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Tag: Ella Raine

Exclusive Education 18 is here!

by on Jan.10, 2024, under Spanked school girls, Spanking

We are now in our 18th year of presenting you with a large group spanking epic that appears each January on Girl Spanks Girl.

This one features two leaders at the school girl convention, Miss Bernadette and Sky Terrapin. Lexi Holland, one of the schoolgirls from Clare Fonda’s school, complains about being bullied. The counselors take her side and allow Lexi to dictate the punishment.

Kim Chi is strapped by Miss Bernadette while Ella Raine is spanked by Sky Terrapin

Each schoolgirl is strapped by Miss Bernadette and spanked by Sky, with her powerful hand, plus a hairbrush. But when one of the girls, Dolly Mattel, shows proof that Lexi was lying, they all take turns spanking her.

Ella Raine spanks Lexi Holland over her knee while the other girls cheer her on

Sophia Quinn, Ella Raine and Kim Chi are the other schoolgirls.

This is part one. Eventually, Sky and Clare Fonda will be spanking the two schoolgirls who skipped the convention in parts two and three.

This was a lot of fun to shoot since there was so much energy and we got to shoot in an actual convention room.

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