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Tag: Clare Fonda

Clare’s Last Spanking Shoot Up On Call Girls Site

by on May.17, 2012, under spanked call girls


Clare’s last spanking shoot is now running on Spanked Call Girls.  This is the last scene Clare filmed for any site.  But there will be more scenes, filmed before this one, that will pop up on our sites over the next few months.  In fact, one more scene with Clare will appear on Spanked Call Girls, and it includes two of our biggest stars giving Clare’s character a nod and a wink send-off.

But this scene, Clare last recorded spanking, definitely was a good one to go out on and it included long time friend and fantastic spanko Sarah Gregory, who has been a big part of all of our sites.  And it also included new to us, rising spanking star Christy Cutie.  She is so sweet and so bratty at the same time.  She has that delightful bubble butt, is very pretty and can take a hard spanking.  What’s not to love about Christy?!

Christy has a blog too.  As does Sarah of course.


Before we started shooting, Sarah was clowning around with Christy a little, trying to teach the youngster a little about the birds and the bees.  So things got off to an entertaining start, which I happened to catch with a sneak still.

This shoot was a little different because Christy and Sarah knew that is was going to be Clare’s last spanking shoot.  So there was a slight charge while we were shooting it, knowing that something was different.  A great run would be coming to an end.  Wonder if this will be the feeling when Meryl Streep announces that her next film will be her last?


Clare often tries to make the models laugh when I’m taking the stills.  So as a tribute, Sarah made Clare laugh.  Not with an off color comment (which is Clare’s MO), but by a sneak tickle attack – which I happened to capture with this photo.


Clare paddled Christy and Sarah.  Clare didn’t shoot many paddle scenes, but she wanted to include one in her last shoot.  She also included her standards – over the knee hand spanking and over the knee hair brush  spankings.  She excelled at those.

The scene ends with Clare spanking Sarah with a last flurry. Clare and Sarah were about to cry, as they realized the significance of the moment.  It may seem overly dramatic to say this, but two friends who were in the moment, one who has been a leader in her field for a dozen years, another a new star, and it was coming to an end for Clare.


Anyway, here is the last image taken of Clare spanking someone.  I’m glad it was Sarah.

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A Clare Fonda Mother’s Day Treat

by on May.12, 2012, under mother/daughter spanking


It is Mother’s Day in a few hours.  And what better way to celebrate than to put up the start of the last Mother/Daughter spanking scene from Clare Fonda that will appear on Spanked Sweeties.  Clare will do a few more interviews, but this will be the last time you will see her playing someone’s mom, as she spanks the lovely new beauty Phoenix Askani.

The scene is really worthy, as Clare went to town as a strict mom (Phoenix had a strict mom, so hey, it’s just completing the role) – turning Phoenix’s white bottom BRIGHT RED.  Check out the photos if you don’t believe me.  I don’t touch up photos.  Her bottom got THAT red and speckled from Clare’s one spanking.

Phoenix is really pretty and has great, long legs.  I’m sure I’ll be shooting her again some time.

For now, from Phoenix, Clare and the Cameraman, have a happy mother’s day!

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My Thoughts On Clare Fonda’s Move Away From Spanking Shoots

by on Apr.16, 2012, under Spanking


Many of you probably have already heard that Clare Fonda will no longer be shooting spanking scenes.  She has moved toward the other fetishes she produces that include Naughty Diaper Girls and Bratty Step Daughters.

Take a look at the photos above and at the top is Clare in her first ever spanking shoot that I filmed for her over 12 years ago.  That shoot was with a model named Penny.  I have no idea what Penny is doing these days, so tracking her down for our last spanking shoot was not an option.

Instead we shot with two models, Christy Cutie and Sarah Gregory.  Christy was shooting with us for the first time, and she was fantastic.  But it truly seemed appropriate to have a regular like Sarah appear in Clare’s last spanking scene.

Sarah is an excellent model, a good friend and a long time supporter of our sites.  She and Clare started to tear up as the scene concluded.  It was a scene for Spanked Call Girls and I will be sure to give a heads up when it is available.

Since we did quite a few shoots the past couple of months, Clare will be appearing in scenes on the various sites for the next few months.  One scene, for My Spanking Roommate, is scheduled to appear on New Year’s Day.  So fans can appreciate Clare’s outstanding work till the end of the year on some sites.

I will be carrying on with the spanking sites and plan to run them pretty much as they have been going.  Snow Mercy and Lana will be filling in as madams on Spanked Call Girls.  There will be a wide variety of moms being used for Spanked Sweeties.  Girl Spanks Girl will be exactly the same.  The next big schoolgirl shoot, Exclusive Education 7, is scheduled to shoot on July 22nd and come out in mid August.  My Spanking Roommate will be exactly the same, with many great guest stars joining the four regulars of the site, Lilia Spinoza (starring in the current episode), Missy Rhodes, Kay Richards and Madison Martin.  And there is a new site called Spanking Sorority Girls, which just opened last Friday (see one of my previous blog posts for details).

 I am not a very emotional person, but I definitely felt a little sad all day, before and after the shoot on Saturday.  Clare is, in my biased opinion, the greatest spanking model ever.

She is attractive (see from the above photos proof of how she became more beautiful over the years), she is the best there is verbally, she is a good spanker, and she was very maternal to the models and that really plays well when she portrays a mother.  Many times she would add just the right amount of humor to a scene, but never (or rarely ever) too much to detract from a story.  She will be missed in the spanking community.  And I will miss shooting her.

But I will still see her often.  She is a very close friend and she was the best partner ever!  I will shoot for some of her other fetish sites I am sure.  Actually, I am scheduled to shoot a couple of times already.  I am sure I’ll mention Clare often in future blogs and even after all of her content has played out – I will let you guys know how she is doing and what she is up to.

So PLEASE do not think of her as “retiring.”  She is just channeling her considerable talent and energy into other projects (that I encourage you all to seek out).   And no, I’m not going to end this blog by saying something cheesy like “spanks for the memories.”  Or did I just say it?

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Happy Birthday Veronica Ricci!!

by on Apr.14, 2012, under Spanking, spanking sorority girls


It is Veronica Ricci’s birthday today.  So in our minds, lots of us can be giving her birthday spankings.  There is this uncanny alignment of near cosmic forces happening today that would’ve been really cool if they did line up.  Let me explain.

Veronica first shot with us on April 19, 2011, for Spanked Sweeties.  See the photo above of Clare Fonda giving Veronica her first ever adult spanking, playing her mom (who spanked her often when Veronica was younger).  Shoot, if we’d known before booking her what her birthday was, we could be saying how we shot Veronica getting spanked on her actual birthday.  Happy almost one year anniversary on our sites, Veronica.

The Spanking Sorority Girls site, which stars Veronica, opened one day before her birthday.  That was really close to lining up. The photo below the one with Clare spanking Veronica, was a behind the scenes photo taken while her latest “adult mom” – Mistress Crystal – was spanking Veronica for a scene for the Sorority site.  Mistress Crystal really looks like she could be Veronica’s mom.  And I’m sure she spanks WAY harder than her real mom ever did.  In this scene, she catches Veronica masturbating.  She spanks her otk with her hand, then gives her a hard belting that left some wild marks.  But in this photo, Veronica was smiling while Mistress Crystal gave her a hair a nice pull.  Hmmm, maybe we now know something Veronica likes.

Veronica is working on starting a blog, which of course would’ve been amazingly cool if it had started on her birthday.  But not quite ready yet.

And lastly, what would’ve been a truly fantastic alignment is if somehow Veronica could’ve been worked into the very last spanking shoot that includes Clare Fonda, which is taking place today, on Veronica’s birthday.  In a little while.  In fact I need to finish this blog pretty soon, take a shower and get over to Clare’s house on time.  I will do a big blog or two in the next few days about this shoot and what it was like working with the magnificent Clare on spanking shoots.  She will not be doing spanking shoots after today, but will still be delivering lots of great fetish content (just non-spanking) and still will be consulting on the sites for a while.

So there they are – a series of near amazing alignments.  Happy birthday Veronica!!

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Cross Over For Horror and Spanking Fans?

by on Mar.05, 2012, under Spanking


Is there a natural cross over between horror film and spanking fans?  I think there might be.  At least to a larger extent than you would expect. Clare Fonda is pictured preparing to spank two new models, XCLR Moon and Celia, in a scene currently running on Spanked Call Girls.

But couldn’t she also be preparing to murder them?  Clare has appeared in a few horror films.  Celia has also.  They seem to enjoy both.  And


Veronica Ricci is both a rising B horror film star and rising spanking superstar.  She seems to have love for both as well.  Above she is pictured in her lead role of Bloody Mary, which can be found on Video on Demand.

She is presently shooting another horror film called SNAKE CLUB.  I don’t know, what do you guys think?  Any bond between the two genres?  Spanking and horror movies?

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New Year Spanking Scene

by on Jan.01, 2012, under spanking soap opera


The top photo above is a behind the scenes shot of Missy Rhodes, Veronica Ricci and Clare Fonda, who were posing during a shoot for our New Year’s My Spanking Roommate episode. 

It introduces Veronica and Missy’s characters on that site.  In the scene, Veronica spanked Missy for not remembering to get New Year’s decorations for their party.  Instead Missy brought little girl birthday decorations because that was all she could find. 

This was based on a real life experience, when two roommates had a New Year’s party but one of the girls waited too late to get the decorations.  Not positive a full on spanking took place, but I did witness a few swats to one of the girl’s behinds from her slightly drunken roommate. 

The scene continues with Missy spanking Veronica for breaking one of her new year’s vows.  Missy and Veronica had great chemsitry and loved shooting with each other.  They especially  had fun spanking each other with a paddle while the spankee was made to blow on a nosie maker. 

From Clare, Veronica, Missy and me, we wish you all a Happy New Year and thanks for following our blogs and supporting our sites!! 

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Sierra Salem on Spanking Soap Opera

by on Sep.17, 2011, under spanking soap opera

Sierra Salem spanked

We shot Sierra Salem a while ago and her episode is currently running on My Spanking Roommate.  I am surprised about the buzz around Sierra.  She was a very good spanking model who hasn’t been shooting in quite some time, and I have recently learned that she has quite a following. 

It didn’t seem like a big event when we shot her, but now as her scenes are running, it kind of does.  If I had only known, maybe I would’ve asked her to say something profound for a behind the scenes comment. 

The thing with My Spanking Roommate is, that since it is a soap opera with running story lines, sometimes what we shoot goes up quickly to fill a story line, but sometimes a few scenes are shot in advance and they fit in down the road.  This was the case with Sierra, who was shot a while ago. 

Many have informed me that she has retired from shooting spanking scenes, but I have not heard that officially.  Or, well, from her.  So if you are a Sierra Salem fan, be sure to check her out on My Spanking Roommate.  

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The Many Faces of Clare Fonda

by on Jan.22, 2011, under Spanking

Clare Fonda faces

The other day I was editing the photos from a shoot when I happened upon Clare Fonda making a funny face.  I never really thought about this (don’t ask me why) but Clare makes A LOT of interesting (okay funny) faces during a shoot.  Well they are not just funny. 

She’s an excellent actress and is very expressive – so most fit the scene she is in perfectly.  I think that’s what makes her one of the best tops out there.  She also mixes up her look. 

The other day I was watching a clip from a site that I have never shot for, but do enjoy watching.  They were featuring the top they use for a large percentage of their shoots.  She was making pretty much the same expression she always makes. 

So now I feel lucky that I get to shoot the very expressive Clare.  So without spending too much effort tracking down the funniest faces Clare has made, I dug up some random face shots from recent shoots and put them all in the montage above.  Hope you enjoy!

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