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Tag: Alexis Grace

Farewell to the Great Alexis Grace

by on Aug.31, 2016, under Spanking

Sometimes in this biz you work with someone often enough and your personalities are drawn to each other and you become friends – producer and model.

Alexis in my favorite scene of hers on Girl Spanks Girl with Layden

Alexis in my favorite scene of hers on Girl Spanks Girl with Layden

The late Alexis Grace was one such model. We first worked together when she shot a Spanked Sweeties at age 19, with Clare Fonda playing her mom.

Alexis at 19 shooting for Sweeties with Clare as her mom

Alexis at 19 shooting for Sweeties with Clare as her mom

She had such a dynamic personality, was a sensational performer and a stunning beauty, we wanted to work with her again before the shoot was even over. And since then we did so very many shoots with her I couldn’t even keep count.

Alexis spanked by her waitress on Spanking Veronica Works

Alexis spanked by her waitress on Spanking Veronica Works

Alexis was a wildly popular fetish superstar, but as far as I know, she only shot spanking scenes for our sites.

Alexis also added lots of erotica to the sites, this one on Girl Spanks Girl

Alexis also added lots of erotica to the sites, this one on Girl Spanks Girl

Alexis shot for all 7 for our sites as well as appearing in many exclusive scenes for our 2 Clips Stores, Bad Boys Spanked and Hot Girls Spanked.

Alexis was very dominant - appearing often on Bad Boys Spanked and Clare Spanks Men

Alexis was very dominant – appearing often on Bad Boys Spanked and Clare Spanks Men

Alexis had an amazing sense of humor that sometimes shows itself in scenes. And this made her a delight on the set and sometimes after, while getting a bite or a drink and catching up.

Alexis took many hard spankings for our site - getting marked for Girl Spanks Girl scene

Alexis took many hard spankings for our site – getting marked for Girl Spanks Girl scene

She was a sweet loving soul who left us WAY too soon. It is so sad.  I will always remember Alexis with a big smile and a warm feeling in my heart!  Alexis (the amazing) Grace you will be missed!!

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Counting Concerns

by on Jul.16, 2012, under Spanking


The above photo is taken from the second installment of a series running on Girl Spanks Girl called Naughty Tutor. It is a scene of Alexis Grace spanking Alyssa Branch.

This scene, as most scenes on the sites, was for the most part improvised based on an outline given to the models.  Since Alexis Grace, who plays the tutor, was giving the bad students a regimented punishment based on how late they arrived, she decided to give them a specific number of spanks and have them count each spank.

Now here is where things get interesting.  Some spanking fans love counting.  Some hate it.  I have shot customs in which it was mandatory that the models count, and others where it is mandated that no one counts.  I am in the middle on this.  I like it sometimes, because it can be a form of great embarrassment being made to count and it typically assures a large number of spanks.  It can also be a way to get less verbal models to speak.  On the other hand, it can be distracting to the scene (this is the largest complaint I see).

Counting became a significant plot point in the Naughty Tutor scene, based on the model’s decision.  I have been trying to steer scenes away from the use of counting lately, to make sure it doesn’t pop up too often and upset the “I hate counting” guys, even though it typically is only a small portion of a scene.

Okay readers, please weigh in.  Thumbs up or thumbs down on counting in spanking scenes?

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Layden Sinn Gets a Real Spanking

by on Jun.26, 2012, under Spanking


A series has started running on Girl Spanks Girl called the Naughty Tutor.  Alexis Grace, who shoots with us whenever she is in town, plays the Tutor.  Alexis is about 6 ft tall and muscular.

She has developed the ability to spank very hard and she always works to bring her arm way up when she spanks (which gives her impact more force).  She is also very stern in real life and on videos as a top.  She embraced this role.


And she is very naughty, too, and loves to talk dirty and play with other girls.  So she was perfect for this part and had a blast shooting it.  In the first scene of the series, she spanks Layden Sinn.

In my opinion, Layden is as beautiful as any model I have ever worked with.  She is also naturally defiant, so she channeled her inner brattiness to perfection, and it got her spanked a little harder from Alexis.  To be clear, though, behind the scenes Layden is very sweet, with just a hint of brat.


Layden’s porcelain white bubble butt got very red in this scene.  She does not enjoy spanking, she took a  spanking that was probably a little harder than she expected to tolerate.  So believe me, this is a very real spanking.  And aside from a few playful swats she has received in scenes with other girls in the adult biz (she does only girl/girl scenes), this was the first ever real spanking for Layden.

Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do and I look forward to continuing what I plan to be a five part series.

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Spanking Sounds: Porn star edition

by on May.08, 2012, under Spanking

Alexis Grace Spanks Layden Sinn

I did a shoot recently that featured adult actress Layden Sinn, who is very hot and you will be loving her spanking scenes.  She was making very sincere and well deserved “ows’ as Alexis Grace spanked her for two scenes.  In the third scene, it was Layden’s turn to spank Alexis.  Well if you have ever heard how Alexis Grace responds to being spanked, you will know it is loud and includes wails that could be interpreted as orgasms.

To be very clear, Alexis has a low pain tolerance (in my opinion) and the spankings really, really hurt her.  I guess she just makes a lot of crazy sounds when in pain.

So on a break, Layden said to us “I didn’t know we were supposed to make those kinda sounds when we got spanked. ”  Alexis and I laughed and explained that Layden’s reactions were perfect.  Very real.  She said “they were real.”  We explained that is simply how Alexis responds to being spanked.


Which brings me to the above photo of adult star Chloe James being spanked by fetish model Ludella Hahn for Hot Girls Spanked.

Like Alexis, Chloe was in pain during the spanking, and like Alexis, she wailed like she was having some kind of orgasmic blend of pain and pleasure.  Glad to say, the clip of Chloe has been very popular.

The upcoming Alexis and Layden scenes will appear in June on Girl Spanks Girl.  No doubt they will be popular as well.

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Best Phone Call Ever

by on Mar.24, 2012, under spanking soap opera


Here is an interesting behind-the-scenes tidbit.  If you check out the latest episode (103) now up on My Spanking Roommate, you will see Veronica Ricci getting spanked by Alexis Grace.  Which is cool.

And she is calling her roommate Missy Rhodes while getting spanked.  Which is even more cool.

And after the call, Missy gets spanked by a new character named Miss Claw, who is playing her acting coach.  All this is, as I say, cool.

But what is crazy interesting in my opinion, is that Veronica actually called a friend while she is getting full on spanked hard with a hair brush by Alexis.  Veronica was yelping and moaning and trying to explain (in character) how she has to kick Missy out of the apartment so that Alexis can move in.  And she explains how she is getting spanked hard.

This phone conversation goes on and on, and her friend that she really called had no idea what was going on and was worried something crazy was happening in real life to Veronica.  I think it took Veronica a long time the next few days to explain what that call was all about.

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Don’t You Wish Alexis Grace Could Be Your Babysitter?

by on Feb.14, 2011, under babysitter spanking

Alexis Grace

Seeing  how it is Valentine’s Day, maybe some of our wishes can come true and Alexis Grace could babysit one (or all) of us.  In this video, shot just a couple of days ago, Alexis Grace plays the babysitter to Ash Hollywood, who looks VERY young, but with a nice bubble butt. 

Well Ash is good at being bratty and so Alexis had no problem giving Ash a pretty solid spanking, first bending her over, then putting her over her knee.  Alexis is about 6ft tall, and Ash is very tiny.  But Ash struggled and resisted, even pulling Alexis’s hair (for real).  It was a fun shoot. 

And I am very excited to report that after only one day of being up on Clare Fonda’s Hot Girls Spanked – Clare’s exclusive Clips4Sale studio, that this scene already the number one clip on the entire Spanking FF category.  So grab a box of chocolates and check it out.

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Amazing Grace

by on Jan.08, 2011, under Spanking Interviews

Sometimes it is all about the expectations.  Clare Fonda usually sends me a photo of a model we will be shooting a month ahead of time or so – just to give me a heads up and/or solicit my opinion on her looks.  I’m sure she sent me a picture of Alexis Grace some time in November, but for whatever reason, the photo didn’t register or make a strong or lasting opinion. 
So when Alexis showed up one day in December to film her Spanked Sweeties (which is presently up on the site), I was BLOWN AWAY.  She was tall (nearly 6 feet) and stunning.  With a curvey bottom and a fantastic personality.  Check out Clare’s blog to see how much (a top 10 list) Alexis wowed us.  We filmed Alexis on her 22nd birthday – she even invited us to give her a birthday spanking. 
I look forward to the next time we shoot Alexis and if you love to see amazing looking young ladies getting spanked hard, and talking about her many spanking experiences, you should check out Alexis on Spanked Sweeties.
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