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Tag: Hair length

Long Hair VS Short Hair (during a spanking)

by on May.28, 2011, under Spanking


There has always been an age old debate about long hair vs. short hair.  I have always had a strong opinion that 99.9% of the men who are into women prefer long hair.  And the guys who say they like short hair are either

1. Trying to win over a girl with short hair or

2. Lying. 

While shooting hundreds of spanking models, I have observed that the large percentage of them have longer hair (shoulder length or longer).  Until recently, I have not shot someone with hair that is shorter than the shoulder that I have actually paid much attention to (perhaps I am biased or not rational). 

But this changed when we shot Ash Hollywood, presently up on Spanked Sweeties.  She is beautiful and her hair doesn’t quite reach her shoulders.  So maybe I have to rethink my bias.  Or maybe she is the exception to the rule.  When she is over Clare Fonda’s knee, though, she still has bangs that flow down, but don’t cover her face, so maybe there is the illusion of long hair.

I have posted photos of Kay Richards the one time she cut her hair shorter than her shoulders, along with photos of Kay’s standard slighly below shoulder lenght look.  Judge for yourself. 

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