list with photos of all 501 models.

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Actually – more Christmas

by on Dec.26, 2021, under spanked call girls, Spanking

Well, in my last post I said there would be just one Christmas scene on the sites this year.  Then a location was changed at the last minute recently (after my last blog post) and we moved the shoot to somewhere that provided Christmas outfits and some decorations and, well it was nearly Christmas time, so we shot a Christmas spanking scene for My Spanking Roommate and it’s up now and features our newest model, Sky Terrapin (in her debut scene), and Madison Martin.

In her debut scene tall beauty Sky Terrapin gives Madison Martin a sound Christmas spanking

Sky is an enthusiastic spanker and I expect her to be well received for all that she adds to her scenes.

Technically this is a Holiday spanking as Dria messed up her decoration duties with a coffin

Also, our latest scene on Spanked Call Girls could technically be considered a Christmas scene as Dria was supposed to decorate the Cat House for the “Holiday” party but does so by renting a coffin. She (of course) gets spanked by Tiana Irie for this bad choice.

Hope you all had a very, very Merry Christmas!!

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Christmas Spanking

by on Dec.14, 2021, under Spanking

Some years we offer a few Christmas spanking scenes, but there is only one this year. But it’s a great one that you can find on Girl Spanks Girl.

Snow Mercy – as sexy Krampus – towers over the naughty Rachel Adams who gets punished

Snow Mercy as Krampus towers over Rachel Adams before spanking Rachel for kicking out her roommate just before Christmas.

Krampus loves using her cane to make her point on a naughty bottom – as Rachel learns

This was a very sound spanking that includes hand, cane and paddle. Real tears stream out of Rachel’s eyes as her bottom turns red.

As always, we will be adding a bonus clip for every site on Christmas Day.  Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

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Popular Series To Get Just End

by on Nov.16, 2021, under Spanking

I have received quite a bit of feedback on the Human Resources spanking series up on the Girl Spanks Girl site. All of it has been favorable so far.

Dria’s bottom looks ripe for a spanking from the boss with that tight office skirt popping

We added a scene with Company owner spanking Dria for falling asleep on the job recently.  It’s always nice to see Dria’s curvy bottom receive a sound spanking.

By popular demand the boss gets a spanking and paddling from one of her employees

But there have been a number of requests for the series to end with Snow receiving a spanking, too. That request has been granted and you can look forward to the justly deserved ending in the next month or so.

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Sarah Gregory Talks About Spanking Relationships

by on Nov.06, 2021, under Interviews, Spanking

We recently shot spanking superstar Sarah Gregory along with John Osborne (who is no slouch either) for Spanked Sweeties. Clare Fonda asked Sarah questions about her relationships in spanking and Sarah was incredibly sharing.

John Osborne re-enacts the first spanking he ever gave to partner Sarah Gregory

It is easily one of the most spectacular and revealing interviews on the site and is followed up with an outstanding spanking from John.

It was nice to have Clare conducting the interview as Clare was the first person in the spanking community that Sarah reached out to when she was about to start her modeling career. They have been great friends since and Sarah has had incredible success as a producer and model.

Sarah learned to love the crop early into her spanking relationships

This is a must-see for friends of Sarah and any of you who just like to hear an expert talk about how spanking can be successfully incorporated into a relationship.

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Doll Spanking Off The Charts

by on Oct.19, 2021, under spanking soap opera

There is a new scene up on My Spanking Roommate, Episode 407, called Creepy Doll Spanking. It is a must-see scene, that stars Clare Fonda as someone who loves her creepy dolls.

Clare Fonda loves her dolls for real – she doesn’t just creep on them – they were hand picked.

When her new roommate Nikki Sweet complains about the dolls, Clare gives Nikki a spanking over her knee while the dolls watch. This scene is instantly one of my all time favorites because the commitment from the models makes it seem so real.

Clare gives her new roommate – the lovely Nikki Sweet – a sound spanking

It is funny and creepy and intense and Nikki takes as hard of a spanking as she could, which was quite a nice level for a sexy porn star willing to get her bottom bright red. Clare maybe actually has a creepy love for these dolls, or she’s a great actress, or both! And Nikki’s shock seems very real.

Next up Nikki gives Clare a spanking while the dolls watch. Painful and embarrassing!

Look for the next episode, which will feature Nikki’s revenge as she delivers a spanking to Clare, which is embarrassing to her because the dolls watch it.

Instant classic!

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Behind The Scenes Smiles

by on Sep.06, 2021, under Spanking

Every once in a while I will post some photos of models smiling.  It is a reminder that often a spanking shoot can be fun.

Kaylee cracks a smile while over the knee of the tall, powerful and funny Mistress Gloria

Yes the spankings are very real and the models almost always leave with sore, red bottoms.

Veronica Ricci has a great sense of humor and is caught smiling while Mila spanks her for

But there often is chemistry between the spanker and spankee and when posing for a photo set, sometimes a smile will appear.

Both April Rain and good friend Iris smile during this wooden bath brush spanking 

While spanking can be painful, it can also be fun.

Andi felt the pain of the wooden bath brush too, but couldn’t stop a smile from appearing

Sometimes the scenarios are a little on the outrageous side and something said can lead to a smile or giggle outbreak.

Hope you enjoy both the pain and the pleasure. Grimaces and smiles.

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