There is a new hair style for some hotties that at one time might not have been popular but as times change and our definition of beauty expands, these two beautiful ladies sport the buzzed look and are very popular and glamorous.

Riley Nixon looking sexy with Clare Fonda on the Call Girls site
Riley Nixon is new to our sites, and she came in with the look on her first scenes. Here she is on Spanked Call Girls with Clare Fonda. It is a very sexy scene and Riley is lovely in it.

Snow Mercy is the madam who punishes Kim Chi in the dungeon
Snow Mercy has been on our sites for many years with her natural hair, but not is giving the buzzed look a try. She can be found in two scenes with the new look. The first is also on Spanked Call Girls and she looks very dominant as Madam Snow as she punishes Kim Chi in her dungeon.

Snow Mercy channels the Riley character from the Alien series
The other scene, appearing on Girl Spanks Girl, was with the very cute and girly Aali Kali, who appears in her first ever spanking scene with Snow. Again Snow is dominant as a character expired by the bad-ass Riley in the Alien series.
Kicking ass and take no prisoners, two hotties embracing the buzzed look.