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Tag: Girl Spanks Girl

Exclusive Education 7 Coming Soon!

by on Jul.20, 2012, under Spanked school girls


The above photo is for an upcoming scene for the Spanking Sorority Girls site.  Veronica Ricci is spanking Phoenix Askani.

This was shot just a couple of days ago, and was more or less a test to see if Phoenix could tolerate spanking enough to be in the up coming Exclusive Education 7 shoot, which is happening in a couple of days from now.  I plan to have it up by the end of July on the Girl Spanks Girl site.  Phoenix passed the test with flying colors (the color of speckled red to be precise).  So she is in.

Joining Phoenix as school girls in the class of EE7 are  Paris Kennedy (finally she is going to be one of our school girls – we have been begging her for years), Ginger S., Christy Cuite, Riley, Edanya (from the Dominion), Koko (also from the Dominion), Katherine St. James (in what might be her last spanking shoot), and  there will be a cameo from Veronica Ricci.  Principal Lana Miller will be shooting in the Principal’s office this year with Porcelain Ass (we will call her Porsha in this scene).  And Snow Mercy will be the teacher, with Sarah Gregory as her Teacher’s Assistant.

So that makes for a total of a lucky 13 ladies appearing in this epic.  I will keep you posted as to how it goes in the first year post-Clare Fonda.

I do want to give a shout out to Clare, however, for helping me in MANY ways to prepare for this shoot.

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Mandee Gets First Ever Spanking in Schoolgirl Video

by on Aug.23, 2011, under Spanked school girls

mandee1.jpgschoolgirls spanked

Exclusive Education 6 is up now on Girl Spanks Girl.  The first two photo sets went up Monday and today, and the first video clip will appear tomorrow.  There will be lots to blog about this massive shoot. 

Today I want to talk about the thing that jumped out at me the most while shooting and editing this epic.  And that is Mandee Miller, who is the real life niece of Lana (who plays Principal Miller in this series).  Now I have known Lana for quite some time, and I met her niece once or twice.  She always seemed so shy that I was surprised she agreed to appear in a spanking video.

Lana raised Mandee as if she were her own daughter.  And Lana had never spanked Mandee before this shoot.  There is a great outtake, that will appear at the end of the run of videos in the “blooper” clip, where Lana admits out loud, on camera, that she has thought about spanking Mandee from time to time but never did it till now. 

So this was a long time coming.  And if anything, Lana seemed to spank Mandee a little harder than she spanked the other girls.  And Mandy was sometimes grinning (a nervious grin which happens sometimes in spanking scenes), and often Mandee was letting out this high-pitched yelping sound.  All very real reactions.  Mandee is in fact, a cute school girl, so she brings amazing authenticity to this scene.  We will have to see if she ever shoots another spanking video or if this started and ended her career in spanking.

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Best Picture Tonight – Why Not Paris Is Burning?

by on Feb.28, 2011, under Spanking


Just finished watching the Oscars – not any surprises.  And while at least one film I  know of got nominated included a spanking scene (TRUE GRIT), none of Clare Fonda’s films got nominated. 

Too bad PARIS IS BURNING was actually shot some time ago, but is now available on Girl Spanks Girl, since maybe it would’ve won some award.  It was one of the first scenes we ever shot with Paris – I believe she was only 18 at the time.  This is how I remember that scene coming to pass.  We did our first shoot with Paris at Clare’s place (an apartment back then). 

 And Paris was talking about all of the circus tricks she could do – eat glass, take a bath in broken glass, light parts of her body on fire, put a screw driver in her nose, etc.  So me being me, I suggested we incorporate some of those “tricks” into some of our scenes. 

So we shot at these 2 goth girls super cool creepy house and we actually lit Paris’s ass on fire (again my suggestion) while one of the Goth girls spanked out the flames.  Then of course continued spanking her. 

Check it out and tell me it is not worthy of some sort of Oscar.  Come on, ask yourself this – how many other scenes have you seen in which a girl has her butt lit on fire (FOR REAL NO TRICKS) and it gets spanked out?  Maybe I’ll start working on a very short acceptance speech.

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Casting Exclusive Education 5

by on Jul.08, 2010, under Spanking

Exclusive Education 3Exclusive Education 3Exclusive Education 3
Casting has begun for the Exclusive Education video shoot to be held in early August.  As the cast is confirmed, I will share info on each cast member this month.  But for those of you who aren’t familiar with this series, they are shot each year – with multiple school girls getting spanked.  It is a HUGH video that is shot once a year and appears on Girl Spanks Girl.  This will be the fifth year of shooting this epic.  Of all of the spanking scenes that I have ever shot or seen on any site or on any video (and this is MANY), there has never been anything close to this series for spanking spectacle. 
There have been up to TEN school girls getting spanked and in addition, there are typically three spankers.  There is a second cameraman helping to get all this on camera (we use three cameras).  Pretty much anywhere we point our cameras, something amazing is happening.  There is a buzz during this shoot – the girls get excited and always get into it and it seems VERY VERY REAL!  If you haven’t seen one of these, you need to check it out. 
The best way is to join the Girl Spanks Girl site, where you can check out the last four years of Exclusive Education.  The DVDs are also on sale at Shadow Lane.  There is so much to share about these shoots – and I will share it all leading up to and right after the big Exclusive Education 5 shoot.  And in future blogs I will share some stories from past EE shoots.  For now enjoy these photos from last year’s shoot (the first not done in a classroom – we’re back to school this year for EE5).
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