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Tag: Clare Fonda

Sorry – No More DVDs For Sale

by on Mar.24, 2014, under Spanking

I have decided to discontinue the sale of DVDs (other than at the Shadow Lane party).  It is fairly time consuming to create and copy DVDs, then process orders and ship them.

I sell only a few DVDs each month, so it is operating at a loss when the time is factored into the equation. Sorry to those few regular DVD buyers, but I just can’t do it anymore.

Hope to see you guys at the Shadow Lane party this Labor Day. I expect to be there with Clare Fonda this year (hooray!!) and we will be packed with DVDs…

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Checking in with Clare Fonda!

by on Jun.16, 2013, under Interviews

It has been about a year since Clare Fonda transitioned into other projects outside of CF Worldwide. In that year, she has continued to have some valuable input into the sites as well as being a great friend to me. So it is definitely time for us to catch up with Clare and see what she has been up to.  Exciting stuff (including a brand new web site). Here are 5 questions for Clare.

Clare Fonda is now working as Jamie Foster – by any name she loves her pets

1.  You have been out of the spanking video scene for a year now. Do you miss it?

CLARE SAYS: With all due respect, no. I keep in touch with a lot of people from the scene and a lot of customers are more like friends now. I felt like I, personally, had gone as far as I could go in spanking. The Cameraman has expanded our business, and I’m really impressed with the new site, and the variety of models he is working with. He is certainly stimulating the economy, at home and abroad. Plus now he and I get to go to boot camp together and work out, instead of shooting all the time. We even get to go drinking. It’s great!

Miss Chris forces Jamie to strip on Jamie’s new site

2. What are you working on now?

 CLARE SAYS:  I have had a variety of clips up on for a few years now and I just opened It’s a FORCED STRIPPING site. As you know, this category is pretty big on Clips4sale and it’s unrepresented on the web. Of course I have  – working with models who are diaper friendly, curious or at least willing to wear!

Jamie with long time super friend Paris Kennedy

3. Who are some of our models that you keep in touch with?

CLARE SAYS:  Hmmmm- let’s see, the top five. Well, as you know I see Eve Howard as much as I can. I am not going to Vegas to gamble- Eve, Tony and Butch are my sure things. It has been heaven in the Valley since Paris Kennedy moved back form the West Side. We have decided that since we have known each other for 12 years we are married by common law. Who gives a shit if I am straight! I saw Sarah Gregory this week and she is doing so well in this business and has grown into such a fine young lady. I’m very proud of Sarah, lunch with her tomorrow — and the cameraman, and I think Christy Cutie is coming a long. Will be nice to get to know her. Lorelei Mission and I shoot together and then go out to dinner.We also do some animal rescue and her content rocks.  Finally, Veronica Ricci and I keep in touch quite a bit. She is a generous soul, and doing well with her own creative vision I notice from the CFWW sites. I see a lot more of the models around but they are probably not reading this, so fuck it.


4.  Have you been getting spanked in real life?

CLARE SAYS:  Just at where I work about once every six weeks. Spanked, flogged, tickled, tied up, mouthsoaped, you name it. I work as a sub there. Paris will be there with me at the end of this month. That girl is going to be busy.  Genesis is there- I know the Camerman shot with her last year and I remember how I introduced her to Shadowlane.  Now she is a major part of the LA Fetish scene. We both saw that coming. No, I have not been dating anyone regularly. I am either too busy and get stressed out by it or too subby for the guy and he just walks all over me. It’s okay. I sleep with 4 dogs in my bed. Maybe that is working against the whole “Soulmate” deal as well.

5. What does the future hold for Clare Fonda/Jamie Foster?

CLARE SAYS: Well, I believe that the Cameraman got Paris and I involved in a drunken promise to get spanked on camera when we work at the Sanctuary on June 30th.  I’m just taking it one day at a time ’til then.  See you at Boot Camp.

Thanks so much to my good friend Clare/Jamie for checking in with us!  As she says, I will see her in bootcamp. Please feel free to leave comments here or check in with her Clare Fonda Blog that she still updates.

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New DVD Available

by on Mar.11, 2013, under Spanking

I don’t really do a lot of DVD sales, and it takes me a very long time to convert footage to DVDs.  It has been a while, though, so I added SPANKED CALL GIRLS VOL. 3 to the list of titles being offered.

It stars Clare Fonda, Katherine St. James, Alice Wonder and Nena – and is 66 mins. of naughty spankings! Check out the FULL LIST OF DVSs.

Alice Wonder shows Nena who is boss

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Farewell to Models Who Retired in 2012

by on Jan.08, 2013, under Spanking

2012 was a year in which an unusually large number of spanking models turned in their paddles for vanilla pursuits.  I don’t know much about most of their personal lives, but I do know the following models no longer work in spanking.

Hollie Steven sadly passed away last year. She was loved by many!

First, sadly, is Hollie Stevens (pictured above on My Spanking Roommate), who died so young and tragically. She was very successful – check out her bio on Wikipedia.

Then there was Natalie DeMore (seen in a photo from Girl Spanks Girl), who took her own life.  You can read her story here.  Our community was pretty shocked upon learning about Natali.

The other models, thankfully, just walked away from the spanking biz and I assume many are leading happy and productive lives – hopefully at least keeping the kink going in some small way.

Chloe Elise and Kailee were big stars!

Chloe Elise (pictured above with Kailee) was one of the stars of My Spanking Roommate, so it was a big blow when she retired from spanking.  She retired just when we had plans to do a big shoot with her.  Sounded like she was going after a 9 to 5 job and talking about marrying her boyfriend, though I haven’t kept in touch.  Kailee (pictured with her) appeared on several of our sites, as well as many others and was at one point close to the top spanking model in the biz.  She was always a blast to shoot and had lots of energy! Not sure what Kailee is doing, but whatever it is, I’m sure she is doing it well!

Lilia Espinoza (seen above in My Spanking Roommate) never really got started before she walked away mysteriously.  I suspect boyfriend issues.  We had big plans for her – we created a blog (now defunct) and declared her one of the stars of this site.  I don’t know what she is up to now.

Sierra Salem in her last ever scene

Sierra Salem (picture above in My Spanking Roommate) also retired, though I never heard a formal announcement or anything official, like I did from all the others.  She sort of just lost contact with everyone and word spread that she doesn’t shoot anymore.  I have no idea where she is or what she is up to – but I hope she’s doing well!

Audrey Knight could give and take a spanking with the best of them!

Audrey Knight (pictured above from My Spanking Roommate)  is a huge loss to the spanking community.  She was building up toward what sounded like an epic site she was creating with her significant other when they decided to walk away.  Audrey is so sweet, smart and both an amazing top and bottom.  With her combination of domestic verbal skills and raw spanking power, one would be hard-pressed to find a better spanker than Audrey.  I see that Audrey checks in on spanking blogs from time to time and hopefully she will leave a comment here.  Audrey left a very sweet goodbye on her blog.  It is the best way to see why she walked away and what she looks forward to next.

Clare can cry like a mo-fo

The final one to end her sweet run of spanking excellence was of course our very own Clare Fonda.  Obviously this has the largest impact on me personally, but I would like to guess that Clare was as big a spanking star as anyone out there – so it is a loss for all of us.  The above photo was from her last ever scene, which is running on My Spanking Roommate.  Clare took one last shot at crying in a scene for this one.  She has been known to shed tears unmatched by most.

This scene really didn’t turn out to be the sobbing type she had perfected, however.  Maybe because there is a mixture of sadness, but also of happiness – to finally move on to pursue other goals.  12 years is a LOT of spanking time!!!

I have sent some questions to Clare and she has promised me that in a few weeks she will check in with what she has been up to lately – so look for an interview from Clare on this blog soon.

Goodbye to all the models that left the biz in 2012!!  You will be missed.

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Clare Fonda’s Last Ever New Spanking Scene Up Now

by on Jan.03, 2013, under spanking soap opera

Clare Fonda’s last ever new spanking scene is now running on My Spanking Roommate.  I sent Clare some questions today in hopes that she might consent to an interview to fill you all in on what she has been up to and how much she might miss us.

But for now I will tell you my angle of this last scene’s shoot.  At the time, we new it would be the last ever scene because it was set at New Year’s – so that would push back its release a good while after Clare retired from spanking shoots.  Kay Richards (Kyberly Jane) and Snow Mercy were in the scene – and their characters were saying goodbye to Clare, who was moving out of the apartment complex.

Clare speckles Kay one last time

They made some toasts and of course did some spanking.  They all got a little emotional, knowing that this would be an ending of sorts.  So there were some near-tear moments.  And Clare wanted to make sure it was a good scene, so she spanked a little extra hard, and she goaded the others into spanking her hard as well.

Clare begs for a hard spanking

It is a worthy send off for Clare.  She is missed!  Hope you enjoy her last scene.

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Merry Christmas Spankings!

by on Dec.21, 2012, under Spanking

Well Christmas is getting closer.  And while in my personal life, Christmas is usually sad, never has anything to do with spanking, business is a little slower, traffic is bad and I transform into some sort of combo of the Grinch and Scrooge, I still like to celebrate with the site members by sharing a few Christmas episodes.  No “bah humbugs” for you guys.

Sierra Salem and Kay Richards pal around on set

In the above photo, Kay Richards poses with Sierra Salem in what was Sierra’s last ever new spanking scene, which appears on My Spanking Roommate. Sierra had a nice run as a spanking model and was very popular for a few years.  But like so many others this year, she walked away from the biz.

Clare shows Kay who is boss at Christmas

Also of note, this is Clare Fonda‘s second last new spanking scene that you will ever see (her New Years episode is still coming for you Clare fans).  The ladies had fun on this shoot, but did deliver some hard spankings, too.  At the time of the shoot, no one realized the significance, of course, so it was just another shoot – but a good one, with a nice Christmas vibe around the set.

Was Veronica naughty or nice? Looks like naughty.

The above photo is from Spanking Sorority Girls, and has Veronica’s mom (played by Mistress Crystal) spanking her hard.  Veronica Ricci has a really high pain tolerance, but she did have to cut once during this scene.  Crystal (as Veronica’s mom) is a pro domme and spanks really, really hard.  We didn’t really allow for a warmup – just started with the hard spanking – hence the one “cut.”  Merry Christmas, Veronica if you’re reading this.  It is a long scene, so it really gets going and Veronica was a super trooper on this one.

Koko Kitten, who watches and laughs while Veronica gets spanked, then of course gets spanked, too, is a rising star on our sites.  She can take and give good spankings, is outstanding verbally, and is well, really, really cute and cuddly.  I am mad crazy about Koko and she is becoming one of my new favorites.

Didn’t know Clare has a way with anal beads…hmmmm….

Also of note, Veronica got anal beads from none other than Clare Fonda in this episode.  They were very LARGE anal beads and I didn’t know how many of them Clare would insert.  I was surprised to discover ALL of them.  The last couple look, wow, giant.  Maybe this is Veronica’s Christmas present to all of her fans who enjoy a good anal Holiday.

I do wish all of my blog readers and site members a very Happy Holiday!  Working on the sites is a great way for me to power through my own Holiday situation.  It’s like I am close to all my friends (even if it is only on my computer) like my blog readers, Clare, Kay, Koko and Veronica.

Also shout-outs to Snow Mercy, Alex Reynolds, Christy Cutie, Nikki Rogue, Missy Rhodes, Ten Amorette, Ashley Rose, Audrey Knight, Lana, Genesis, and Sarah Gregory – it’s been a great year my friends!!

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Whopper Behind the Scenes With Beverly Bacci

by on Nov.18, 2012, under Spanking

There is a new scene on Girl Spanks Girl called Punished Schoolgirl.  It stars Beverly Bacci, Clare Fonda and Lana Miller.


In the above photo Beverly swings on a tire outside Clare’s old house, waiting to see how her mom (played by Clare) will punish her.  There are lots of interesting behind-the-scenes tidbits to this long epic.  The first centers on Beverly.  This was shot a few years ago, when Beverly was still taking spankings – now she only tops.  She was known to take a pretty decent spanking, but it was painful to her and it was not something she longed to get (unlike many of our spanko models who do enjoy spankings).


As this was a custom shoot, there were several long spanking scenes requested.  So Lana started spanking Beverly fairly lightly.  And I thought, oh, this is going to be one of “those” kind of shoots.  But as they day went on, the spankings got harder.  Then hairbrushes were added.  And as seen in the above photo, there were many hard whacks with a large wooden paddle.  It was becoming more and more intense for Beverly and she began crying.  Real tears.  And look what was happening to her poor bottom in the photo below.


So Lana, as Principal Miller had spanked her to heavy marks.  Then Clare, as her mom, spanked her yet again, with hand and hairbrush.  By this time, Beverly was genuinely sobbing hard and heavy.  After this shoot, I understand that Beverly retired from taking spankings, and would only spank others.  From what I heard, she sent Clare a nice note explaining this and still wanted to be friends with Clare, but just couldn’t take this much pain from someone without getting frustrated or even angry at the person who was delivering such and painful punishment.  Understandable.

So interestingly, what starts out as somewhat of a light spanking series develops into a heavy torrent of pain resulting in someone going beyone her limits and then retiring from getting spanked.  Noteworthy for sure.


Also of note is that this is the last new spanking scene for Clare Fonda on the Girl Spanks Girl site.  Clare will still appear on another of the sites for a Christmas and New Year’s episode, but is a bit sad for me to be posting her last new scene on Girl Spanks Girl (there will be some older scenes remastered for those who are big Clare fans though).


On another side note – there are no photos from this on the site, but the long series ends with (video only) Beverly getting a mouth-soaping, and of course, yet another spanking.  This is a really long series, done in the old fashioned style that custom guys (as well as most site fans) love, even with some voice overs from Beverly.  Definitely something worth checking out.


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BREAKING NEWS: Clare Fonda Available for Spanking Sessions in Los Angeles

by on Aug.23, 2012, under spanking in the news

If you have always dreamed about spanking or getting spanked by Clare Fonda, now is your chance.  She will be available weekends, for a month, starting THIS Saturday in Los Angeles, near the airport, at Sanctuary LAX   


The above photo is a scene that will appear near the end of this year from one of Clare’s last shoots.  She is working out all the time and has a rock hard bottom.  Clare wants to make some “sidebucks” (as she puts it) and is working on some projects with the Sanctuary LAX and will be working under the name Submissive Jamie.  She will be available for sessions – you can check out the website and/or call (310-910-0525) to schedule a time with her.  Anyone who has seen Clare in action will know that she is creative, fun, approachable, hot, and really delivers.

Genesis works there, as well.  Genesis has appeared in a number of our videos, and will be playing a young mom in a soon to be released Sweeties.  She has become quite the hard spanker.


It was about seven years ago that Clare, Genesis and I all went to the Shadow Lane convention together.  This year, no Clare.  So if you want to see her, go to the Sanctuary LAX this weekend!   Have a great time and support a friend at the same time.

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Clare Fonda Spanked to Tears – FOR REAL!

by on Jun.29, 2012, under Spanking


Well I was kind of worried that I had lost the footage from a shoot I did with Clare Fonda and Miss Chris earlier this year.  We shot some stuff with Miss Chris for the Fem-dom site that is no longer posting new scenes, then as the last scene of the shoot, we shot this scene, in which Miss Chris plays an officer who spanks Clare for backing out of a reported domestic abuse case.  It is on the clips store Hot Girls Spanked.


This was Clare’s idea as she had a real life domestic abuse case a few years back from an ex-boyfriend who was a major jerk to her.  They had an argument and he went crazy and pushed her around, damaging the walls in her house and bruising her back.


Clare never followed that up by pressing any charges.  So she decided she should pay for this mistake by having Miss Chris, as the officer, spank her for not following through with the report.  I know it sounds kind of strange, but it’s an amazing clip and brave of Clare to share that real life experience, which brought out real tears – actually streaming down her face and running her makeup.


Clare is doing much better these days, avoiding domestic abuse and thriving with her Naughty Diaper Girls and Bratty Step Daughter sites.


She still helps me out, and I still shoot much of the content for her sites.  We had lunch today and she gave me the okay to write this post.  So if you are reading this, Clare says “hi.”

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Clare Passes Baton to Snow Mercy

by on Jun.05, 2012, under spanked call girls


Clare Fonda’s last spanking scene is now up on Spanked Call Girls.  In this scene, she tutors Snow in the ways of spanking (well her character that is, of course Snow is already an expert spanker).

dsc_0961.JPGClare demonstrates by spanking Kay Richards (aka Kymberly Jane) and then she has Snow use the hairbrush on Kay.  Kay can take a super hard spanking, but her limits were definitely tested in this scene.  She was practically crying and she got even more speckled then she usually does.  She later confessed that she wanted to cut but her desire to be a trooper won out and she took more than she really planned to.

dsc_0953.JPGThe scene ends, appropriately, with Clare spanking Snow.  The plan now is for Snow (and Lana) to be the madams on this site and often administer discipline to the wayward call girls.  And Clare’s character has “gone off to Europe” so who knows, maybe there will be the occasional cameo call to Clare for advise.  One can only hope Madam Clare will have some long distance minutes available on her cell!


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