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Tag: erotic spankings

Layden Sinn Gets a Real Spanking

by on Jun.26, 2012, under Spanking


A series has started running on Girl Spanks Girl called the Naughty Tutor.  Alexis Grace, who shoots with us whenever she is in town, plays the Tutor.  Alexis is about 6 ft tall and muscular.

She has developed the ability to spank very hard and she always works to bring her arm way up when she spanks (which gives her impact more force).  She is also very stern in real life and on videos as a top.  She embraced this role.


And she is very naughty, too, and loves to talk dirty and play with other girls.  So she was perfect for this part and had a blast shooting it.  In the first scene of the series, she spanks Layden Sinn.

In my opinion, Layden is as beautiful as any model I have ever worked with.  She is also naturally defiant, so she channeled her inner brattiness to perfection, and it got her spanked a little harder from Alexis.  To be clear, though, behind the scenes Layden is very sweet, with just a hint of brat.


Layden’s porcelain white bubble butt got very red in this scene.  She does not enjoy spanking, she took a  spanking that was probably a little harder than she expected to tolerate.  So believe me, this is a very real spanking.  And aside from a few playful swats she has received in scenes with other girls in the adult biz (she does only girl/girl scenes), this was the first ever real spanking for Layden.

Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do and I look forward to continuing what I plan to be a five part series.

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Best Friends Kissing and Spanking

by on Jan.13, 2012, under spanked girlfriends


We shot a scene recently that is now up on Girl Spanks Girl, and it featured real friends Alice Wonder and Nena. 

Alice is the one who got Nena involved in spanking, sending her Clare Fonda’s way a year or so ago.  When given the opportunity to do a makeout/spanking scene together, the two friends jumped at the chance. 

But the scene ended up being more about the spanking than the making out (maybe they are too close and it seemed strange – but at least they did a great job kissing each other passionately). 

They spanked each other without hesitation.  I remembered Alice spanking someone once before – Katherine St. James for Spanked Call Girls comes to mind.  And it was rather mild.  Alice definitely has improved as a spanker, even though she is thinner (go figure).  Alice gave Nena a very hard spanking. 

Nena doesn’t spank as hard.  But Clare comes into the scene and turns their bottoms both till they turn bright red and speckle.  It’s a very hard spanking for an erotic scene, even if the making out portion is on the brief side. 

Definitely worth checking out – two good friends kissing and spanking each other.  Which perhaps answers the age old question: What are friends for?

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Erotic Spankings Can Be Hard

by on Nov.29, 2011, under spanked girlfriends


I must admit that I sort of dig shooting erotic spanking scenes.  Dig, enjoy, love – however one might choose to describe it.  At first I thought they would be light spankings with two girls then making out. 

But sometimes, they end up being pretty hard spankings.  Mary Jane is great at  being a top.  She always brings it, even in an erotic scene.  Presently, there is an erotic scene running on Girl Spanks Girl in which she spanks Veronica Ricci. 

Then of course, they make out (it is an eroitc scene) and then Veronica spanks Mary Jane.  Pretty good stuff.

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How to Shoot the Erotic Spanking

by on May.20, 2011, under spanked girlfriends

Erotic Spanking

I will admit that I enjoy shooting erotic spankings.  They tend to be lighter (though not always), and run a little shorter, but the pay off is that you get to see (or in my case film) two girls making out, which some may be into, others not so much.  It’s all good for me. 

Part 2 of “The Other Girl” is now up on Girl Spanks Girl.  In the first part, Alexis Grace spanked Ash Hollywood for cheating with Alexis’s girlfriend (who is played by Mary Jane).  In the second part, Alexis spanks Mary Jane before admitting that she also made out with Ash. 

So Mary Jane spanks her, then they have make-up sex.  The sex (or makeout) scenes are rarely scripted ahead of time.  99% of the time, it is the models who decide what they are willing to do, or in some cases want to do, and they make that part of the scene happen themselves. 

Alexis is an incredibly sexual person (not to mention super hot), and she is really into this sort of shoot, which makes it comfortable for the other model and for the guy shooting the scene.  Here’s to hoping we get Alexis on the schedule again soon for another erotic spanking scene.

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Cheerleader Gets a Spanking

by on Jul.05, 2010, under Spanking


If I am going to be completely honest, I must admit that I really enjoy filming girls making out with each other.  Can’t explain it, but it is definitely something that is very, very enticing to film – to watch – whatever.  So there is a section of that features erotic spankings.   The latest shoot for this section was with Brooke Lee Adams and Mia Lelani.  They were both playing cheerleaders – which was cool because they said they WERE both cheerleaders in high school.  My guess is that they were popular with the boys AND the girls.  Here is a case where fantasy meets reality as the girls are both very cute and very much into sex – any kind of sex. 
Sometimes the spankings in the erotic scenes are very light – as the models are known more for their abilities to make out  then to give or take a spanking.  And as you will witness if you check out these very two same girls being spanked by Clare Fonda on, they could not take a hard enough spanking to qualify for casting as students in the Exclusive Education 5 spanking shoot coming up in August.  But what you should know if you are a true spanking fan, is that these two girls did in fact take spankings as hard as they possibly could.  So while their tolerance level might be extremely low, be assured that their reactions are very real – they are not acting – their bottoms were feeling the pain.
Brooke confessed that while she was spanked as a child, she hasn’t really been spanked since then.  It is not something that she is into in her personal life, but she was up for taking the pain for money and for her art.  And while she looks very much like the super cut girl-next-door – with the slightly plump bottom, she clearly knows how to do a seriously awesome girl/girl makeout. 
After we shot a scene in which Mia spanked Brooke as cheerleaders, we shot a scene in which Brooke spanked Mia as they were getting ready to go to a costume party.  I’ll share more about the behind the scenes of that scene in the next week or so, when that content appears on the girl spanks girl site.  We hope to shoot Brooke for a spanked sweeties interview in the fall – as we would love to hear more about the spankings she and her sisters received as children.
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