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Tag: Christy Cutie spanking

Implements Breaking

by on Jul.12, 2016, under Spanking

Lately it seems like implements are breaking left and right in shoots. The first photo shows a paddle that broke on Stevie Rose’s bottom in a recent scene on Spanked Call Girls.

Paddle broke on Stevie's butt, hairbrush a mystery butt

Paddle broke on Stevie’s butt, hairbrush a mystery butt

Next to it is a hairbrush that broke, but unfortunately I don’t even remember whose butt and what scene.

Sequence in which the large paddle broke on Stevie's bottom

Sequence in which the large paddle broke on Stevie’s bottom

Many implements have broken on Christy Cutie’s bottom.

Does Christy have a rock hard bottom?

Does Christy have a rock hard bottom?

I’m sharing a photo of a hairbrush that broke for a scene for Spanked Call Girls.

Christy cries about more than a broken hairbrush

Christy cries about more than a broken hairbrush

Of note in that scene, Christy cried real tears.

Sarah Gregory broke this belt

Sarah Gregory broke this belt

And finally, here is a shot of a broken belt from Clare Spanks Men. Sarah Gregory broke it on John Osborne’s bottom while she got carried away delivering a hard punishment.

John Osborne gets the angry belt in this instant classic

John Osborne gets the angry belt in this instant classic

Fun times, tough bottoms, tops with vigor all combine for some serious implement damage.

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A Wheely Good Spanking

by on Feb.15, 2016, under spanked call girls, Spanking

Believe it or not, I’ve had a few requests for wheel chair spankings over the years. I have one up now on Spanked Callgirls that stars Christy Cutie and Natalie Rose.

Christy took a little convince to shoot this not so PC scene

Christy took a little convince to shoot this not so PC scene

Christy is a sweet, kind young lady and she was a little reluctant to shoot a scene involving a model in a wheel chair. It took a little prodding but I convinced her that our members have a good sense of humor and we weren’t being malicious, just having some spanking fun centered around a wheel chair.

Natalie Rose gives Christy's character a sound spanking for discrimination

Natalie Rose gives Christy’s character a sound spanking for discrimination

In the scene Christy’s character is reluctant to hire Natalie as a call girl because of her disability. Natalie complains that it is discrimination and she gives Christy a spanking right over the wheel chair, to teach her a lesson and also to demonstrate how physically capable she is.

But Christy gives an even harder one because Natalie was "faking it"

But Christy gives an even harder one because Natalie was “faking it”

But when Chirsty later learns that Natalie was faking this disability to get the job, she spanks Natalie in perhaps an even more deserved spanking. Christy eventually embraced the spirit of the scene (not exactly PC but hopefully not offensive either). A bit risky, but the spanking is hard, fast and furious with lots of energy and hope you guys appreciate it (along with its slight whackiness).

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Beginning to Look Like Christmas

by on Nov.23, 2015, under Spanking

Thanksgiving isn’t here yet but Christmas is already being prepped everywhere we look. So in that spirit, we are releasing THREE Christmas scenes.

Elf spanks girl while she reads from her naughty list

Elf spanks girl while she reads from her naughty list

The first stars Emily Parker and Spirit Sanctus. Yes she goes by the name “Spirit” so what else could I name her scene on Girl Spanks Girl – you betcha, it’s called “Xmas Spirit.” Emily plays an elf who brings Spirit her naughty list.

And this year Mrs. Clause has instructed all the elves to give naughty girls a hard spanking. High energy and fun scene. And Spirit has a dancer’s butt.

Better than the upcoming Krampus movie?

Better than the upcoming Krampus movie?

On Spanking Veronica Works, Veronica plays Krampus, who pays a visit to the very naughty Kimberly Brix.

Elf on Elf spanking

Elf on Elf spanking

Finally, appearing on Spanked Call Girls next some time next week will be a scene with Christy Cutie and Savana Styles, as Call Girl Elves, spanking each other. Christy even gets the Christmas stocking stuffer paddle used on her bottom.

Merry spanking Christmas to all!

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Subconscious Spanking Revelation

by on Oct.09, 2014, under Spanking

I tried hypno-therapy yesterday just to see what it would be like.  I worked on 3 issues, none of them related to spanking. But my excellent hypno-threapist worked on me to resolve issues using my subconscious mind.  I was skeptical, but one issue was resolved by my subconscious mind, one got some temporary relief and the third never had a chance.

But that night, my subconscious mind shared a revelation with me that relates to spanking. I have often debated with others about what makes someone interested in spanking. Most people I know are convinced that it is something that happened to us when we were growing up.  Someone who, say gets spanked by his mother then becomes a spanko as an adult.

 Well, I have never really bought into this theory because I have met so many people who were NEVER spanked growing up yet are full fledged spankos (one reason Christy Cutie has never appeared on Spanked Sweeties for example).

Also I  have met millions (well maybe not millions, but definitely tons) of people who WERE spanked growing up, but are not into spanking at all (or HATE it).

Yet it is so tempting to assume there must be some correlation.  Well, this is what my subconscious mind revealed to me last night. That people who are genetically drawn to spanking as a form of sexual foreplay have their specific interests in spanking shaped by their childhood.

Christy's first scene with us was traditional otk with hand on wooden chair

Christy’s first scene with us was traditional otk with hand on wooden chair

As a child, I had witnessed and participated in a number of birthday spankings, and now that is something that is very stimulating to me. Probably my favorite type of spanking.

Many, many of my fans are most interested in over-the-knee spankings, usually on a wooden chair. Some like hand only. Others crave a specific implement. My subconscious mind told me last night that this is because that is the type of spanking he/she was exposed to in the developmental years.

Maybe this isn’t some world changing revelation.

But if you think about it, it makes sense. And gives me optimism about doing another hypno-therapy session.

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Shadow Lane Part 2

by on Sep.25, 2013, under Spanking

As promised, here is part 2 of my time at the Shadow Lane convention report.

Upon arriving there, Veronica Ricci and I did two shoots for Spanked Call Girls.

One was a Victorian callgirl spanking scene that will be coming soon on the site.  Emily Parker was visiting us and looking up all the crazy Victorian naughty words that got worked into the scene. We all had great fun shooting the scene, and it was some hard spanking action as well, though.

Veronica Ricci and Christy Cutie go Victorian

Christy does drop seat

Veronica got serious marks from Christy

Then Veronica and new to us Joelle Barros shot another scene showing the Call Girls site even more love. But since we had shot at Fet Con recently, that was all the shooting we did.

Veronica spanks Joelle Barros

But Veronica gets hers

Later, Emily Parker joined Veronica and Christy at our vendor’s booth. Despite all the major babeage, we did not sell very many DVDs this year, prompting us to second guess doing a vendor’s booth again.

Emily Parker made a guest appearance at our booth

We love our members, but not that many guys buy DVDs any more.  The Saturday night party was awesome, as usual. Veronica and I visited the gangster museum on Sunday and then drove back to LA. We had a great time and saw many old friends at the convention.

We highly recommend the Shadow Lane convention.

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