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Tag: Alice Wonder

New DVD Available

by on Mar.11, 2013, under Spanking

I don’t really do a lot of DVD sales, and it takes me a very long time to convert footage to DVDs.  It has been a while, though, so I added SPANKED CALL GIRLS VOL. 3 to the list of titles being offered.

It stars Clare Fonda, Katherine St. James, Alice Wonder and Nena – and is 66 mins. of naughty spankings! Check out the FULL LIST OF DVSs.

Alice Wonder shows Nena who is boss

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Best Friends Kissing and Spanking

by on Jan.13, 2012, under spanked girlfriends


We shot a scene recently that is now up on Girl Spanks Girl, and it featured real friends Alice Wonder and Nena. 

Alice is the one who got Nena involved in spanking, sending her Clare Fonda’s way a year or so ago.  When given the opportunity to do a makeout/spanking scene together, the two friends jumped at the chance. 

But the scene ended up being more about the spanking than the making out (maybe they are too close and it seemed strange – but at least they did a great job kissing each other passionately). 

They spanked each other without hesitation.  I remembered Alice spanking someone once before – Katherine St. James for Spanked Call Girls comes to mind.  And it was rather mild.  Alice definitely has improved as a spanker, even though she is thinner (go figure).  Alice gave Nena a very hard spanking. 

Nena doesn’t spank as hard.  But Clare comes into the scene and turns their bottoms both till they turn bright red and speckle.  It’s a very hard spanking for an erotic scene, even if the making out portion is on the brief side. 

Definitely worth checking out – two good friends kissing and spanking each other.  Which perhaps answers the age old question: What are friends for?

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