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Tag: Elor Stix

IT Has Nothing On Our Clown Spanking

by on Sep.19, 2017, under Spanking

The movie “IT” is a wildly successful movie about a scary clown that’s killing it in the theaters right now. About a month ago, Elori Stix contacted me and suggested doing a spanking shoot with clowns (this was before the movie’s release, but the timing is nice).

Snow is very serious about show her clown students the meaning of discipline

Elori befriended a real life clown (Nova) who is very much into spanking.  So Nova and Elori were booked along with Snow Mercy, who also is known for being a great clown. About 6 years ago, I was talking to Hollie Stevens, who was perhaps the most famous clown in porn, about doing a clown spanking shoot. She seemed very eager to do it, but sadly Hollie passed away before this shoot could come to fruition.

Send in the clowns, send in the canes

So when Elori pitched her spanking clown concept, I was quick to latch onto her idea.  The shoot was fantastic, as well as being tons of fun.

Nova’s mom is in her “job” outfit while punishing her daughter

From that shoot, two scenes are now out on our sites, Clown Class Spanking on Girl Spanks Girl, and a Sweeties with Nova. Nova had a wildly entertaining interview, in which she tells about how her mom was a professional clown who often embarrassed Nova by dropping her off at school in full clown makeup. The other students teased her, but eventually Nova became a profession clown, just like her mom.

Snow Mercy (as Nova’s mom) gets creative with her use of a rubber chicken

Nova’s mom also disciplined her in the clown makeup. So it was perfect to cast Snow (the clown) as Nova’s mom, who gives her daughter a sound spanking.

They say rubber chickens hurt more than you would imagine

Both of the scenes include a little bit of spanking with a rubber chicken, which I am told stings a great deal, despite not making much noise. Hope you enjoy our clown spanking scenes – that include plenty of hard spanking, some caning, paddling, strict discipline, all while having fun and entertaining. For some, this might be scarier than “IT!”

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