We just released our episode 300 on My Spanking Roommate and we made sure it was a special one. It’s nearly 20 mins long and includes both original roommates Kay Richards (Kymberly Jane) and Madison Martin.

Madison Martin’s bottom looks as amazing as it did 12 years ago when the site started
Kay and Madison were in the first episode together 12 years ago and played roommates for about the first 6 years. Then for the sake of diversity, they split up and get new roommates every so often to keep the cast fresh. This spanking soap opera cast is up to 112 and counting.

Adriana Evans debuts in Episode 300 spanking Kay while she is on the phone to Madison
Kay and Madison both appear in Episode 300, but on the phone, talking to each other while they each are getting spanked. They appeared together in Episode 200, spanking each other, and who knows, maybe we will reunite them for Episode 400. It’s hard to say when they might retire from modeling. Madison talks about it, but so far she still answers the bell when it’s time to shoot. They still look great and have outstanding bottoms. So we shall see how long the ride lasts with them as co-stars of the site.

Kay actually recruited Madison to be on the site as they were real life friends with a kinky side
Kay, as Kymberly Jane, does a high volume of fetish work, while Madison only shoots for this site now as she scales back on her modeling. Episode 300 also includes Emily Parker, who has become an outstanding spanker. And it introduces spanking star Adriana Evans to this site as the apartment complex manager who spanks Kay for being late with her rent. A common theme these past dozen years.

Kay and Madison always dreaded the wooden hairbrush. Had to include one for Episode 300
Hope you love this Episode. It was so much fun to shoot and has a super high energy to it! We look forward to presenting you with many more great scenes on our way to 400.