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Tag: Family Spanking

Tough Girls – Physically and Mentally

by on Jan.27, 2011, under Spanking


There is a long scene currently running on Girl Spanks Girl called Panties Down.  Now this was an interesting shoot that was very challenging for the two girls who were getting spanked.  Normally shoots are very controlled and the girl getting spanked can “cut” if the pain gets to be too much or if she is having a hard time emotionally. 

But during this shoot, Lana acted very much like the girl’s mom (though she was playing their Aunt) and would not let them pull back in any way.  Sydnee Capri has done spanking shoots before, yet this one was really making her feel the pain and her reactions are VERY real. 

But poor Kandi Kreams probably had no idea what she was getting herself into – as she has no spanking experience other than what she got growing up.  And she said not only did this bring back memories of childhood discipline, it hurt A LOT more.  Lana went to town on these large bottoms and it is a very powerful scene – which runs about an hour. 

The shoot was also challenging because there was an unwanted male in the house where we were shooting and he apparently did not approve of what we were doing.  He was huffing around, slamming doors.  But believe me, unlike many (most??) models, these girls are mentally strong and were not phased at all by this rude guest. 

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