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Tag: Alex Reynolds spanking

Dria Gives Her First Spanking

by on Dec.01, 2017, under spanking soap opera, spanking sorority girls

New spanking model Dria has had lots of experience receiving spanks as a professional submissive. But when we asked her to spank Snow Mercy for the Spanking Sorority Girls site, she admitted she really hasn’t done any spanking outside of the playful swat here or there.

Dria makes her spanking shoot debut as a top.

She was pretty decent for a beginner, so we will give her some more opportunities to spank in the near future. But of course we will soon be unrolling her super human strength, which is to take extremely hard spankings, very soon. Which is another blog for another day.

Today, it’s all about the new spanker.  Feel free to check out Dria’s first scene as a top on the Sorority site. Another new model, Nikki Turner, will also be debuting soon on a few of the sites. She was the hardest first spanker I’ve ever witnessed and in fact spanks as hard as any lady around. Sorry, that’s another future blog.

Some other sites will often use the same handful of tops, which is good in its own way. But we like to have lots of switching, so we push models to find their inner domme. In some instances, as was the case with Nikki Turner, they are instantly impressive. But other models take a while before they become the amazing tops that they can truly be.

Sarah Gregory makes her debut as a top on My Spanking Roommate

Two outstanding tops that got their spanking top scene debuts on camera with our sites include Alex Reynolds and Sarah Gregory, among others.  Sarah was first, when she spanked Chloe Elise for My Spanking Roommate a number of years ago.  She was reluctant to take that first step, but with a little coaching and some coaxing, she gave it her best shot.  It was awkward at first, but now she is a Hall of Fame spanker!

Alex Reynolds made her top debut on the Sorority site

Alex Reynolds, a few years after Sarah’s top debut, did a scene for Spanking Sorority Girls, as a nun no less.  She was sort of all over the map with her spanks her first time out. Like Sarah, she was a little reluctant. And like Sarah, she is now one of the great female spankers in the biz.

We shall see if Dria ever reaches the elite spanker status of Sarah or Alex. It’s kind of a kick to see where someone starts and how far they can ride that spanking star train!

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All About EE9: Cheerleader Camp

by on Aug.13, 2014, under Spanked school girls

Here is the scoop on the shoot of EE9: Cheerleader Camp.


Willow Lynn was the first to arrive, about 10 minutes before the 12:30 call time.

Next up was Tori Black, the adult model superstar who I was so excited to include in the cast.  Tori was camera ready and looked stunning!  Most of the other models arrived over the next 5 to 10 minutes, so all but one essentially arrived on time.  Tori seemed very comfortable there, and even though this was going to be her first spanking only shoot, she said she has a lot of experience spanking people and she enjoys it.  But Tori got some text message that changed her mood and she pulled me aside to state that she had to leave immediately and assured me it was nothing to do with anything that was going on at the shoot.

I was very disappointed, as you can imagine, but began looking for a last second replacement model.  One of the models was friends with Chenell Heart, and had her call me.  We talked for a minute and she agreed to fill in as Tori’s replacement.

Suzie Q's first cute photo

Suzie Q’s first cute photo

Suzie Q, who is also a model, was helping to crew the shoot. The idea was that she could fill in as a model if something like this occurred. But she ended up working till 4:30am and had little sleep and convinced me that she could not fill in as a model this day.

Replacement model rushing to set

Replacement model Chenell rushing to get to the set. Not here for this photo

So Chenell it was. And I am glad to report that Chenell was amazing.


Suzie was very helpful and had a great rapport with the models. She interviewed each model separately and that will run after EE9 plays out in updates.

Here is Chenell - just in time

Here is Chenell – just in time

This was the most easy-going group EVER to do an EE.  There are usually at least one or two chatty types and occasionally a diva or two.  Not this year. This was a fun loving, easy going gang who could be at least a little rowdy when the cameras were rolling (I hear you Koko Kitten). Maybe there were so many submissive by nature ladies on this shoot (not all of course) that this accounts for the trouble-free shoot.  Hard to say for sure.  I like the diversity of the cast in terms of looks and styles, and there were lots of ladies who could take hard spankings. Each cast member brought something unique and they in mass had a very subtle but quite outstanding improv skill, which makes for an impressive scene.


In the story, Christy was chosen ahead of time to be the special “privileged brat” who would instigate the spankings, then ultimately get the most severe punishment, which included 20 strokes with the cane. When cheer coach Snow is gone, Christy picks a fight with the other girls and they all end up spanking her, which Snow catches.

Yasmine leads mass assault on Christy

Yasmine leads mass assault on Christy

Snow spanks each cheerleader.

Christ laughs at others being punished

Christy laughs at others being punished

Then Christy spanks each cheerleader. Except if you watch closely, you will notice that she somehow overlooked spanking Lana Lopez (we owe you one Lana). One other note here – we incorporated a few of the girls resisting, as in they put their hands back and tried to stop the spanking from occurring, which mostly just leads to the spanker grabbing the spankee’s resisting hand while continuing to spank away.  This was a suggestion from one of our members (who is also a fellow spanking producer).

Christy spanks, Lilly & Willow cower together in fear

Christy spanks, Yasmine resists, Lilly & Willow cower together in fear

Then Chrsity and Snow spank the girls 2 at a time, in the traditional EE format.

Spanked with hairbrush in pairs

Spanked with hairbrush in pairs

And then Snow catches Christy gloating to the other girls about how she got them spanked and Snow punishes Christy severely.

Naughty Christy gets what she deserves

Naughty Christy gets what she deserves


1. Snow Mercy was in top form, never getting tired despite spanking an unending sea of bottoms.

The girls seem pleased that Christy is getting caned

The girls seem pleased that Christy is getting caned

2. Chrsity Cutie shines as the brat who caused trouble and you gotta love her “pain” moans while she is getting punished. 3. Koko Kitten is the master of subtle humor and lovely pouting.

Snow is tireless spanker, Koko master pouter

Snow is tireless spanker, Koko master pouter

4. Yasmine deLeon is a stunning beauty with a nice bottom and she excels at being sassy. 5. Alex Reynolds stands out as the disgruntled member who protests to the bitter end. And of course she can take and give a great spanking.

Alex is bent over for position variety

Alex is bent over for position variety

6. Lilly and 7. Willow Lynn are great friends in real life and they included that friendship as two who bond while being punished. Their idea.  8. Lana Lopez gives excellent very real reactions because she is no doubt in the most pain of any of these ladies as the one with the lowest tolerance – and someone who is not normally spanked.

Lana Lopez discovers spankings hurt

Lana Lopez discovers spankings hurt

9. Chenell Heart filled in beautifully. She is so very cute, great at subtle acting – and has an amazing bottom.


There was a double rainbow outside. Just in honor of our shoot?  Maybe.

Lana Lopez text me to say that she thought Snow looked amazing and next time Lana says she wants a swat or two with a paddle from Snow.  Ha, ha, really Lana?

All of the girls seemed pleased with the shoot and I received a lot of “thank you” notes and such.  Someone even said, “I will wait a day or two then I will ask you about your plans for EE10”.  Hmmmm.


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Amazing Pandora Blake

by on Jun.05, 2014, under spanked call girls, Spanking

Hey I have been busy with a combo of site stuff and some vanilla activities and haven’t had a chance to blog in a while. So now I am here to cover the first thing on my mind since I last blogged  – and that is the lovely Pandora Blake.

I had heard about her starting up her site Dreams of Spanking in England and she was getting some favorable buzz for that impressive work.

Courtney paddles Pandora for Undercharging

Courtney paddles Pandora for Undercharging

So when she emailed me about shooting with her in her recent visit to the US, I was very excited. I ended up squeezing in two shoots. The first thing she shot is up now on Spanked Call Girls.

She is pared with Courtney Shea for that one and it is an extremely high energy scene. I found Pandora to be charming, funny and a lady with a very strong work ethic.

Courtney learns that Brits know a LOT about spanking

Courtney learns that Brits know a LOT about spanking

She could easily adapt to the tone of our wildly differing scenes, and she is great at both giving and receiving spankings. I also got the chance to hang out a little with Pandora and Alex Reynolds and it was a fun time for all!  High marks for Pandora!!

Look for her in the next few months on My Spanking Roommate and Spanking Veronica Works.

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Kat St. James Last Ever Spanking Scene

by on Jul.18, 2013, under Spanking, spanking sorority girls

Katherine St. James has been a very popular spanking model for quite some time, and last year she semi-retired, giving me the honor of being exclusive to my sites till she officially retired. Her last scene shot is now up on Spanking Sorority Girls.

Kat gives her last spanking ever (inside a car)

We knew it would be the last so we had her character on the site run away to Las Vegas.

Veronica gave Kat a sore bum for running away

Veronica Ricci, another regular on the site, runs away with her.  We actually shot their spanking scenes on the way to Vegas, pulling over for outdoor spankings along the way that were worked into the story.

Nothing like being bent over a car and spanked

It was a fun and a grand send-off to a sweet lady and a great spanking model. We needed to bring Veronica’s character back, though, so there are two stories in this one scene.

Doesn’t Alex Reynolds make a cute nun?

In part 2, Alex Reynolds plays a nun who goes to Vegas to bring Veronica back.  Of course, more spankings are in store.

Goodbye Kat, you will be missed!

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