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Tag: Exclusive Education

The Return of Paris Kennedy

by on Aug.05, 2012, under Spanked school girls, Spanking


Paris Kennedy shot with Clare Fonda Productions when Paris was just 18 years old.  We were the first shoot she did of any kind.  Paris had short hair, was a bean pole and seemed very shy back then.  We shot her for a few years, for a variety of sites.  We watched her become more outgoing and get a few lady curves.  She was a regular on the Kara Prepare Yourself site, which can be found now as part of Spanked Call Girls.

Well, Paris got away from spanking for a some time, and focused more on her own sites, which centered around Superheroines.  She developed into a big name adult entertainer.  Clare often talked about reuniting with Paris for another spanking shoot.  But something always seemed to prevent it.  Clare and Paris always remained great friends and I would see her from time to time at a party (usually her birthday party – and yes she would get a birthday spanking). Recently, Paris started shooting spanking scenes again.


Finally, Paris is back on the CF sites, as she agreed to be one of the schoolgirls in EE7, found on Girl Spanks Girl.  With Paris returning, I thought she needed to be featured prominently in the schoolgirl scene.  There had to be some reason for the class to be disruptive.  Christy Cutie is in the cast.  I know she is great at playing bratty, and can take a harder spanking than anyone in the cast, which would be something you would expect to happen to the instigator.  So here was the marriage. Christy strips off Paris’s clothes and calls her a slut.  The class breaks out in chaos and of course that leads to all of them getting spanked.


I remembered that Paris’s butt turned red pretty quickly, but I don’t remember speckling.  Wow, did she ever speckle!  Snow laid right into poor Paris’s milky white bare bottom full force right away.


Welcome back to CF Worldwide, Paris!  After the shoot, Paris admitted it was a long time since she had a spanking like this one. But she is game to do it again.  So be on the lookout for more spanking scenes with the great Paris Kennedy!

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Exclusive Education Series Mastering Complete With EE3

by on Apr.11, 2012, under Spanked school girls


The first three Exclusive Education episodes were shot in standard definition.  And the girls brought their own uniforms, which of course did not match.  From EE4 on, it was HD and matching uniforms.  So you would think that if I had a favorite, it would be EE4, EE5 or EE6.

Well, I love them all, of course.  But I am going to be honest and tell you that EE1 was my least favorite and EE3 was my favorite.  Presently, EE3 is being remastered on Girl Spanks Girl.  When all of the 8 min. clips are up, it will complete the remastering project for this series.  So why was EE3 my favorite (so far)?

Well, mostly it’s the star power of the ladies.  It had our own superstars Kay Richards and Madison Martin.

It included other spanking superstars such as Sarah Gregory and Sinn Sage.  It included one of the all time blonde hottie adult stars Kylee Reese.  Naomi Cruz was electric as the defiant student.  Bouncing bottoms.  Sinn got paddled.  It was one of Beverly Bocci’s last shoots as a bottom.

Clare Fonda spanked so hard that her hand began to bleed.  What was not to love.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  Now in WMV format, with higher  resolution.

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Casting Exclusive Education 5

by on Jul.08, 2010, under Spanking

Exclusive Education 3Exclusive Education 3Exclusive Education 3
Casting has begun for the Exclusive Education video shoot to be held in early August.  As the cast is confirmed, I will share info on each cast member this month.  But for those of you who aren’t familiar with this series, they are shot each year – with multiple school girls getting spanked.  It is a HUGH video that is shot once a year and appears on Girl Spanks Girl.  This will be the fifth year of shooting this epic.  Of all of the spanking scenes that I have ever shot or seen on any site or on any video (and this is MANY), there has never been anything close to this series for spanking spectacle. 
There have been up to TEN school girls getting spanked and in addition, there are typically three spankers.  There is a second cameraman helping to get all this on camera (we use three cameras).  Pretty much anywhere we point our cameras, something amazing is happening.  There is a buzz during this shoot – the girls get excited and always get into it and it seems VERY VERY REAL!  If you haven’t seen one of these, you need to check it out. 
The best way is to join the Girl Spanks Girl site, where you can check out the last four years of Exclusive Education.  The DVDs are also on sale at Shadow Lane.  There is so much to share about these shoots – and I will share it all leading up to and right after the big Exclusive Education 5 shoot.  And in future blogs I will share some stories from past EE shoots.  For now enjoy these photos from last year’s shoot (the first not done in a classroom – we’re back to school this year for EE5).
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