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Tag: Fet Con

Fet Con Part 3

by on Sep.10, 2013, under Spanking

As promised I will wrap up my observations of the Fetish Convention (Fet Con) I attended a few weeks ago.  I talked about the models I shot with, the models I ran into and didn’t get a chance to shoot. Now I want to share some of the wild and interesting things that go on there.

Flogging went on at one of the parties

It is quite organized, with lots of lectures, vendors fairs and parties. Something is going on virtually all the time one attends.

Our dear Missy Rhodes is a star in the Clips4sale booth

It was held in Tampa, Florida, where it is hot and muggy in August, so the incentive is to stay and play in the hotel where the event is held. Pretty much the entire hotel was filled with kinky people, walking around day and night, letting their freak flag fly so to speak.

Isobel Wren and Sahrye stand on Welcome Mat

An interesting note: at the opening night meet and greet, I met a wonderful guy who seems so happy despite having no legs and calling himself the welcome mat. He encourages young ladies to stand on him and even step on his nuts. Lots of them were complying. Interestingly enough, I scheduled two models, Sahrye and Isobel Wren, for shoots while they were standing on top of him.

There was plenty of spanking going on. And there were two dungeons.  Veronica and I got kicked out of one because we picked up a tawse we thought was available to the public, but it turned out to belong to some player.  A scrawny looking security guard came up to us and was very offended and very serious when trying to lecture us on proper dungeon etiquette. But we left before he could toss us, even though either one of us could take him down on a bad day.

Anyway, the dungeons seemed to be for very serious players, and we hung around the lighter fetish activities after that, including a lesson in hypnosis.

There were many, many fetishes on display and being practiced. Bondage was popular of course.  But foot play seemed to be the most publicly displayed fetish, then probably spanking, and then bondage. And others.  TV, Age play, fire, lift & carry, furries are just some of the others I noticed.

Alexis Grace makes a nice tickle target

We found our pal Alexis Grace getting a brutal tickle session for all to see. At night, the pool and hot tub were very active, and you could sometimes see people making out (or more) in their hotel windows for all to see.

We did manage to get away to go to a nearby museum one day, just to break up all the shooting and observing.

It was quite a trip and I am very interested in attending again next year.

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Fet Con Part 1

by on Aug.23, 2013, under Spanking

So much went on at Fet Con that I can’t possibly cover it all in one blog post.  So I will break it up in sections.  Part 1 is dedicated to the models I wasn’t able to shoot on this trip for various reasons.

There were plans to shoot with Ludella Hahn, but we never were able to meet up. Superstar Alexis Grace said she was available, briefly, but only after I was booked solid.

Ember Skye, Alexis Grace, Missy Rhodes will shoot next time!

Alexis is a big deal at Fet Con and hard to squeeze in.  The same for Missy Rhodes, who along with Ashley Fires are spokes-models for Clips4sale.  I did get to visit with both Alexis and Missy, but alas no shooting with them for sites this time.

I ran into Sinn Saige when all shooting was over, and she said she would love to shoot for the sites again.  Her booty was looking more amazing than ever.  So that will happen in the next couple of months.  Amelia Jane Rutherford was one of the guest models, as was Candle Boxxx, both of whom have shot with me in the past. Both were pretty much overbooked this trip.  I even tried booking Amelia in advance.

“P” is for “party” and “Paris Kennedy” – one in the same

I saw the lovely Paris Kennedy there, who was pretty much shooting for her own sites. And partying. Kay Richards (Kymberly Jane) was there in the beginning to give great instructions to a first time visitor to this crazy convention.

I ran into Cheyenne Jewel at a restaurant – when it appeared we were both already booked solid. For the most part, my goal was to shoot as many new models as I could. And that will be what my next blog is all about.

It was great seeing some of the stars of our sites there, though, along with some models I haven’t seen for a few years.

And then there was the one that got away – a young, stunning, super tall blonde model that I saw the first night there and never again the entire trip. I missed a chance to ask her to shoot and I don’t even know her name.

Maybe next year.

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