Lately it seems like implements are breaking left and right in shoots. The first photo shows a paddle that broke on Stevie Rose’s bottom in a recent scene on Spanked Call Girls.

Paddle broke on Stevie’s butt, hairbrush a mystery butt
Next to it is a hairbrush that broke, but unfortunately I don’t even remember whose butt and what scene.

Sequence in which the large paddle broke on Stevie’s bottom
Many implements have broken on Christy Cutie’s bottom.

Does Christy have a rock hard bottom?
I’m sharing a photo of a hairbrush that broke for a scene for Spanked Call Girls.

Christy cries about more than a broken hairbrush
Of note in that scene, Christy cried real tears.

Sarah Gregory broke this belt
And finally, here is a shot of a broken belt from Clare Spanks Men. Sarah Gregory broke it on John Osborne’s bottom while she got carried away delivering a hard punishment.

John Osborne gets the angry belt in this instant classic
Fun times, tough bottoms, tops with vigor all combine for some serious implement damage.